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  1. Nuxeo Platform
  2. NXP-32222

Aspera Transfers - Issue for external users when creating transfers



    • Sprint:
      Connectors February
    • Story Points:


      External users are getting an error when trying to create the transfer using the Aspera Upload button on a shared folder.


      This is related to : https://jira.nuxeo.com/browse/SUPNXP-47694


      We need to analyze this further.

      There are two issues: 
      1. When a transient/external user is given ReadWrite permission the user is getting one email. When he opens the link of workspace from mail and tries to create a transfer aspera dashboard New Upload button, user is getting NullPointer and transfer not getting created due to missing target location.

      2. When a transient/external user is given ReadWrite permission the user is getting one email. When he opens the link of workspace from mail and tries to create a transfer from workspace itself it is creating a transfer but in Aspera Dashboard. User have to choose the transfer and then upload files/folders. Ideally when he clicks on aspera icon from workspace it should directly open the transfer not the dashboard.

      P.S: We don’t have the Create Permission at our end so we have tried to fix the issue what we have observed.




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