Both nuxeo-mobile-ios-build and nuxeo-mobile-ios-deploy started to fail on May 23, 2018 8:22 AM at the match step with
08:25:24 [10:25:23]: [32m-------------------[0m 08:25:24 [10:25:23]: [32m--- Step: match ---[0m 08:25:24 [10:25:23]: [32m-------------------[0m 08:25:24 08:25:24 [10:25:23]: [32mSuccessfully loaded '/Users/jenkins/tmp/0ebd1d51/workspace/xeo-mobile-ios-build_master-BBHE2CEVDSK4IZYLZMCPJEDBZKNYEYERPWBNDC2TMYRABYJA3VYA/fastlane/Matchfile' 📄[0m 08:25:24 08:25:24 +----------------+-------------------------------------------------+ 08:25:24 | Detected Values from './fastlane/Matchfile' | 08:25:24 +----------------+-------------------------------------------------+ 08:25:24 | git_url | | 08:25:24 | type | development | 08:25:24 | shallow_clone | false | 08:25:24 | app_identifier |, | 08:25:24 | username | | 08:25:24 +----------------+-------------------------------------------------+ 08:25:24 08:25:24 08:25:24 +-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ 08:25:24 | [32mSummary for match 2.96.1[0m | 08:25:24 +-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ 08:25:24 | type | appstore | 08:25:24 | git_url | | 08:25:24 | git_branch | master | 08:25:24 | app_identifier | ["", ""] | 08:25:24 | username | | 08:25:24 | keychain_name | login.keychain | 08:25:24 | readonly | false | 08:25:24 | team_id | WCLR6985BX | 08:25:24 | verbose | false | 08:25:24 | force | false | 08:25:24 | skip_confirmation | false | 08:25:24 | shallow_clone | false | 08:25:24 | clone_branch_directly | false | 08:25:24 | force_for_new_devices | false | 08:25:24 | skip_docs | false | 08:25:24 | platform | ios | 08:25:24 +-----------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ 08:25:24 08:25:24 [10:25:23]: Cloning remote git repo... 08:25:24 [10:25:23]: If cloning the repo takes too long, you can use the `clone_branch_directly` option in match. 08:25:25 [10:25:25]: [32m🔓 Successfully decrypted certificates repo[0m 08:25:25 [10:25:25]: Verifying that the certificate and profile are still valid on the Dev Portal... 08:25:28 [10:25:28]: Installing certificate... 08:25:28 08:25:28 +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+ 08:25:28 | [32mInstalled Certificate[0m | 08:25:28 +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+ 08:25:28 | User ID | WCLR6985BX | 08:25:28 | Common Name | iPhone Distribution: NUXEO CORP (WCLR6985BX) | 08:25:28 | Organisation Unit | WCLR6985BX | 08:25:28 | Organisation | NUXEO CORP | 08:25:28 | Country | US | 08:25:28 | Start Datetime | 2018-04-26 15:04:15 UTC | 08:25:28 | End Datetime | 2019-04-26 15:04:15 UTC | 08:25:28 +-------------------+----------------------------------------------+ 08:25:28 08:25:29 [10:25:29]: Installing provisioning profile... 08:25:34 +------------------+-----------------+ 08:25:34 | [33mLane Context[0m | 08:25:34 +------------------+-----------------+ 08:25:34 | DEFAULT_PLATFORM | ios | 08:25:34 | PLATFORM_NAME | ios | 08:25:34 | LANE_NAME | ios xcode_build | 08:25:34 +------------------+-----------------+ 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31mSSL_connect SYSCALL returned=5 errno=0 state=SSLv2/v3 read server hello A[0m 08:25:34 08:25:34 +------+----------------------------+-------------+ 08:25:34 | [32mfastlane summary[0m | 08:25:34 +------+----------------------------+-------------+ 08:25:34 | Step | Action | Time (in s) | 08:25:34 +------+----------------------------+-------------+ 08:25:34 | 1 | update_fastlane | 0 | 08:25:34 | 2 | Verifying fastlane version | 0 | 08:25:34 | 3 | default_platform | 0 | 08:25:34 | 4 | unlock_keychain | 0 | 08:25:34 | 💥 | [31mmatch[0m | 9 | 08:25:34 +------+----------------------------+-------------+ 08:25:34 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31mfastlane finished with errors[0m 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31m-----------------------------------------------------------------------[0m 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31mSSL_connect SYSCALL returned=5 errno=0 state=SSLv2/v3 read server hello A[0m 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31mSSL errors can be caused by various components on your local machine.[0m 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31mThe best solution is to use the self-contained fastlane version.[0m 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31mWhich ships with a bundled OpenSSL,ruby and all gems - so you don't depend on system libraries[0m 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31m - Use Homebrew[0m 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31m - update brew with `brew update`[0m 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31m - install fastlane using:[0m 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31m - `brew cask install fastlane`[0m 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31m - Use One-Click-Installer:[0m 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31m - download fastlane at[0m 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31m - extract the archive and double click the `install`[0m 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31m-----------------------------------------------------------[0m 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31mfor more details on ways to install fastlane please refer the documentation:[0m 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31m-----------------------------------------------------------[0m 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31m 🚀 🚀 [0m 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31m-----------------------------------------------------------[0m 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31mYou can also install a new version of Ruby[0m 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31m- Make sure OpenSSL is installed with Homebrew: `brew update && brew upgrade openssl`[0m 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31m- If you use system Ruby:[0m 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31m - Run `brew update && brew install ruby`[0m 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31m- If you use rbenv with ruby-build:[0m 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31m - Run `brew update && brew upgrade ruby-build && rbenv install 2.3.1`[0m 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31m - Run `rbenv global 2.3.1` to make it the new global default Ruby version[0m 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31m- If you use rvm:[0m 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31m - First run `rvm osx-ssl-certs update all`[0m 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31m - Then run `rvm reinstall ruby-2.3.1 --with-openssl-dir=/usr/local`[0m 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31mIf that doesn't fix your issue, please google for the following error message:[0m 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31m 'SSL_connect SYSCALL returned=5 errno=0 state=SSLv2/v3 read server hello A'[0m 08:25:34 [10:25:33]: [31m-----------------------------------------------------------------------[0m 08:25:34 [31m 08:25:34 [!] SSL_connect SYSCALL returned=5 errno=0 state=SSLv2/v3 read server hello A[0m 08:25:34 error Command failed with exit code 1.
gem uninstall fastlane brew uninstall ruby brew update brew upgrade openssl brew install ruby gem install fastlane -NV
but without success.
Issue was raised by other people: