Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: 2.4.0
Component/s: Spreadsheet
Release Notes Summary:Spreadsheet can now be used with many columns.
Backlog priority:900
The Web UI spreadsheet editor uses an <iframe /> via get w/ base64 encoded json being passed in. Encoded payload includes, column names, labels etc. For our use case, we have a large number of columns, which has us quickly blow past the recommended limit recommended by the browser. Right now we blow away the 8K w/ ease since we have a lot of columns in our schema and the view layer in web-ui can contain a large number of columns.
- On-premise deployments could workaround this limit and bump up the nuxeo.xml in tomcat to maxHttpHeaderSize="65536". This works only for on-premise, and in our case cannot be done since we are running in AWS.
- AWS ELB has a hard limit on the request line (8K for ALB / 16K for NLB).
- https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticloadbalancing/latest/userguide/how-elastic-load-balancing-works.html
- These hard limits cannot be changed