When designing a node form:
- both global (workflow) variables and local (node) variables will still be available
- a dedicated transient schema will be generated to handle global variables that are editable within a node
- on platform side, when completing a task
- a transient DocumentModel will be created associated with the node schema handling the local variables + the transient schema handling the global variable used within the form
- From the variables map (workflow + node) submitted for task completion, the 2 schema fields will be valued
- if the wokflow variable map contains a variable that does not match one of the field of the transient schema, a security exception is thrown (this means we are trying to edit a global variable within a task completion that we are not allowed to)
- the validation is processed on this DocumentModel but nothing is persisted.
- if the validation went through, the workflow engine will complete the task and run as it is
At this point, nothing change in the workflow design UI.
- depends on
NXP-15958 Allow importing an exploded zip workflow contribution
- Open