When an assignee completes a task, the task in the workflow is automatically re-assigned to the project admin and the project admin receives a notification. the due date is left blank and the status of the task shows "late"
When the task is
- An email notification is sent to the project admins when a task is completed
- No notification is sent when the task is rejected
- After being completed, the due date is empty
- is related to
NBM-247 As a project member assigned to a task, I can choose to complete or reject a task and include a message on the task when I am finished.
- Resolved
NBM-82 (defines the workflow/tasks used in deliverable view) As a Project Admin I can access a general routing workflow when I choose a deliverable type.
- Resolved
NBM-243 As a Project Admin on the deliverable view, I can assign a wf task to a project member and define a due date
- Resolved
NBM-245 As a Project Admin, I can choose to skip a step on a workflow
- Closed