The search form contains these actions
<div class="actions"> <paper-button noink="" class="reset" disabled$="[[!dirty]]" on-tap="_reset" hidden$="[[!_isSavedSearch(selectedSearchIdx)]]"> [[i18n('command.Reset')]] </paper-button> <div class="layout horizontal"> <paper-button noink="" class="primary clear" on-tap="_clear"> [[i18n('command.clear')]] </paper-button> <paper-button noink="" class="primary search" on-tap="_search" hidden$="[[auto]]"> [[i18n('')]] </paper-button> </div> </div>
But command.clear and command.Reset have the same translation in French: RĂ©initialiser.
We should have 2 distinct translations, above all when the 2 labels are used in the same form. Maybe command.clear could be translated into Annuler.
- is duplicated by
WEBUI-860 Custom search drawer tab - two "reset" buttons instead of one
- Resolved