Type: New Feature
Status: Resolved
Priority: Minor
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: 8.10, 9.10, 10.2
Component/s: Core IO
Release Notes Summary:FS exporter exposes a plugin which exports like Nuxeo Drive.
Sprint:NCE 1
An FS exporter should provide a way to export the repository like it is shown in Drive.
Default exporter plugin uses doc#getName() to get the name of the folder. Drive Exporter plugin should use the title of the document instead and avoid name collision by adding an integer at the end of the path.
Default exporter exports all blobs of a Document, Drive Exporter should only export the main blob (using BlobHolder#getBlob())
For collision of folder names, the plugin adds _n at the end of the name until one free is found. Example:
folderWithCollision folderWithCollision_1 folderWithCollision_2
For collision of filenames, the plugin adds _n at the end of the name without the extension until one free is found. Example:
fileWithCollision fileWithCollision_1 fileWithcollision.txt fileWithcollision_1.txt