2018-06-14 11:50:23 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.commandline Command line: argv=u'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nuxeo\\Drive\\ndrivew.exe', options=Namespace(beta_update_site_url=u'http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive-tests/', consider_ssl_errors=False, debug=False, debug_pydev=False, delay=30, force_locale=None, handshake_timeout=60, locale=u'en', log_filename=None, log_level_console=u'INFO', log_level_file=u'DEBUG', max_errors=3, max_sync_step=10, nofscheck=False, nxdrive_home=u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive', proxy_exceptions=None, proxy_server=None, proxy_type=None, stop_on_error=True, timeout=30, update_check_delay=3600, update_site_url=u'http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/') 2018-06-14 11:50:28 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.commandline Enabling faulthandler in C:\Users\nuxeo\.nuxeo-drive\logs\segfault.log 2018-06-14 11:50:30 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.dao.sqlite Create DAO on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\manager.db' 2018-06-14 11:50:30 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.dao.sqlite Create main connexion on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\manager.db' (dir_exists=True, file_exists=True) 2018-06-14 11:50:30 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.osi Using Windows OS integration 2018-06-14 11:50:30 7612 7608 WARNING nxdrive.manager --consider-ssl-errors option is False, will not verify HTTPS certificates 2018-06-14 11:50:30 7612 7608 INFO nxdrive.manager Handle target environment that does not support HTTPS verification: globally disable verification by monkeypatching the ssl module though highly discouraged 2018-06-14 11:50:30 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.dao.sqlite Create DAO on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\ndrive_7d7fd04f418e11e88c470800277d6e0e.db' 2018-06-14 11:50:30 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.dao.sqlite Create main connexion on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\ndrive_7d7fd04f418e11e88c470800277d6e0e.db' (dir_exists=True, file_exists=True) 2018-06-14 11:50:30 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.watcher.local_watcher Windows detected so delete event will be delayed by 2000ms 2018-06-14 11:50:30 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Application is frozen, building Esky instance from executable C:\Program Files (x86)\Nuxeo\Drive\appdata\nuxeo-drive-3.0.6.win32\ndrivew.exe and version finder http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/ 2018-06-14 11:50:30 7612 7608 INFO nxdrive.utils Removed old PID file u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\nxdrive_qt.pid' for stopped process 6068 2018-06-14 11:50:31 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.manager Launch engine 7d7fd04f418e11e88c470800277d6e0e 2018-06-14 11:50:31 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Engine 7d7fd04f418e11e88c470800277d6e0e is starting 2018-06-14 11:50:31 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.osi.windows.windows Registering 'None' application 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nuxeo\\Drive\\ndrivew.exe metadata --file "%1"' to registry key 'Software\\Classes\\*\\shell\\Nuxeo Drive\\command' 2018-06-14 11:50:31 7612 3620 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.watcher.local_watcher Watching FS modification on : u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\Documents\\Nuxeo Drive 2' 2018-06-14 11:50:31 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.osi.windows.windows Registering "nxdrive" protocol handler to: 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nuxeo\\Drive\\ndrivew.exe' 2018-06-14 11:50:31 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.osi.windows.windows Registering 'Nuxeo Drive' application 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nuxeo\\Drive\\ndrivew.exe' to registry key 'Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run' 2018-06-14 11:50:31 7612 5292 DEBUG nxdrive.direct_edit Cleanup DirectEdit folder 2018-06-14 11:50:31 7612 3620 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.watcher.local_watcher Full scan started 2018-06-14 11:50:31 7612 3620 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.queue_manager Suspending queue 2018-06-14 11:50:31 7612 5292 DEBUG nxdrive.client.local_client Ignoring banned file u'~$chier-test.doc' in u'\\\\?\\C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\edit\\92d137ed-4d38-46a9-88f0-7c0079091787' 2018-06-14 11:50:31 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Polling http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/ for application update, current version is 3.0.6 2018-06-14 11:50:31 7612 3620 DEBUG nxdrive.client.local_client Ignoring banned file u'desktop.ini' in u'\\\\?\\C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\Documents\\Nuxeo Drive 2' 2018-06-14 11:50:31 7612 5292 WARNING nxdrive.direct_edit No engine found for user u'Administrator' on server u'http://nereid2:8080/nuxeo', doc_id=None 2018-06-14 11:50:31 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.options Option server_version updated: None -> u'8.10' [server] 2018-06-14 11:50:31 7612 3620 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.watcher.local_watcher Full scan finished in 187ms 2018-06-14 11:50:31 7612 5292 DEBUG nxdrive.direct_edit Watching FS modification on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\edit' 2018-06-14 11:50:31 7612 3620 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.queue_manager Resuming queue 2018-06-14 11:50:32 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched client minimum version for server version 8.10 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/8.10.json: 2.0.1028 2018-06-14 11:50:33 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.0.1028 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.0.1028.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:50:33 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.0.1126 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.0.1126.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:50:33 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.0.1216 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.0.1216.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:50:33 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.0.1223 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.0.1223.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:50:33 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.113 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.113.