Release Notes - Nuxeo Platform - Version 6.0-HF37 - HTML format


  • [NXP-16997] - Shibboleth logout redirect to itself
  • [NXP-19660] - Fix My Tasks widget refresh issue when changing the locale
  • [NXP-19661] - Fix My Tasks widget wrong content language when changing the locale variant
  • [NXP-20792] - Fix Java version evaluation at startup
  • [NXP-21554] - Fix CSS for new CLID display in wizard and Admin NOS tab
  • [NXP-21574] - vocabulary entries created with Directory.CreateEntries are not visible in widgets
  • [NXP-21676] - Reset Drive synchronization on copied documents
  • [NXP-21682] - magic.xml file wrongly updated by Jenkins after 6.0 release
  • [NXP-21714] - addons-core visible in 7.10 possibly in 6.0
  • [NXP-21854] - Don't send duplicate ids to Drive by default when creating a Folder/File with an existing title
  • [NXP-21863] - Cannot start Nuxeo with Java 8 u121 on Windows
  • [NXP-21866] - Fix document uid and path value after creation when skipping versioning


  • [NXP-21853] - Allow to not overwrite an existing folder at import

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