Create the following tests:
Feature: Workflows Default workflows should run properly Background: Given I login as 'Member User' And I have a Folder with documents and read/write permissions Scenario: View default workflows When I browse to a document Then I see a Process panel And a select input with 'Parrallel document review' and 'Serial document review' options And a 'Start' button Scenario Outline: Start default workflow Given I am on a document with no workflow started When I select <workflow> And click 'Start' button Then I see a pill with 'Process Running' at the bottom of details panel And I see a information bar on top of the document and bellow document actions And the bar displays on the left that I have to process before "expiration date" and a 'Process' button on the right And the | workflow | | Parallel document review | | Serial document review | Scenario: Process workflow Given I have a document with started workflow When I click 'process' button Then all right panels on main content disappear And a workflow panel appear with initial task layout
- depends on
NXP-21518 Add default workflows to distribution without JSF
- Resolved
- is related to
ELEMENTS-634 Do not stamp nuxeo-workflow-button dialog if action is not available
- Resolved