Release Notes - Nuxeo Platform - Version 2021.54 - HTML format


  • [NXP-32441] - Upgrade Avro from 1.9.2 to 1.11.3
  • [NXP-32455] - TrashAction should not fail on orphan proxies
  • [NXP-32496] - Avoid warning about stream metrics when starting from scratch
  • [NXP-32511] - Missing Avro schemas for Document and Blob domain events
  • [NXP-32534] - Computation should not terminate silently on Throwable


  • [NXP-32505] - Use Oracle Linux 7 instead of CentOS 7 as base image for LTS 2021 Docker image
  • [NXP-32514] - use Keycloak auth after Automation basic auth in specific auth chains
  • [NXP-32521] - Upgrade Tomcat to 9.0.89

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