The selected state of an element is not conveyed to screen reader users.
Element Name: Selected button 'Switch to table view'/ 'Switch to Grid view'
Location: In the main region of the page.
NVDA is narrating incorrect state as 'Unavailable', instead of 'Selected'.
Recommendation to fix
The name, role, value, states, and properties of user interface components MUST be programmatically determinable by assistive technologies.
Fix this issue by using the aria-selected attribute with the following four ARIA roles: gridcell, option, row, tab.
WAI-ARIA Recommendation:
WAI ARIA Authoring Practices:
States and properties are attributes used to convey essential information about an element to screen readers and other assistive technologies. Some roles require certain state and property information - such as the checked/unchecked state of a checkbox. Native HTML elements provide those required states and properties, so nothing more needs to be done. If you create a custom version of a native HTML element or a custom control or widget that does not have a native HTML equivalent, you must add the relevant states and properties using ARIA.