When I click on the Invite Members button on the "manage members" screen, I see a form to add member information (this follows invite new user flow from jsf)
I can enter information about:
- First Name (text entry, required)
- Last Name (text entry, required)
- Username (text entry, required)
- Email Address (text entry, required)
- Company (text entry, not required)
- Role (use "role" instead of "groups"). Should be able to choose from "Tenant Admin", "Project Manager" or "Member" and should add the user to that group.
Ignore the "set password" action for now.
I have an option to "Cancel" the creation, "Create" or "Create and Invite Another Member"
- as an Admin, I can define the user information for the member I would like to invite
- I can cancel the invite and the application reroutes me to the list of members
- I can validate the invite or validate and do another one
Set a placeholder for the company as the current user company