Currently, we are using Webkit + HTML + JS for the UI. I would like to give a try with QML which is the official way to do the same work, but 100% inside Qt langage:
- more reliable
- future proof
- custom theme made easy
- is related to
NXDRIVE-643 (timebox) Make configurable logo, title and skin
- Open
NXDRIVE-1110 Technologies update
- Resolved
NXDRIVE-1028 Take into account High DPI screens
- Resolved
- is required by
NXDRIVE-844 SIGSEGV when opening the conflicts window while syncing many documents
- Resolved
NXDRIVE-1099 Nuxeo Drive Theme
- Resolved
NXDRIVE-970 Introduce graphical themes (default and dark)
- Open