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  1. Nuxeo Studio
  2. NXS-3401

Link to feature in documentation




      As a Studio user, when I write a feature documentation I am able to easily express a link to another existing feature. This link is active and directs me to the actual feature when the editor is inactive or in a documentation export.

      • The actual link is stored as [[featureType/featureID]] (ex: [[automationChain/ValidateContract]])

      When I start typing for a feature name, autocompletion is offered.

      • feature link autocompletion is triggered by typing [[ used when beginning to start searching for a feature, or by pressing ctrl+space when these characters are detected within the same word (words are separated by a space)
      • autocompletion is offered on feature types (ex: userAction, workflow, automationChain) and feature ID
      • autocompletion is case INsensitive
      • autocompletion shows me what kind of feature it is referring to so I can choose easily even if several features are named the same way
      • autocompletion shows me all features that start with what I type
      • If I started by typing the feature type (see explanations and samples below), autocompletion only offers features that belong to that kind
      • Autocompletion shows me the 5 first results, sorted alphabetically in ascending order.
      • If I want to enlarge the results, I can use the * sign as a wildcard.
      • When a feature is renamed, the link is updated in the documentation to reflect it.
      • Samples
        For all following samples, my project contains the following features:
        ValidateContract (user action)
        ValidateContract (automation chain)
        UpdateContractValidation (event handler)
      • I write
      • I will see
        ValidateContract [userAction]
        ValidateContract [automationChain]
      • I choose
        ValidateContract [userAction]
      • The final result is


      • I write
      • I will see
        ValidateContract [userAction]
      • I choose
        ValidateContract [userAction]
      • The final result is
        and I can now use autocomplete to search for a feature ID.


      • I write
      • I will see
        ValidateContract [userAction]
      • I choose
      • The final result is
        and I can now use autocomplete to search for a feature ID among user actions only.

      The expressed format above is to be considered a sample for understanding, actual format is to be discussed for technical feasability.




            • Assignee:
              bchauvin Bertrand Chauvin
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