Systray window
- logo Nuxeo to add ->lise
- 2 server icons on the left side, name of the server displayed below in a gray bar
- on the right side pause/resume icon and settings icon
- Open Nuxeo Drive Folder & Open server actions should be simple icons on the bottom bar, in the server area.
- 'Synchronization complete' should only displayed with icon (syncing, complete, ...) with a tooltip on them
- Review all icons to use the X from Nuxeo logo: install icon, state icons (syncing, up to date, etc.) ->lise
- Review style of top / bottom bar: less dark, colored icon in green for √
Systray menu
- Menu order should be Preferences / Settings, Help, Quit.
- Style: the menu needs a bit more space to not have the feeling to be trapped
Preferences / Settings Screen
- This screen is a bit dry We can add the Help link here.
- Langage should be displayed at the end to not disturb user with possible refreshed option below.
- Check Nuxeo Branding -> lise
- more space between info and license -> lise
- license title is not readable under the logo -> lise
- Review text and button labels: sentence says ".. enter your credentials" but button says "settings", not really obvious even if there is only 2 buttons -> Solen + lise