As a user on a creation/edit form
I want to receive suggestions from ML custom models
So that I can be more productive or validate my choice
Functional description
When the user changes an input, the server should be able to return ML suggestion.
They should be presented to the user on the inputs that they are referred to.
When the user chooses a ML suggestion, the suggestion should be disable and non-clickable.
Suggestion format
[{ "created": "2018-08-09T13:23:10.270Z", "serviceName": "xyz", "context": { "repositoryName": "test", "documentRef": "a29bbc51-4ea3-4270-88ee-e7e2891c5456", "inputProperties": ["ecm:path", "ecm:mixinType", "dc:title"] }, "kind": "/classification/custom", "rawKey": "1c0c7710-f187-4c97-bb78-85ebae7de8aa", "suggestions": [{ "property": "dc:description", "values": [{ "name": "test", "confidence": 0.7 }] }] }]
- depends on
NXP-25735 Create the ML Suggestion Widget
- Resolved
- is related to
AICORE-108 Create an operation for custom model
- Resolved
DESIGN-193 Visuals on field suggestions
- Resolved
NXJS-174 Allow document objects to be passed as operation inputs
- Resolved
AICORE-137 Create suggestions metadata
- Resolved
- Is referenced in