We need to create a helmfile environment to deploy the Nuxeo benchmark environment.
This environment will deploy:
- a MongoDB
- an Elasticsearch
- two Kafka nodes
- two Nuxeo nodes
The MongoDB and Elasticsearch services will have their own dedicated node on the node pool. This will be achieved by setting their requested CPU & memory to 16 CPU and 64 Go.
The Kafka service will be deployed on the same node than Nuxeo. This will be achieved by leveraging podAffinity and podAntiAffinity, see this example.
Kafka will have 4 CPU & 16Go, Nuxeo will have 12 CPU & 32Go.
Nuxeo will be deployed with one front and one worker nodes like it is done in our cloud environments.
We will leverage our S3 buckets as blob provider.
- is related to
NXP-30998 Parameterised the benchmark pipeline
- Resolved