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  1. Nuxeo Platform
  2. NXP-32824

Fix nuxeo LTS 2021 docker build



    • Type: Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Priority: Blocker
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: 2021.58
    • Component/s: CI/CD, Docker Image
    • Team:
    • Sprint:
      nxplatform #118
    • Story Points:


      Since few days the nuxeo LTS 2021 docker build is failing with the following error:

      [INFO] DOCKER> 46.53 Resolving Dependencies
      [INFO] DOCKER> 46.53 --> Running transaction check
      [INFO] DOCKER> 46.53 ---> Package remi-release.noarch 0:7.9-6.el7.remi will be installed
      [INFO] DOCKER> 46.53 --> Processing Dependency: epel-release = 7 for package: remi-release-7.9-6.el7.remi.noarch
      [INFO] DOCKER> 46.54 --> Finished Dependency Resolution
      [INFO] DOCKER> 46.54 Error: Package: remi-release-7.9-6.el7.remi.noarch (/remi-release-7)
      [INFO] DOCKER> 46.54            Requires: epel-release = 7
      [INFO] DOCKER> 46.54  You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
      [INFO] DOCKER> 46.58  You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
      [INFO] DOCKER> ------
      [INFO] DOCKER> Dockerfile:66
      [INFO] DOCKER> --------------------
      [INFO] DOCKER>   65 |     # Install required software
      [INFO] DOCKER>   66 | >>> RUN yum -y update \
      [INFO] DOCKER>   67 | >>>   && yum -y --setopt=skip_missing_names_on_install=False install \
      [INFO] DOCKER>   68 | >>>     https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-${EL_VERSION}.noarch.rpm \
      [INFO] DOCKER>   69 | >>>     gzip \
      [INFO] DOCKER>   70 | >>>     # Install java first to provide it for depend packages (such as libreoffice)
      [INFO] DOCKER>   71 | >>>     zulu11-jdk \
      [INFO] DOCKER>   72 | >>>   # Install LibreOffice
      [INFO] DOCKER>   73 | >>>   && curl -f -L https://packages.nuxeo.com/repository/document-foundation-raw/LibreOffice_${LIBREOFFICE_VERSION}_Linux_x86-64_rpm.tar.gz | tar -C /tmp -xzv \
      [INFO] DOCKER>   74 | >>>   && yum -y localinstall /tmp/LibreOffice_${LIBREOFFICE_VERSION}*/RPMS/*.rpm \
      [INFO] DOCKER>   75 | >>>   && ln -s /opt/libreoffice$(echo $LIBREOFFICE_VERSION | cut -f 1,2 -d ".")/program/soffice /usr/bin/soffice \
      [INFO] DOCKER>   76 | >>>   && ln -s /opt/libreoffice$(echo $LIBREOFFICE_VERSION | cut -f 1,2 -d ".")/program/soffice /usr/bin/libreoffice \
      [INFO] DOCKER>   77 | >>>   && rm -rf /tmp/LibreOffice_${LIBREOFFICE_VERSION}* \
      [INFO] DOCKER>   78 | >>>   # latest ImageMagick6 update for Oracle Linux 7 is provided by Remi's RPM repository
      [INFO] DOCKER>   79 | >>>   && yum -y install https://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-${EL_VERSION}.rpm \
      [INFO] DOCKER>   80 | >>>   && yum -y --enablerepo=remi install ImageMagick6 \
      [INFO] DOCKER>   81 | >>>   # install other tools, ol7_optional_latest repository is required for libwpd-tools
      [INFO] DOCKER>   82 | >>>   && yum -y --setopt=skip_missing_names_on_install=False --enablerepo=ol${EL_VERSION}_optional_latest install \
      [INFO] DOCKER>   83 | >>>     ghostscript \
      [INFO] DOCKER>   84 | >>>     less \
      [INFO] DOCKER>   85 | >>>     libwpd-tools \
      [INFO] DOCKER>   86 | >>>     # required by exiftool to extract binary metadata from open office document
      [INFO] DOCKER>   87 | >>>     perl-Archive-Zip \
      [INFO] DOCKER>   88 | >>>     perl-Image-ExifTool \
      [INFO] DOCKER>   89 | >>>     poppler-utils \
      [INFO] DOCKER>   90 | >>>     ufraw \
      [INFO] DOCKER>   91 | >>>     unzip \
      [INFO] DOCKER>   92 | >>>     wget \
      [INFO] DOCKER>   93 | >>>     # Add CJK fonts
      [INFO] DOCKER>   94 | >>>     google-noto-cjk-fonts \
      [INFO] DOCKER>   95 | >>>   && yum clean all
      [INFO] DOCKER>   96 |
      [INFO] DOCKER> --------------------

      It seems that remi-release now requires epel-release.




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