As an user with write permission on a document
I want to unpublish a publishing item of the document
So that others have no access to this document proxy
Functional description
When the user access the list of publications (in the view), for each publication item, there should be an actions that allows immediate unpublish.
The action should also be available on the info bar of the publication if user has write permission on the original
On press, this action will delete the correspondent proxies or rendition document.
When the user accesses the list of publications (in the pill), there should exist a global action to immediately unpublish all publications.
On press, this action will delete all correspondent proxies or renditions for this document.
Acceptance Criteria
- Given I have only read permission on a publishable document, when go to proxy document or the original publication pill I should not see or have available any unpublish action
- Given I have Write permission on a publishable document when I open the Publication pill I can unpublish all or unpublish each publication individually
- Given I have Write permission on a publishable document when I unpublish a document then the publication is deleted and removed from the publication list