There is 2 user reserved flags on computation record, the flag USER2 is not properly encoded and create error on decoding.
Record myRecord = Record.of("key", "value".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); myRecord.setFlags(EnumSet.of(Record.Flag.COMMIT, Record.Flag.USER2));
when this record is decoded it raises:
[ComputationRunner] Exception in processLoop: null
at java.util.EnumSet.typeCheck(
at java.util.RegularEnumSet.add(
at java.util.RegularEnumSet.add(
The decoding is not working properly because of bad cast between a byte and a signed short so the last flag (which is USER2) generates the above error.
Others 7 flags works.
- is required by
AICORE-105 Document processor to TFrecord
- Resolved