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  1. Nuxeo Platform
  2. NXP-29309

Improve the auto creation feature



    • Type: Improvement
    • Status: Resolved
    • Priority: Minor
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: None
    • Component/s: Aspera Connector


       NXP-27574 introduce different changes on both sides UI and Server.

      When dealing with the  NXP-27574 we observers that some exiting codes can be improved like:

       Refactor the code responsible of creation the Nuxeo documents of the Transfer files 

      • Replace the process creating those documents by using a computation instead of A Worker 
      • Add more integration tests: S3...

       This new ticket will be responsible to deal with the points above but also dealing with the remarques (FIXME, TODO) that we left when dealing NXP-27574 like for example  here to be more consistent we should look for the FIXME and TODO and correct them.


      as UI improvements:

      • improve the JS documentation
      • avoid duplication between for example transfer summary and meta data by using the introduced behaviour for exemple to avoid make same code  to retrieve infos from server.
      • I don't know if we have a dedicated ticket but we should try to find a best solution for the refresh on a list of transfer because it makes some inconsistency
      • We should also deal the automatique creation of a transfer, some times it seems for me that it's not visible on UI and when we try to create a new one it ended with an error and there an existing code which disable the polling at then end the new created transfer will in the wrong state ....  



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