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The goal is to allow a user to manage:
- The applications authorized to access Nuxeo (Home > Authorized Applications in the JSF UI)
Authorized Applications
Display a table listing each authorized application (technically an OAuth2 token related to an OAuth2 client) with the following columns:
- Name
- Authorization Date (held by the related OAuth2 token)
- Actions
- Revoke Access
- Preferences (optional) displaying a popup, typically for Nuxeo Drive to handle the synchronization roots
- In the end, we will have 2 registered applications by default: Nuxeo Mobile and Nuxeo Drive.
- Currently, in the JSF UI, if a user has authorized the same app twice by using different redirect URIs the app appears twice, once for each token. In this case each token can be revoked separately and the app entries can only be distinguished by their authorization date. We could eventually display only one line by app and make the revoke action revoke all tokens.
- duplicates
NXP-22588 Add Applications tab to the User Settings in Web UI
- Resolved