Type: Bug
Status: Open
Priority: Minor
Resolution: Unresolved
Affects Version/s: 10.10
Fix Version/s: HOTFIX_10.10, 11.x
Component/s: Preview
Backlog priority:300
A PDF in a ZIP file is previewed as ASCII file
Take a 10.10-HF-ed release
- Create a ZIP file containing a PDF with a name such as "Support.pdf"
- Create a File document with the ZIP as file:content
- Preview the ZIP file: it lists the files inhe ZIP as links
- Click on the link "Support.pdf" : it displays as text file!
Expected result in 10.10: PDF in the ZIP file displayed as PDF file
In nightly.nuxeo.com, the ZIP preview is currently failing in attempting to display the ZIP as a PDF, which is also wrong
Expected result on nightly: ZIP preview listing the content of the ZIP and then PDF displayed as PDF