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:50:33 7612 5144 ERROR nxdrive.engine.workers Thread ServerOptionsUpdater(5144) exception Traceback (most recent call last): File "nuxeo-drive-client\nxdrive\engine\workers.py", line 185, in run File "nuxeo-drive-client\nxdrive\engine\workers.py", line 255, in _execute File "nuxeo-drive-client\nxdrive\updater.py", line 484, in _poll File "nuxeo-drive-client\nxdrive\engine\engine.py", line 1033, in get_remote_doc_client File "nuxeo-drive-client\nxdrive\client\remote_document_client.py", line 83, in __init__ File "nuxeo-drive-client\nxdrive\client\base_automation_client.py", line 223, in __init__ File "nuxeo-drive-client\nxdrive\client\base_automation_client.py", line 254, in check_access Unauthorized: 'nco@nuxeo.com' is not authorized to access 'https://nbme-preprod.cust.io.nuxeo.com/nuxeo/' with the provided credentials 2018-06-14 11:50:33 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.120 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.120.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:50:33 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.217 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.217.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:50:33 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.302 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.302.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:50:33 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.316 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.316.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:50:33 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.526 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.526.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:50:33 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.608 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.608.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:50:33 7612 4176 ERROR nxdrive.engine.engine Setting invalid credentials, reason is: got Unauthorized with code 401 while checking if offline 2018-06-14 11:50:33 7612 4176 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Engine 7d7fd04f418e11e88c470800277d6e0e goes offline 2018-06-14 11:50:33 7612 4176 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.queue_manager Suspending queue 2018-06-14 11:50:34 7612 3620 INFO nxdrive.engine.watcher.local_watcher Stopping FS Observer thread 2018-06-14 11:50:34 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.623 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.623.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:50:34 7612 4176 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.workers Thread RemoteWatcher(4176) interrupted 2018-06-14 11:50:34 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.707 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.707.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:50:34 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.818 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.818.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:50:34 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.914 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.914.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:50:34 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.1130 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.1130.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:50:34 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.1221 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.1221.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:50:34 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.4.7 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.4.7.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:50:34 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 3.0.6 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/3.0.6.json: 7.10 2018-06-14 11:50:34 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 3.0.6 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/3.0.6.json: 7.10 2018-06-14 11:50:34 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Client version 3.0.6 is up-to-date regarding server version 8.10. 2018-06-14 11:50:34 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched information from update site http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/: update status = 'up_to_date', update version = 'None' 2018-06-14 11:50:34 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Application is up-to-date 2018-06-14 11:50:34 7612 3620 INFO nxdrive.engine.watcher.local_watcher Stopping FS root Observer thread 2018-06-14 11:50:35 7612 3620 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.workers Thread LocalWatcher(3620) interrupted 2018-06-14 11:50:35 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.notification Sending Notification(level='danger' title=u'Invalid credentials' uid=u'INVALID_CREDENTIALS_7d7fd04f418e11e88c470800277d6e0e' unique=2) 2018-06-14 11:51:04 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.manager Will use 'C:\Users\nuxeo\Documents\Nuxeo Drive' as default Nuxeo Drive folder location under Windows 2018-06-14 11:52:06 7612 7916 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.queue_manager Suspending queue 2018-06-14 11:52:06 7612 7916 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.dao.sqlite Disposing SQLite database u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\ndrive_7d7fd04f418e11e88c470800277d6e0e.db' 2018-06-14 11:52:06 7612 7916 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Remove DB file u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\ndrive_7d7fd04f418e11e88c470800277d6e0e.db' 2018-06-14 11:53:15 7612 6716 DEBUG nxdrive.wui.settings Proxy configuration for startup page connection: System, effective proxy list: None 2018-06-14 11:53:15 7612 6716 DEBUG nxdrive.wui.settings Status code for = 200 2018-06-14 11:53:15 7612 6716 DEBUG nxdrive.wui.settings Web authentication is available on server, opening login window with URL 2018-06-14 11:53:23 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.wui.authentication Creating new account [C:\Users\nuxeo\Documents\TestDirectEdit,, Administrator] 2018-06-14 11:53:23 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.wui.settings Binder is : 2018-06-14 11:53:23 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.manager Engine type has been specified in the url: NXDRIVE will be used 2018-06-14 11:53:23 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.dao.sqlite Create DAO on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\ndrive_c6b13d0f6fb811e89c090800277d6e0e.db' 2018-06-14 11:53:23 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.dao.sqlite Create main connexion on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\ndrive_c6b13d0f6fb811e89c090800277d6e0e.db' (dir_exists=True, file_exists=False) 2018-06-14 11:53:24 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Fetched update info for engine [TestDirectEdit] from server {u'serverVersion': u'7.10', u'updateSiteURL': u'http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/', u'betaUpdateSiteURL': u'http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive-tests/'} 