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  1. Nuxeo Platform
  2. NXP-30343

Restore a file from S3 Glacier to S3 standard




      User story

      As a granted user, I want to manually restore the main file of a document from S3 Glacier in order to have access to the master file.

      As a granted user, when the user clicks on the action to restore the file from cold storage we should display a modal explaining what that would mean.



      The goal is to provide an action at document level to restore the main file of a document from S3 Glacier. The main use case is to manage mistakes.

      This action is available by REST API, operation, and in WebUI (on the document view and on a resultset of documents).

      This action is available only for users with the WriteColdStorage permission.


      Acceptance criteria

      • As a user with WriteColdStorage permission, when I click on the S3 Glacier restore, I see a modal dialog describing what will happen. I can cancel or click ok (for now, we bind this to the restore api/operation. when used, the client should have a way to configure a work flow or other business logic to occur on click).
      • As a user with WriteColdStorage permission, I can use a REST API to restore a document
      • As a user with WriteColdStorage permission, I can use an operation to restore a document
      • As a user with read permission, I can see the file once it is restored
      • As a user with read permission, once the file has been restored, I no longer see the header warning the user the file is on Glacier.


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                  Time Tracking

                  Original Estimate - Not Specified
                  Not Specified
                  Remaining Estimate - 0 minutes
                  Time Spent - 1 day, 2 hours
                  1d 2h