The preview fails on nuxeoctl configuration:
Installing nuxeo-dam-6.4.3 Installing nuxeo-jira-ai-0.1.0 Nuxeo home: /opt/nuxeo/server Nuxeo configuration: /etc/nuxeo/nuxeo.conf Include template: /opt/nuxeo/server/templates/common-base Include template: /opt/nuxeo/server/templates/common Include template: /opt/nuxeo/server/templates/default Include template: /opt/nuxeo/server/templates/nuxeo-ai-core Failure on /opt/nuxeo/server/templates/common-base/nxserver/config/default-repository-config.xml.nxftl Could not run configuration: Could not process FreeMarker template: The following has evaluated to null or missing: ==> nuxeo.dbs [in template "default-repository-config.xml.nxftl" at line 157, column 25] - Failed at: ${nuxeo.dbs.cache.enabled} auto-escaped [in template "default-repository-config.xml.nxftl" at line 157, column 23]
MongoDB is enabled on master-10.10 branch but the template does not include it.
nuxeo.conf: ---- # Additional nuxeo.conf parameters nuxeo.templates=default,mongodb nuxeo.mongodb.server=mongodb://preview-mongodb:27017 nuxeo.mongodb.dbname=nuxeo nuxeo.templates=default,nuxeo-ai-core
Enabling was based on the persistence variable. Instead: always enable MongoDB and Elasticsearch and add mongodb to nuxeo.templates
- Is referenced in