2018-06-14 11:53:24 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.dao.sqlite Queuing 0 children of '' 2018-06-14 11:53:24 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.watcher.local_watcher Windows detected so delete event will be delayed by 2000ms 2018-06-14 11:53:24 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Polling http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/ for application update, current version is 3.0.6 2018-06-14 11:53:24 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.options Option server_version updated: u'8.10' -> u'7.10' [server] 2018-06-14 11:53:25 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched client minimum version for server version 7.10 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/7.10.json: 2.0.1028 2018-06-14 11:53:25 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.wui.authentication RETURN FROM BIND_SERVER IS: '' 2018-06-14 11:53:25 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.0.1028 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.0.1028.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:53:25 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.0.1126 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.0.1126.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:53:25 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.0.1216 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.0.1216.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:53:25 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.0.1223 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.0.1223.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:53:25 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.113 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.113.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:53:25 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.120 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.120.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:53:25 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.217 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.217.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:53:25 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.302 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.302.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:53:25 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.manager Will use 'C:\Users\nuxeo\Documents\Nuxeo Drive' as default Nuxeo Drive folder location under Windows 2018-06-14 11:53:25 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.316 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.316.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:53:25 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.526 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.526.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:53:25 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.608 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.608.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:53:25 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.623 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.623.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:53:25 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.707 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.707.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:53:25 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.818 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.818.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:53:25 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.914 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.914.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:53:25 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.1130 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.1130.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:53:25 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.1221 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.1221.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:53:25 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.4.7 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.4.7.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 11:53:25 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 3.0.6 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/3.0.6.json: 7.10 2018-06-14 11:53:25 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 3.0.6 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/3.0.6.json: 7.10 2018-06-14 11:53:25 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Client version 3.0.6 is up-to-date regarding server version 7.10. 2018-06-14 11:53:25 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched information from update site http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/: update status = 'up_to_date', update version = 'None' 2018-06-14 11:53:25 7612 5660 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Application is up-to-date 2018-06-14 11:53:25 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.manager Will use 'C:\Users\nuxeo\Documents\Nuxeo Drive' as default Nuxeo Drive folder location under Windows 2018-06-14 11:53:27 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Engine c6b13d0f6fb811e89c090800277d6e0e is starting 2018-06-14 11:53:27 7612 3236 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.watcher.local_watcher Watching FS modification on : u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\Documents\\TestDirectEdit' 2018-06-14 11:53:27 7612 3236 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.watcher.local_watcher Full scan started 2018-06-14 11:53:27 7612 3236 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.queue_manager Suspending queue 2018-06-14 11:53:27 7612 3236 DEBUG nxdrive.client.local_client Ignoring banned file u'desktop.ini' in u'\\\\?\\C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\Documents\\TestDirectEdit' 2018-06-14 11:53:27 7612 3236 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.watcher.local_watcher Full scan finished in 31ms 2018-06-14 11:53:27 7612 3236 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.queue_manager Resuming queue 2018-06-14 11:53:27 7612 6904 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.watcher.remote_watcher Scroll scan not available, performing recursive remote scan for u'Nuxeo Drive' (RemoteFileInfo(name=u'Nuxeo Drive', uid=u'org.nuxeo.drive.service.impl.DefaultTopLevelFolderItemFactory#', parent_uid=None, path=u'/org.nuxeo.drive.service.impl.DefaultTopLevelFolderItemFactory#', folderish=True, last_modification_time=datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 1, 0), last_contributor=u'system', digest=None, digest_algorithm=None, download_url=None, can_rename=False, can_delete=False, can_update=False, can_create_child=False, lock_owner=None, lock_created=None, can_scroll_descendants=False)) 2018-06-14 11:53:27 7612 6904 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.watcher.remote_watcher Remote scanning: u'/' 2018-06-14 11:53:27 7612 6904 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.watcher.remote_watcher Remote scan finished in 188ms 2018-06-14 11:53:57 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 1, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 11:54:27 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 2, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 11:54:57 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 3, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 11:55:27 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 4, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 11:55:57 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 5, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 11:56:27 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 6, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 11:56:57 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 7, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 11:57:27 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 8, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 11:58:08 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 9, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 11:58:27 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 10, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 11:58:57 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 11, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 11:59:31 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 12, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 11:59:33 6888 5316 DEBUG nxdrive.commandline Command line: argv=u'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nuxeo\\Drive\\ndrivew.exe nxdrive://edit/http/', options=Namespace(beta_update_site_url=u'http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive-tests/', consider_ssl_errors=False, debug=False, debug_pydev=False, delay=30, force_locale=None, handshake_timeout=60, locale=u'en', log_filename=None, log_level_console=u'INFO', log_level_file=u'DEBUG', max_errors=3, max_sync_step=10, nofscheck=False, nxdrive_home=u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive', proxy_exceptions=None, proxy_server=None, proxy_type=None, stop_on_error=True, timeout=30, update_check_delay=3600, update_site_url=u'http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/') 2018-06-14 11:59:33 6888 5316 DEBUG nxdrive.commandline Enabling faulthandler in C:\Users\nuxeo\.nuxeo-drive\logs\segfault.log 2018-06-14 11:59:33 6888 5316 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.dao.sqlite Create DAO on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\manager.db' 2018-06-14 11:59:33 6888 5316 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.dao.sqlite Create main connexion on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\manager.db' (dir_exists=True, file_exists=True) 2018-06-14 11:59:33 6888 5316 DEBUG nxdrive.osi Using Windows OS integration 2018-06-14 11:59:33 6888 5316 WARNING nxdrive.manager --consider-ssl-errors option is False, will not verify HTTPS certificates 2018-06-14 11:59:33 6888 5316 INFO nxdrive.manager Handle target environment that does not support HTTPS verification: globally disable verification by monkeypatching the ssl module though highly discouraged 2018-06-14 11:59:33 6888 5316 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.dao.sqlite Create DAO on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\ndrive_c6b13d0f6fb811e89c090800277d6e0e.db' 2018-06-14 11:59:33 6888 5316 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.dao.sqlite Create main connexion on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\ndrive_c6b13d0f6fb811e89c090800277d6e0e.db' (dir_exists=True, file_exists=True) 2018-06-14 11:59:33 6888 5316 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.watcher.local_watcher Windows detected so delete event will be delayed by 2000ms 2018-06-14 11:59:33 6888 5316 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Application is frozen, building Esky instance from executable C:\Program Files (x86)\Nuxeo\Drive\appdata\nuxeo-drive-3.0.6.win32\ndrivew.exe and version finder http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/ 2018-06-14 11:59:33 6888 5316 WARNING nxdrive.utils qt process with PID 7612 already running 2018-06-14 11:59:33 6888 5316 DEBUG nxdrive.direct_edit DirectEdit load: u'nxdrive://edit/http/' 2018-06-14 11:59:33 6888 5316 DEBUG nxdrive.direct_edit Editing doc 691e86b1-ebab-44ec-994f-e82aaafe4ad7 on 2018-06-14 11:59:33 6888 5316 DEBUG nxdrive.direct_edit Editing u'Taratatapouetpouet.docx' 2018-06-14 11:59:33 6888 5316 DEBUG nxdrive.direct_edit Downloading file u'Taratatapouetpouet.docx' 2018-06-14 11:59:33 6888 5316 DEBUG nxdrive.manager Launching editor on C:\Users\nuxeo\.nuxeo-drive\edit\691e86b1-ebab-44ec-994f-e82aaafe4ad7\Taratatapouetpouet.docx 2018-06-14 11:59:36 7612 5292 DEBUG nxdrive.direct_edit Handling watchdog event [created] on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\edit\\691e86b1-ebab-44ec-994f-e82aaafe4ad7\\~$ratatapouetpouet.docx' 2018-06-14 11:59:36 7612 5292 DEBUG nxdrive.direct_edit Handling watchdog event [modified] on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\edit\\691e86b1-ebab-44ec-994f-e82aaafe4ad7\\~$ratatapouetpouet.docx' 2018-06-14 11:59:47 7612 5292 DEBUG nxdrive.direct_edit Handling watchdog event [created] on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\edit\\691e86b1-ebab-44ec-994f-e82aaafe4ad7\\~WRD0000.tmp' 2018-06-14 11:59:49 7612 5000 DEBUG nxdrive.autolocker Unlocking file u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\edit\\691e86b1-ebab-44ec-994f-e82aaafe4ad7\\Taratatapouetpouet.docx' 2018-06-14 11:59:49 7612 5292 DEBUG nxdrive.direct_edit Handling watchdog event [modified] on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\edit\\691e86b1-ebab-44ec-994f-e82aaafe4ad7\\~WRD0000.tmp' 2018-06-14 11:59:49 7612 5292 DEBUG nxdrive.direct_edit Handling watchdog event [modified] on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\edit\\691e86b1-ebab-44ec-994f-e82aaafe4ad7\\~WRD0000.tmp' 2018-06-14 11:59:49 7612 5292 DEBUG nxdrive.direct_edit Handling watchdog event [modified] on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\edit\\691e86b1-ebab-44ec-994f-e82aaafe4ad7\\~WRD0000.tmp' 2018-06-14 11:59:49 7612 5292 DEBUG nxdrive.direct_edit Handling watchdog event [moved] on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\edit\\691e86b1-ebab-44ec-994f-e82aaafe4ad7\\Taratatapouetpouet.docx' 2018-06-14 11:59:49 7612 5292 DEBUG nxdrive.direct_edit Handling watchdog event [moved] on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\edit\\691e86b1-ebab-44ec-994f-e82aaafe4ad7\\~WRD0000.tmp' 2018-06-14 11:59:49 7612 5292 DEBUG nxdrive.direct_edit Handling watchdog event [modified] on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\edit\\691e86b1-ebab-44ec-994f-e82aaafe4ad7\\Taratatapouetpouet.docx' 2018-06-14 11:59:49 7612 5292 DEBUG nxdrive.direct_edit Handling watchdog event [modified] on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\edit\\691e86b1-ebab-44ec-994f-e82aaafe4ad7\\~WRL0001.tmp' 2018-06-14 11:59:49 7612 5292 DEBUG nxdrive.direct_edit Handling watchdog event [deleted] on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\edit\\691e86b1-ebab-44ec-994f-e82aaafe4ad7\\~WRL0001.tmp' 2018-06-14 11:59:49 7612 5292 DEBUG nxdrive.direct_edit Handling watchdog event [deleted] on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\edit\\691e86b1-ebab-44ec-994f-e82aaafe4ad7\\~$ratatapouetpouet.docx' 2018-06-14 11:59:49 7612 5292 DEBUG nxdrive.direct_edit Uploading file u'\\\\?