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  1. Nuxeo JS Client
  2. NXJS-214

Change browser test framework



    • Type: Improvement
    • Status: Open
    • Priority: Minor
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: None
    • Component/s: Browser


      Currently, we are using Karma to launch the tests on the browser, either locally or on saucelabs.

      The tests on saucelabs are hanging up

      [2023-08-22T10:23:50.174Z] 22 08 2023 10:23:49.660:INFO [SaucelabsLauncher]: chrome 70 Windows session at https://saucelabs.com/tests/8da8de2d9bcc45d28ba94acff1d09cd9
      [2023-08-22T10:23:50.435Z] 22 08 2023 10:23:50.434:INFO [Chrome 70.0.3538.67 (Windows 7)]: Connected on socket Mn7561O0jfuX122UAAAB with id 76451493
      [2023-08-22T10:24:54.634Z] ................................................................................
      [2023-08-22T10:25:20.789Z] ................................................................................
      [2023-08-22T10:25:42.740Z] ..................................................
      [2023-08-22T10:25:42.740Z] Chrome 70.0.3538.67 (Windows 7): Executed 210 of 231 (skipped 21) SUCCESS (1 min 47.561 secs / 1 min 2.769 secs)
      [2023-08-22T10:25:42.740Z] 22 08 2023 10:25:39.285:INFO [reporter.sauce]: Check out job at https://app.saucelabs.com/tests/8da8de2d9bcc45d28ba94acff1d09cd9
      [2023-08-22T10:25:42.740Z] 22 08 2023 10:25:39.585:INFO [SaucelabsLauncher]: Check if 'log.json' for browser 'chrome 70 Windows' has already been stored.
      [2023-08-22T10:25:42.740Z] 22 08 2023 10:25:41.084:INFO [SaucelabsLauncher]: Check if 'log.json' for browser 'chrome 70 Windows' has already been stored.
      [2023-08-22T10:25:42.740Z] 22 08 2023 10:25:41.861:INFO [SaucelabsLauncher]: Check if 'log.json' for browser 'chrome 70 Windows' has already been stored.

      It seems the problem is known (https://github.com/karma-runner/karma-sauce-launcher/issues/269) but there is no new release to upgrade to.

      Possible options:

      1/ Change the test framework to something more recent and maintained that work with Saucelabs, such as Web Test Runner https://modern-web.dev/docs/test-runner/overview/. This means a lot of changes in the JS client tests.

      2/ Do not use anymore Saucelabs, and run browser tests on pre-defined browsers installed on our CI (still using Karma)

      In the mean time, we will disable the browser tests to make the JS client build succeed.




            • Assignee:
              troger Thomas Roger
              troger Thomas Roger
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