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  1. Nuxeo Platform
  2. NXP-28277

[Instance CLID] Allow swapping the instance.clid while nuxeo is running




      When Nuxeo is running, it happens that the licence comes to its expiration date, meaning that we have to reference a new instance.clid.
      Whenever we are in cluster or in a Hight Availability environment, it might not make sense to redeploy all instances of Nuxeo just to register the new clid.
      It would be nice to have a way to check the licence like once a day or once a month, so we can swap instance.clid easily.

      Another thing would be to be able to specify the path of the instance.clid, so whenever we run on Kubernetes, we can use the configMaps to store the clid and replicate it within the pod super easily. The constraint here is that the path to the clid has to be different from a folder Nuxeo is using because Kubernetes make the parent folder Read Only and that could cause problems.

      Meaning that is we change the `nuxeo.data.dir` is not enough to make it work.




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