\\C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\edit\\691e86b1-ebab-44ec-994f-e82aaafe4ad7\\Taratatapouetpouet.docx' 2018-06-14 11:59:50 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.notification Sending Notification(level='info' title=u'Updated document' uid='DIRECT_EDIT_UPDATED_1528970390' unique=0) 2018-06-14 12:00:02 7612 5000 DEBUG nxdrive.autolocker Unlocking file u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\edit\\691e86b1-ebab-44ec-994f-e82aaafe4ad7\\Taratatapouetpouet.docx' 2018-06-14 12:00:02 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 13, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 12:00:28 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 14, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 12:00:58 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 15, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 12:01:20 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.manager Stop engine c6b13d0f6fb811e89c090800277d6e0e 2018-06-14 12:01:20 7612 6904 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.workers Thread RemoteWatcher(6904) interrupted 2018-06-14 12:01:20 7612 3236 INFO nxdrive.engine.watcher.local_watcher Stopping FS Observer thread 2018-06-14 12:01:21 7612 3236 INFO nxdrive.engine.watcher.local_watcher Stopping FS root Observer thread 2018-06-14 12:01:22 7612 3236 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.workers Thread LocalWatcher(3236) interrupted 2018-06-14 12:01:22 7612 7608 DEBUG nxdrive.commandline Qt application exited with code 0 2018-06-14 12:04:25 6296 6304 DEBUG nxdrive.commandline Command line: argv=u'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nuxeo\\Drive\\ndrivew.exe', options=Namespace(beta_update_site_url=u'http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive-tests/', consider_ssl_errors=False, debug=False, debug_pydev=False, delay=30, force_locale=None, handshake_timeout=60, locale=u'en', log_filename=None, log_level_console=u'INFO', log_level_file=u'DEBUG', max_errors=3, max_sync_step=10, nofscheck=False, nxdrive_home=u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive', proxy_exceptions=None, proxy_server=None, proxy_type=None, stop_on_error=True, timeout=30, update_check_delay=3600, update_site_url=u'http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/') 2018-06-14 12:04:25 6296 6304 DEBUG nxdrive.commandline Enabling faulthandler in C:\Users\nuxeo\.nuxeo-drive\logs\segfault.log 2018-06-14 12:04:26 6296 6304 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.dao.sqlite Create DAO on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\manager.db' 2018-06-14 12:04:26 6296 6304 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.dao.sqlite Create main connexion on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\manager.db' (dir_exists=True, file_exists=True) 2018-06-14 12:04:26 6296 6304 DEBUG nxdrive.osi Using Windows OS integration 2018-06-14 12:04:26 6296 6304 WARNING nxdrive.manager --consider-ssl-errors option is False, will not verify HTTPS certificates 2018-06-14 12:04:26 6296 6304 INFO nxdrive.manager Handle target environment that does not support HTTPS verification: globally disable verification by monkeypatching the ssl module though highly discouraged 2018-06-14 12:04:26 6296 6304 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.dao.sqlite Create DAO on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\ndrive_c6b13d0f6fb811e89c090800277d6e0e.db' 2018-06-14 12:04:26 6296 6304 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.dao.sqlite Create main connexion on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\ndrive_c6b13d0f6fb811e89c090800277d6e0e.db' (dir_exists=True, file_exists=True) 2018-06-14 12:04:26 6296 6304 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.watcher.local_watcher Windows detected so delete event will be delayed by 2000ms 2018-06-14 12:04:26 6296 6304 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Application is frozen, building Esky instance from executable C:\Program Files (x86)\Nuxeo\Drive\appdata\nuxeo-drive-3.0.6.win32\ndrivew.exe and version finder http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/ 2018-06-14 12:04:27 6296 6304 DEBUG nxdrive.manager Launch engine c6b13d0f6fb811e89c090800277d6e0e 2018-06-14 12:04:27 6296 6304 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Engine c6b13d0f6fb811e89c090800277d6e0e is starting 2018-06-14 12:04:27 6296 6304 DEBUG nxdrive.osi.windows.windows Registering 'None' application 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nuxeo\\Drive\\ndrivew.exe metadata --file "%1"' to registry key 'Software\\Classes\\*\\shell\\Nuxeo Drive\\command' 2018-06-14 12:04:27 6296 6304 DEBUG nxdrive.osi.windows.windows Registering "nxdrive" protocol handler to: 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nuxeo\\Drive\\ndrivew.exe' 2018-06-14 12:04:27 6296 5420 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.watcher.local_watcher Watching FS modification on : u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\Documents\\TestDirectEdit' 2018-06-14 12:04:27 6296 6304 DEBUG nxdrive.osi.windows.windows Registering 'Nuxeo Drive' application 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nuxeo\\Drive\\ndrivew.exe' to registry key 'Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run' 2018-06-14 12:04:27 6296 6112 DEBUG nxdrive.direct_edit Cleanup DirectEdit folder 2018-06-14 12:04:27 6296 5420 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.watcher.local_watcher Full scan started 2018-06-14 12:04:27 6296 5420 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.queue_manager Suspending queue 2018-06-14 12:04:27 6296 5420 DEBUG nxdrive.client.local_client Ignoring banned file u'desktop.ini' in u'\\\\?