How to reproduce the issue
- Create a new document and move the content into ColdStorage
- After moving a document to ColdStorage, the class storage transition will be handle by AWS (after 24h).
- A document is considered to be in In ColdSorage, only if the class storage has been updated ( from Standard to Glacier).
- Every hour a scheduler job will check if all documents under transition have been completed.
- if it’s the case the document properties will be updated ( remove coldstorage:classStorageToUpdate and allow the file to be restored or retrieved for 24 hours)
The document seems to be in ColdStorage but the process cannot end-up
if we make the transition ( in the hour) manually using the AWS command line or UI the issue won’t happen.
- duplicates
NXP-30632 Fix blobProviderId still present when moving blob from a S3 blob provider to another S3 blob provider
- Resolved