Release Notes - Nuxeo Platform - Version 10.10-HF55 - HTML format


  • [NXP-30545] - Improve robustness of DBSSession.remove(String rootId) wrt reference of non-existent proxies
  • [NXP-30550] - Log more information on ClassCastException on readComplexProperty
  • [NXP-30578] - Fix READ ACLS computation on versions after a permission change
  • [NXP-30657] - Fix poor performance of automation helper functions
  • [NXP-30686] - Document.DeleteRelation not removing relation when "outgoing" parameter is "false"
  • [NXP-30687] - Bulk action on retention search is not working properly
  • [NXP-30705] - Prevent bulk action 'recomputeViews' from updating document's dublincore properties
  • [NXP-30712] - Text finder errors should always fail the stage/build
  • [NXP-30719] - Errors when querying for Users and Groups



  • [NXP-28316] - Keep the platform fully available while performing a re-indexing with alias
  • [NXP-30637] - Make MailMessageBlobHolder depend on MailMessage inheritance
  • [NXP-30673] - Enable to set bulk query limit from PP rest invokation
  • [NXP-30674] - Use longer socket timeout elastic index command
  • [NXP-30702] - Improve Groovy class loading in SegmentIOMapper

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