\\C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\Documents\\TestDirectEdit' 2018-06-14 12:04:27 6296 5420 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.watcher.local_watcher Full scan finished in 32ms 2018-06-14 12:04:27 6296 5420 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.queue_manager Resuming queue 2018-06-14 12:04:27 6296 6120 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Polling http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/ for application update, current version is 3.0.6 2018-06-14 12:04:27 6296 6120 DEBUG nxdrive.options Option server_version updated: None -> u'7.10' [server] 2018-06-14 12:04:27 6296 6120 ERROR nxdrive.updater Cannot connect to update site u'http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/' 2018-06-14 12:04:27 6296 5128 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Engine c6b13d0f6fb811e89c090800277d6e0e goes offline 2018-06-14 12:04:28 6296 5128 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.queue_manager Suspending queue 2018-06-14 12:04:27 6296 6112 ERROR nxdrive.engine.workers Thread DirectEdit(6112) exception Traceback (most recent call last): File "nuxeo-drive-client\nxdrive\engine\workers.py", line 185, in run File "nuxeo-drive-client\nxdrive\direct_edit.py", line 489, in _execute File "nuxeo-drive-client\nxdrive\engine\activity.py", line 106, in func_wrapper File "nuxeo-drive-client\nxdrive\direct_edit.py", line 145, in _cleanup File "nuxeo-drive-client\nxdrive\direct_edit.py", line 357, in _extract_edit_info File "nuxeo-drive-client\nxdrive\engine\engine.py", line 1033, in get_remote_doc_client File "nuxeo-drive-client\nxdrive\client\remote_document_client.py", line 83, in __init__ File "nuxeo-drive-client\nxdrive\client\base_automation_client.py", line 223, in __init__ File "nuxeo-drive-client\nxdrive\client\base_automation_client.py", line 251, in check_access File "C:\Jenkins\0ebd1d51\workspace\Drive\Drive-packages\deploy-dir\drive-2.7.14-python\lib\urllib2.py", line 429, in open File "C:\Jenkins\0ebd1d51\workspace\Drive\Drive-packages\deploy-dir\drive-2.7.14-python\lib\urllib2.py", line 447, in _open File "C:\Jenkins\0ebd1d51\workspace\Drive\Drive-packages\deploy-dir\drive-2.7.14-python\lib\urllib2.py", line 407, in _call_chain File "C:\Jenkins\0ebd1d51\workspace\Drive\Drive-packages\deploy-dir\drive-2.7.14-python\lib\urllib2.py", line 1228, in http_open File "C:\Jenkins\0ebd1d51\workspace\Drive\Drive-packages\deploy-dir\drive-2.7.14-python\lib\urllib2.py", line 1198, in do_open URLError: 2018-06-14 12:04:27 6296 6100 ERROR nxdrive.engine.workers Thread ServerOptionsUpdater(6100) exception Traceback (most recent call last): File "nuxeo-drive-client\nxdrive\engine\workers.py", line 185, in run File "nuxeo-drive-client\nxdrive\engine\workers.py", line 255, in _execute File "nuxeo-drive-client\nxdrive\updater.py", line 484, in _poll File "nuxeo-drive-client\nxdrive\engine\engine.py", line 1033, in get_remote_doc_client File "nuxeo-drive-client\nxdrive\client\remote_document_client.py", line 83, in __init__ File "nuxeo-drive-client\nxdrive\client\base_automation_client.py", line 223, in __init__ File "nuxeo-drive-client\nxdrive\client\base_automation_client.py", line 251, in check_access File "C:\Jenkins\0ebd1d51\workspace\Drive\Drive-packages\deploy-dir\drive-2.7.14-python\lib\urllib2.py", line 429, in open File "C:\Jenkins\0ebd1d51\workspace\Drive\Drive-packages\deploy-dir\drive-2.7.14-python\lib\urllib2.py", line 447, in _open File "C:\Jenkins\0ebd1d51\workspace\Drive\Drive-packages\deploy-dir\drive-2.7.14-python\lib\urllib2.py", line 407, in _call_chain File "C:\Jenkins\0ebd1d51\workspace\Drive\Drive-packages\deploy-dir\drive-2.7.14-python\lib\urllib2.py", line 1228, in http_open File "C:\Jenkins\0ebd1d51\workspace\Drive\Drive-packages\deploy-dir\drive-2.7.14-python\lib\urllib2.py", line 1198, in do_open URLError: 2018-06-14 12:04:27 6296 6120 WARNING nxdrive.updater Update site is unavailable, as a consequence update features won't be available 2018-06-14 12:06:57 6296 5128 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Engine c6b13d0f6fb811e89c090800277d6e0e goes online 2018-06-14 12:06:57 6296 5128 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.queue_manager Resuming queue 2018-06-14 12:07:27 6296 6304 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 2, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 12:07:38 7976 7980 DEBUG nxdrive.commandline Command line: argv=u'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nuxeo\\Drive\\ndrivew.exe nxdrive://edit/http/', options=Namespace(beta_update_site_url=u'http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive-tests/', consider_ssl_errors=False, debug=False, debug_pydev=False, delay=30, force_locale=None, handshake_timeout=60, locale=u'en', log_filename=None, log_level_console=u'INFO', log_level_file=u'DEBUG', max_errors=3, max_sync_step=10, nofscheck=False, nxdrive_home=u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive', proxy_exceptions=None, proxy_server=None, proxy_type=None, stop_on_error=True, timeout=30, update_check_delay=3600, update_site_url=u'http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/') 2018-06-14 12:07:38 7976 7980 DEBUG nxdrive.commandline Enabling faulthandler in C:\Users\nuxeo\.nuxeo-drive\logs\segfault.log 2018-06-14 12:07:39 7976 7980 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.dao.sqlite Create DAO on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\manager.db' 2018-06-14 12:07:39 7976 7980 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.dao.sqlite Create main connexion on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\manager.db' (dir_exists=True, file_exists=True) 2018-06-14 12:07:39 7976 7980 DEBUG nxdrive.osi Using Windows OS integration 2018-06-14 12:07:39 7976 7980 WARNING nxdrive.manager --consider-ssl-errors option is False, will not verify HTTPS certificates 2018-06-14 12:07:39 7976 7980 INFO nxdrive.manager Handle target environment that does not support HTTPS verification: globally disable verification by monkeypatching the ssl module though highly discouraged 2018-06-14 12:07:39 7976 7980 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.dao.sqlite Create DAO on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\ndrive_c6b13d0f6fb811e89c090800277d6e0e.db' 2018-06-14 12:07:39 7976 7980 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.dao.sqlite Create main connexion on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\ndrive_c6b13d0f6fb811e89c090800277d6e0e.db' (dir_exists=True, file_exists=True) 2018-06-14 12:07:39 7976 7980 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.watcher.local_watcher Windows detected so delete event will be delayed by 2000ms 2018-06-14 12:07:39 7976 7980 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Application is frozen, building Esky instance from executable C:\Program Files (x86)\Nuxeo\Drive\appdata\nuxeo-drive-3.0.6.win32\ndrivew.exe and version finder http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/ 2018-06-14 12:07:39 7976 7980 WARNING nxdrive.utils qt process with PID 6296 already running 2018-06-14 12:07:39 7976 7980 DEBUG nxdrive.direct_edit DirectEdit load: u'nxdrive://edit/http/' 2018-06-14 12:07:39 7976 7980 DEBUG nxdrive.direct_edit Editing doc 691e86b1-ebab-44ec-994f-e82aaafe4ad7 on 2018-06-14 12:07:39 7976 7980 DEBUG nxdrive.direct_edit Editing u'Taratatapouetpouet.docx' 2018-06-14 12:07:39 7976 7980 DEBUG nxdrive.direct_edit Downloading file