Release Notes - Nuxeo Platform - Version 2023.15 - HTML format


  • [NXP-32726] - Return 400 status code for incorrect entity-type
  • [NXP-32742] - Fix ZIP import for document with path traversal values


  • [NXP-32751] - Upgrade Tomcat to 9.0.91
  • [NXP-32757] - Fix benchmark tests on 2023
  • [NXP-32766] - Convert ScimV2 to Jakarta RS application
  • [NXP-32768] - Exclude lucene version pulled by om.hp.hpl.jena:arq


  • [NXP-30114] - Improve MongoDB Errors Handling
  • [NXP-32748] - Scim 2.0: Do not fetch group members when not needed

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