Since NXP-23741 the Nuxeo launcher decodes the configuration properties which impacts the value read by Framework.getProperty
Steps to reproduce:
- add this line to nuxeo.conf (or any nuxeo.defaults)
search.default.article.type.filter=Livre,Publicit\u00e9,S\u00e9rie ou h\u00e9ros,Sous-s\u00e9rie et h\u00e9ros
- run "nuxeoctl configure"
- open nxserver/config/ and observe that the value has been decoded
search.default.article.type.filter=Livre,Publicité,Série ou héros,Sous-série et héros
- now run a little program (or put a breakpoint) where you'll read this property with Framework.getProperty
- observe that a value with incorrect characters is
Livre,Publicité,Série ou héros,Sous-série et héros
Expected behavior: Framework.getProperty returns the same value as the one in (or the decoded value from nuxeo.conf)