u'Taratatapouetpouet.docx' 2018-06-14 12:07:39 7976 7980 DEBUG nxdrive.manager Launching editor on C:\Users\nuxeo\.nuxeo-drive\edit\691e86b1-ebab-44ec-994f-e82aaafe4ad7\Taratatapouetpouet.docx 2018-06-14 12:07:57 6296 6304 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 3, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 12:08:27 6296 6304 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 4, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 12:08:57 6296 6304 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 5, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 12:09:01 6296 6304 DEBUG nxdrive.manager Stop engine c6b13d0f6fb811e89c090800277d6e0e 2018-06-14 12:09:01 6296 5128 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.workers Thread RemoteWatcher(5128) interrupted 2018-06-14 12:09:01 6296 5420 INFO nxdrive.engine.watcher.local_watcher Stopping FS Observer thread 2018-06-14 12:09:01 6296 5420 INFO nxdrive.engine.watcher.local_watcher Stopping FS root Observer thread 2018-06-14 12:09:02 6296 5420 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.workers Thread LocalWatcher(5420) interrupted 2018-06-14 12:09:02 6296 6304 DEBUG nxdrive.commandline Qt application exited with code 0 2018-06-14 12:09:08 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.commandline Command line: argv=u'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nuxeo\\Drive\\ndrivew.exe', options=Namespace(beta_update_site_url=u'http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive-tests/', consider_ssl_errors=False, debug=False, debug_pydev=False, delay=30, force_locale=None, handshake_timeout=60, locale=u'en', log_filename=None, log_level_console=u'INFO', log_level_file=u'DEBUG', max_errors=3, max_sync_step=10, nofscheck=False, nxdrive_home=u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive', proxy_exceptions=None, proxy_server=None, proxy_type=None, stop_on_error=True, timeout=30, update_check_delay=3600, update_site_url=u'http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/') 2018-06-14 12:09:08 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.commandline Enabling faulthandler in C:\Users\nuxeo\.nuxeo-drive\logs\segfault.log 2018-06-14 12:09:09 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.dao.sqlite Create DAO on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\manager.db' 2018-06-14 12:09:09 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.dao.sqlite Create main connexion on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\manager.db' (dir_exists=True, file_exists=True) 2018-06-14 12:09:09 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.osi Using Windows OS integration 2018-06-14 12:09:09 7712 7716 WARNING nxdrive.manager --consider-ssl-errors option is False, will not verify HTTPS certificates 2018-06-14 12:09:09 7712 7716 INFO nxdrive.manager Handle target environment that does not support HTTPS verification: globally disable verification by monkeypatching the ssl module though highly discouraged 2018-06-14 12:09:09 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.dao.sqlite Create DAO on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\ndrive_c6b13d0f6fb811e89c090800277d6e0e.db' 2018-06-14 12:09:09 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.dao.sqlite Create main connexion on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\ndrive_c6b13d0f6fb811e89c090800277d6e0e.db' (dir_exists=True, file_exists=True) 2018-06-14 12:09:09 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.watcher.local_watcher Windows detected so delete event will be delayed by 2000ms 2018-06-14 12:09:09 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Application is frozen, building Esky instance from executable C:\Program Files (x86)\Nuxeo\Drive\appdata\nuxeo-drive-3.0.6.win32\ndrivew.exe and version finder http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/ 2018-06-14 12:09:09 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.manager Launch engine c6b13d0f6fb811e89c090800277d6e0e 2018-06-14 12:09:09 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Engine c6b13d0f6fb811e89c090800277d6e0e is starting 2018-06-14 12:09:09 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.osi.windows.windows Registering 'None' application 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nuxeo\\Drive\\ndrivew.exe metadata --file "%1"' to registry key 'Software\\Classes\\*\\shell\\Nuxeo Drive\\command' 2018-06-14 12:09:09 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.osi.windows.windows Registering "nxdrive" protocol handler to: 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nuxeo\\Drive\\ndrivew.exe' 2018-06-14 12:09:09 7712 3720 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.watcher.local_watcher Watching FS modification on : u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\Documents\\TestDirectEdit' 2018-06-14 12:09:09 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.osi.windows.windows Registering 'Nuxeo Drive' application 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Nuxeo\\Drive\\ndrivew.exe' to registry key 'Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run' 2018-06-14 12:09:09 7712 6528 DEBUG nxdrive.direct_edit Cleanup DirectEdit folder 2018-06-14 12:09:09 7712 3720 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.watcher.local_watcher Full scan started 2018-06-14 12:09:09 7712 3720 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.queue_manager Suspending queue 2018-06-14 12:09:09 7712 3812 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Polling http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/ for application update, current version is 3.0.6 2018-06-14 12:09:09 7712 3812 DEBUG nxdrive.options Option server_version updated: None -> u'7.10' [server] 2018-06-14 12:09:09 7712 3720 DEBUG nxdrive.client.local_client Ignoring banned file u'desktop.ini' in u'\\\\?\\C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\Documents\\TestDirectEdit' 2018-06-14 12:09:09 7712 3720 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.watcher.local_watcher Full scan finished in 94ms 2018-06-14 12:09:09 7712 3720 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.queue_manager Resuming queue 2018-06-14 12:09:09 7712 3812 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched client minimum version for server version 7.10 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/7.10.json: 2.0.1028 2018-06-14 12:09:10 7712 6528 WARNING nxdrive.direct_edit Document has been modified and not synchronized, readd to upload queue 2018-06-14 12:09:11 7712 6528 DEBUG nxdrive.direct_edit Watching FS modification on u'C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\edit' 2018-06-14 12:09:11 7712 6528 DEBUG nxdrive.direct_edit Uploading file u'\\\\?\\C:\\Users\\nuxeo\\.nuxeo-drive\\edit\\691e86b1-ebab-44ec-994f-e82aaafe4ad7\\Taratatapouetpouet.docx' 2018-06-14 12:09:11 7712 3812 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.0.1028 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.0.1028.