Release Notes - Nuxeo Platform - Version 2021.18 - HTML format


  • [NXP-29208] - Fix Kafka duplicate processing due to Incomplete rebalance
  • [NXP-30741] - UT always fails on windows because stream topics cannot be deleted
  • [NXP-30855] - Fix bulk edit not on all documents when there is lack of permissions only in some
  • [NXP-30918] - MakeBlob computation should be resilient to unknown command or status
  • [NXP-30931] - Add DownloadBlobGuard to VCS
  • [NXP-30936] - Fix unauthenticated git protocol on port 9418 is no longer supported



  • [NXP-30897] - Manually handle transaction in OperationContext
  • [NXP-30899] - ScrollingIndexingWorker should have its own transaction timeout
  • [NXP-30932] - In case of transaction timeout error message should display the timeout value

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