.skip-archive-generated-artifacts clone.py integration/Jenkinsfiles/docker-compose-kafka-0.10.2.yml integration/Jenkinsfiles/docker-compose-kafka-1.0.yml integration/Jenkinsfiles/docker-compose-mongodb-3.4.yml integration/Jenkinsfiles/docker-compose-pgsql-9.6.yml integration/Jenkinsfiles/docker-compose-swarm.yml integration/Jenkinsfiles/ftest.groovy integration/Jenkinsfiles/jenkins-slave-kafka/Dockerfile integration/Jenkinsfiles/ondemand.groovy integration/Jenkinsfiles/utest.groovy integration/Jenkinsfiles/withSwarmCompose.groovy integration/README.md scripts/nxutils.py > ccc57bc6f22 2018-08-03 Stephane Lacoin aka nxmatic NXBT-1770 revert move swarm code in pipeline library (HEAD -> feature-NXBT-1770-test-and-push, origin/pull/2056, origin/feature-NXBT-1770-test-and-push) G > 2beb2bc18bb 2018-06-21 Stephane Lacoin aka nxmatic NXBT-1770 load swarm image from docker registry (HEAD -> feature-NXBT-1770-test-and-push, origin/pull/2056, origin/feature-NXBT-1770-test-and-push) G > 5b5d0f5a78f 2018-06-18 Stephane Lacoin aka nxmatic NXBT-1770 mount jenkins workspace from filesystem instead of volume G > c0c34bf078b 2018-06-18 Stephane Lacoin aka nxmatic NXBT-1770 fixup cleanup G > 2f4bf826a32 2018-06-18 Stephane Lacoin aka nxmatic NXBT-1770 jenkins swarm feature back from pipeline library G > b29cdaff126 2018-06-15 Stephane Lacoin aka nxmatic NXBT-1770 cleanup workspace after build if not incremental G > fc9be99b7d2 2018-06-14 Stephane Lacoin aka nxmatic NXBT-1770 increasing timeouts G > 2690001646d 2018-06-14 Stephane Lacoin aka nxmatic NXBT-1770 refined status labels, added timestamps and timouts G > 092f68f16aa 2018-06-12 Stephane Lacoin aka nxmatic NXBT-1770 cleanup code G > c5a139dd4df 2018-06-12 Stephane Lacoin aka nxmatic NXBT-1770 fixup compose file versioning G > 3068c539f01 2018-06-08 Stephane Lacoin aka nxmatic NXBT-1770 fixup stash exclusions G > 92f5b1ed659 2018-06-08 Stephane Lacoin aka nxmatic NXBT-1770 excludes derived folders from clone stash G > 9dc7f3923ae 2018-06-08 alexistimic NXBT-1770: Update Readme and increment build steps numbers G > 352a662a89a 2018-06-08 Stephane Lacoin aka nxmatic NXBT-1770 excludes target folders from clone stash G > 399cdc1f995 2018-06-06 alexistimic NXBT-1770: README G > 9679615ecd8 2018-08-03 Stephane Lacoin aka nxmatic NXBT-1770 ondemand first version G > 7fa95c13320 2018-08-03 Stephane Lacoin aka nxmatic NXBT-1770 add rebase option to clone.py G NXBT-1770 NXP-25298 Use Docker Compose file format 3 ; see https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file add rebase option to clone.py => checkout and rebase ; apply to other jobs - comment git_update() => # if (tag or local or remote) # if branch_found and ... use advanced compose strategy with a "swarm" service registering as a Jenkins swarm node withSwarmCompose.groovy vs withDockerCompose ?! => align ftest... use pipeline properties vs job legacy properties pipeline multibranch compliance - params.CLEAN replay and simple pipeline only (vs WipeWorkspace) VS incremental in ondemand => clean before vs clean WS after vs WIP on commit => how to edit parameters per branch since the job is readonly? parameters commit exclusion ; ... null-commit... => deleteDir() vs cloneExtension - emitExtensions ondemand groovy : descriptions if (currentBuild.previousBuild == null) { timeout / checkout ondemand/4-verify => skipTests -> skip.surefire.tests utest: injvm try/catch claim, warningPublisher - utest.groovy => distinct WIP doc docker volume workspace "jenkins_workspace" copyArtifact(upstream) from library ? fix getBinding().hasVariable https://jira.nuxeo.com/browse/NXBT-2161 (NXP-23884) ftest.groovy : stage('zipfile') ? => IT-nuxeo-master-server-tomcat-kafka-1.0 & cie update README with build statuses: $ git di origin/master.. --name-only |xargs grep withBuildStatus integration/Jenkinsfiles/ftest.groovy: withBuildStatus("${DBPROFILE}-${DBVERSION}/ftest/${name}", 'https://github.com/nuxeo/nuxeo', sha, "${BUILD_URL}") { integration/Jenkinsfiles/ondemand.groovy: withBuildStatus('ondemand/1-rebase', 'https://github.com/nuxeo/nuxeo', sha, "${BUILD_URL}") { integration/Jenkinsfiles/ondemand.groovy: withBuildStatus('ondemand/2-compile', 'https://github.com/nuxeo/nuxeo', sha, "${BUILD_URL}") { integration/Jenkinsfiles/ondemand.groovy: withBuildStatus('ondemand/3-test', 'https://github.com/nuxeo/nuxeo', sha, "${BUILD_URL}") { integration/Jenkinsfiles/ondemand.groovy: withBuildStatus('ondemand/4-verify', 'https://github.com/nuxeo/nuxeo', sha, "${BUILD_URL}") { integration/Jenkinsfiles/ondemand.groovy: withBuildStatus("ondemand/4-verify/${name}/${DBPROFILE}-${DBVERSION}", 'https://github.com/nuxeo/nuxeo', sha, "${BUILD_URL}") { integration/Jenkinsfiles/utest.groovy: withBuildStatus("$DBPROFILE-$DBVERSION/utest", 'https://github.com/nuxeo/nuxeo', sha, "${BUILD_URL}") { use mvn -B -V options --- Side subjects à supprimer feature-NXBT-2323-compose-swarm feature-NXBT-1770-test-and-push https://github.com/nuxeo/nuxeo-pipeline-library/compare/feature-NXBT-1770-test-and-push - vars/withDockerCompose.groovy - rawbuild triggeredbuildselector --- Get resource from the library writeFile(file:'Dockerfile', text:libraryResource('jenkins-slave-swarm/Dockerfile')) writeFile(file:'myinit-setup-workspace.sh', text:libraryResource('jenkins-slave-swarm/myinit-setup-workspace.sh')) --- NXBT-1513, NXBT-2367 => def call groovy --- properties([ [$class: 'BuildDiscarderProperty', strategy: [$class: 'LogRotator', daysToKeepStr: '60', numToKeepStr: '60', artifactNumToKeepStr: '1']], disableConcurrentBuilds(), [$class: 'GithubProjectProperty', displayName: '', projectUrlStr: 'https://github.com/nuxeo/nuxeo/'], [$class: 'RebuildSettings', autoRebuild: false, rebuildDisabled: false], [$class: 'ParametersDefinitionProperty', parameterDefinitions: [ [$class: 'StringParameterDefinition', defaultValue: 'master', name: 'BRANCH', description: 'Branch to build. It must exist on the root repository.'], [$class: 'StringParameterDefinition', defaultValue: 'master', name: 'PARENT_BRANCH', description: """Fallback branch (aka parent or target branch. It is the branch to use on repositories without BRANCH. That's the branch target for the final merge."""] ]], pipelineTriggers([[$class: 'GitHubPushTrigger']]) ]) node('SLAVE') { // Consolidate parameters def branch = params.BRANCH def parentBranch = params.PARENT_BRANCH if (env.BRANCH_NAME) { branch = env.BRANCH_NAME println "Using BRANCH_NAME parameter:" + branch } if (env.CHANGE_TARGET) { parentBranch = env.CHANGE_TARGET println "Using CHANGE_TARGET parameter:" + parentBranch } ---