Type: Task
Status: Open
Priority: Minor
Resolution: Unresolved
Affects Version/s: NoFixVersionApplicable
Fix Version/s: NoFixVersionApplicable
Component/s: Utils
The idea is to have a simple (and yet beautiful) web page with interesting graphics:
- a (complete) timeline of the tickets history:
(project IN (NXDRIVE, NXPY, "Edge Proxy") OR (project = NXP AND component = "Nuxeo Drive")) AND status WAS IN ("In Progress", Open, Reopened, Resolved) ON ('2020/04/01') ORDER BY key
- current sprint tickets:
(project IN (NXDRIVE, NXPY, "Edge Proxy") OR (project = NXP AND component = "Nuxeo Drive")) AND sprint IN openSprints() ORDER BY "Backlog priority" ASC, priority ASC, updated DESC
- SUPCOM opened:
project = SUPNXP AND component IN (Drive, "Python client", "Edge Cache Server") AND status NOT IN (Closed, Resolved, Sealed) ORDER BY createdDate
- SUPCOM not yet handled:
resolution = Unresolved AND tags = SupCom AND project = NXDRIVE AND (sprint NOT IN openSprints() OR sprint IS empty) ORDER BY "Backlog priority" DESC, key ASC
The timeline will took the whole width and only the past 6 months should be displayed. It may be interesting to be able to see the whole history on option.
Other graphs will be on the second line of the screen.
The page should be updated every day (via a dedicated GitHub Action). The output should be made public somewhere.
As of the stack, let's go with Flask and some nice JavaScript graphics.
- is duplicated by
NXDRIVE-2084 Create a metrics board
- Resolved