The following JARs need to be updated:
1. com.sun.xm.xsom - upgrade to 20081112 (both in nuxeo and apricot)
2. geronimo-components-transaction - upgrade to 2.2.1 (both in nuxeo and apricot)
3. geronimo-components-connector - upgrade to 2.2.1 (both in nuxeo and apricot)
for this JAR you need to re-apply the patch we ve done for the current version
4. org.mvel2 - upgrade to 2.0.19 (both in nuxeo and apricot)
5. jersey-core - upgrade to 1.11 (both in nuxeo and apricot)
for this JAR we need to remove the package and publish in our maven repository.
Also, upgrading to that version is deprecating some custom code in jax-rs which is doing the integration of jersey in an OSGi environment.
6. jersey-server - upgrade to 1.11 (both in nuxeo and apricot)
7. jersey-servlet - upgrade to 1.11 (both in nuxeo and apricot). This is a new JAR needed by jersey 1.11
8. postgresql jdbc4 driver - upgrade to 9.1-901 (only in apricot)
9. all opencmis jars - upgrade to 0.6.0 (only in apricot)
- depends on
NXP-8826 Fix error on redirection after document creation with spaces in URI
- Resolved