Customer would like to enhance CoreFeature with a WorkManagerConfiguration that offers the ability to configure different WorkManager implementations.
This CoreFeature enhancement will allow changing the WorkManager implementation by using a specific maven profile or specific property. This is especially significant since the StreamWorkManager implementation behaves so differently from the default WorkManager.
This enhancement will allow WorkManager-dependent tests to optionally run with a StreamWorkManager implementation, the Chronicle implementation by default and the Kafka implementation as an additional alternative. When a StreamWorkManager-specific profile is enabled, all unit tests that inject a WorkManager or invoke
would be provided an instance of the configured StreamWorkManager. Again, this will help ensure that all unit tests execute as expected with the StreamWorkManager enabled.
The description for NXP-24009 includes the comment:
To get a full coverage:unit test must be run with the kafka profile.
Eventhough NXP-24009 is marked "Fixed", it remains unclear how to run unit tests to accomplish the above objective of running all unit tests with the Kafka-based StreamWorkManager enabled. This feature aspires to accomplish the above object.