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 12:09:11 7712 3812 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.0.1126 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.0.1126.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 12:09:11 7712 3812 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.0.1216 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.0.1216.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 12:09:11 7712 3812 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.0.1223 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.0.1223.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 12:09:11 7712 3812 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.113 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.113.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 12:09:11 7712 3812 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.120 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.120.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 12:09:11 7712 3812 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.217 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.217.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 12:09:11 7712 3812 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.302 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.302.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 12:09:11 7712 3812 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.316 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.316.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 12:09:11 7712 3812 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.526 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.526.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 12:09:11 7712 3812 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.608 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.608.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 12:09:11 7712 3812 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.623 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.623.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 12:09:11 7712 3812 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.707 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.707.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 12:09:11 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.notification Sending Notification(level='info' title=u'Updated document' uid='DIRECT_EDIT_UPDATED_1528970951' unique=0) 2018-06-14 12:09:11 7712 3812 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.818 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.818.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 12:09:11 7712 3812 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.914 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.914.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 12:09:11 7712 3812 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.1130 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.1130.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 12:09:11 7712 3812 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.1.1221 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.1.1221.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 12:09:11 7712 3812 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 2.4.7 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/2.4.7.json: 5.6 2018-06-14 12:09:11 7712 3812 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 3.0.6 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/3.0.6.json: 7.10 2018-06-14 12:09:11 7712 3812 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched server minimum version for client version 3.0.6 from http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/3.0.6.json: 7.10 2018-06-14 12:09:11 7712 3812 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Client version 3.0.6 is up-to-date regarding server version 7.10. 2018-06-14 12:09:11 7712 3812 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Fetched information from update site http://community.nuxeo.com/static/drive/: update status = 'up_to_date', update version = 'None' 2018-06-14 12:09:11 7712 3812 DEBUG nxdrive.updater Application is up-to-date 2018-06-14 12:09:39 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 2, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 12:10:09 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 3, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 12:10:39 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 4, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 12:11:09 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 5, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 12:11:39 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 6, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 12:12:09 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 7, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 12:12:39 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 8, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 12:13:09 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 9, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 12:13:39 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 10, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 12:14:09 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 11, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 12:14:39 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 12, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 12:15:09 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 13, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 12:15:39 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 14, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 12:16:09 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 15, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 12:16:39 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 16, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 12:17:09 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.engine Checking sync completed: queue manager is inactive, overall size = 0, empty polls count = 17, local watcher empty events = 1, blacklist = 0, Windows with win queue size = 0 and win folder scan size = 0 2018-06-14 12:17:36 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.manager Stop engine c6b13d0f6fb811e89c090800277d6e0e 2018-06-14 12:17:36 7712 1816 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.workers Thread RemoteWatcher(1816) interrupted 2018-06-14 12:17:36 7712 3720 INFO nxdrive.engine.watcher.local_watcher Stopping FS Observer thread 2018-06-14 12:17:36 7712 3720 INFO nxdrive.engine.watcher.local_watcher Stopping FS root Observer thread 2018-06-14 12:17:37 7712 3720 DEBUG nxdrive.engine.workers Thread LocalWatcher(3720) interrupted 2018-06-14 12:17:37 7712 7716 DEBUG nxdrive.commandline Qt application exited with code 0