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  1. Nuxeo Platform
  2. NXP-16951

Allow to resume upload



    • Impact type:
      API change
    • Upgrade notes:


      • BatchManager#getFileEntries(String batchId)
      • BatchManager#getFileEntry(String batchId, String fileId)
      • BatchUploadObject#UPLOAD_TYPE_NORMAL
      • BatchUploadObject#UPLOAD_TYPE_CHUNKED
      Added: BatchManager#getFileEntries(String batchId) BatchManager#getFileEntry(String batchId, String fileId) BatchUploadObject#UPLOAD_TYPE_NORMAL BatchUploadObject#UPLOAD_TYPE_CHUNKED
    • Sprint:
    • Story Points:


      The new batch upload API described in NXP-16953 allows to do resumable upload.
      Such an upload relies on chunking which allows:

      • To have a simple resume process that does not require to be able to access a specific byte (ex: S3).
      • To multiplex / parallelize the upload.

      This seems to be a standard approach, as very well described in the Google Drive API documentation about Resumable Upload.
      Also see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadUploadPart.html.

      Here is an example of a resumable upload.

      Step 1: Initialize a resumable upload


      POST /api/v1/upload/


      200 OK
      {"batchId": batchId}

      Step 2: Save the batch id returned by the previous request

      It willl be used in subsequent requests as a resumable upload session id.

      Step 3: Upload a file by chunks


      POST /api/upload/{batchId}/0
      X-Upload-Type: "chunked"
      Content-Length: chunkSize
      X-Upload-Chunk-Index: x
      X-Upload-Chunk-Count: 5
      X-File-Name: fileName
      X-File-Size: fileSize
      X-File-Type: fileMimeType

      About the chunk size, the Google Drive API documentation gives the following advice:
      "Chunk size restriction: All chunks must be a multiple of 256 KB (256 x 1024 bytes) in size, except for the final chunk that completes the upload. If you use chunking, it is important to keep the chunk size as large as possible to keep the upload efficient."

      Response: there are 3 cases here.
      1. The chunk has been uploaded but the file is incomplete.

      308 Resume Incomplete
      {"batchId": batchId, "fileIdx": "0", "uploadType": "chunked", "uploadedSize": chunkSize, "uploadedChunkId": x, "chunkCount": 5}

      => Go to Step 3 with X-Upload-Chunk-Index = index of the next chunk to upload, in most of the cases x+1.
      At this point a request to know the chunk completion and determine the next chunk to upload can be made, see Step 4.

      2. The chunk has been uploaded and the file is now complete.

      201 Created
      {"batchId": batchId, "fileIdx": "0", "uploadType": "chunked", "uploadedSize": chunkSize, "uploadedChunkId": x, "chunkCount": 5}

      => End of upload.

      3. The request is interrupted or you recieve HTTP 503 Service Unavailable or any other 5xx response from the server, go to Step 4.

      Step 4: Resume an interrupted upload


      GET /api/upload/{batchId}/0

      Response: again there are 3 cases here.
      1. The file is incomplete.

      308 Resume Incomplete
      {"name": fileName, "size": fileSize, "uploadType": "chunked", "uploadedChunkIds": [0, 1, 2, 4], "chunkCount": 5}

      => Go to Step 3 with X-Upload-Chunk-Index = index of the next chunk to upload, in this case 3.

      2. The file is now complete, meaning all chunks have been uploaded.
      This could happen if the connection broke after all bytes were uploaded but before the client received a response from the server.

      200 OK
      {"name": fileName, "size": fileSize, "uploadType": "chunked", "uploadedChunkIds": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], "chunkCount": 5}

      => End of upload.

      3. The request is interrupted or you recieve HTTP 503 Service Unavailable or any other 5xx response from the server, go to Step 4.

      Best practices

      You should follow the Best Practices advised in the Google Drive API documentation about File Upload, especially the Exponential backoff strategy.


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