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  1. Nuxeo Platform
  2. NXP-13390

Improve SendMail Operation to expose bcc,replyto,cc



    • Tags:
    • Impact type:
      API change, Configuration Change
    • Upgrade notes:

      SendMail opération parameters list has changed :

      • "isStrict" see below
      • "from" waiting a String. Accepted values: email address, user with prefix, group with prefix, user without prefix (if isStrict is false) group without prefix (if strict is false).
      • "to" waiting a StringList object (accept String with values separated by commas, List<String>, String[] in the context of the chain definition using adapters). Accepted values: email address, user with prefix, group with prefix, user without prefix (if isStrict is false) group without prefix (if strict is false).
      • "cc" values waited are same as fromList
      • "bcc" values waited are same as fromList
      • "replyto" values waited are same as fromList
      SendMail opération parameters list has changed : "isStrict" see below "from" waiting a String. Accepted values: email address, user with prefix, group with prefix, user without prefix (if isStrict is false) group without prefix (if strict is false). "to" waiting a StringList object (accept String with values separated by commas, List<String>, String[] in the context of the chain definition using adapters). Accepted values: email address, user with prefix, group with prefix, user without prefix (if isStrict is false) group without prefix (if strict is false). "cc" values waited are same as fromList "bcc" values waited are same as fromList "replyto" values waited are same as fromList


      This task will improve the SendMail opération to let define when a email is sent the extra information :

      • cc
      • bcc
      • replyto

      This task will accept also to define a list of user or email or group of users. This operation will automatically try to find emails.

      So you can define :

      • a list (java.util.List<String>) of emails
      • an array of emails
      • a simple String containing a list of emails separated by a comma

      To define an email, you can use:

      • a username prefixed by user:
      • a group prefixed by group
      • a direct email address
      • a username without prefix (if not strict)
      • a group name without prefix (if not strict)


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