[INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building Nuxeo API Playground 9.3-SNAPSHOT [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ nuxeo-api-playground --- [INFO] Deleting /home/anahide/ws/nuxeo-new/addons/nuxeo-api-playground/target [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:1.4.1:enforce (default) @ nuxeo-api-playground --- [INFO] [INFO] --- buildnumber-maven-plugin:1.2:create (default) @ nuxeo-api-playground --- [INFO] Storing buildNumber: 20170811-092720 at timestamp: 1502436440336 [INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd /home/anahide/ws/nuxeo-new/addons/nuxeo-api-playground && git rev-parse --verify HEAD [INFO] Working directory: /home/anahide/ws/nuxeo-new/addons/nuxeo-api-playground [INFO] Storing buildScmBranch: UNKNOWN [INFO] [INFO] --- incremental-build-plugin:1.6-NX1:incremental-build (default) @ nuxeo-api-playground --- [INFO] Verifying module descriptor ... [INFO] Pom descriptor modification detected. [INFO] Deleting /home/anahide/ws/nuxeo-new/addons/nuxeo-api-playground/target [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:copy-resources (copy-readme) @ nuxeo-api-playground --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 1 resource [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:copy-resources (copy-readme-parent) @ nuxeo-api-playground --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 0 resource [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ nuxeo-api-playground --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 2 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (gulp-build) @ nuxeo-api-playground --- [INFO] Executing tasks main: init: [exec] Resolving dependencies... [exec] Got dependencies! build: [exec] Loading source assets... [exec] Loading initialize/build/loader_replacer, initialize, observe, code_transformers/src/delete_file, polymer_interop/src/build/replace_polymer_js, smoke/src/default_transformer, web_components/build/mirrors_remover and web_components transformers... [exec] Loading polymer transformers... [exec] Building nuxeo_api_playground... [exec] [Warning from HtmlFinalizer on nuxeo_api_playground|web/index.html]: [exec] line 1083, column 5 of web/index.html: The css file lib/semantic/modules/tab.min.css was inlined multiple times. See http://goo.gl/5HPeuP#polymer_42 for details. [exec] [exec] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [exec] [Info from Dart2JS]: [exec] Compiling nuxeo_api_playground|web/index.bootstrap.dart... [exec] [Dart2JS on nuxeo_api_playground|web/index.bootstrap.dart]: [exec] [exec] **************************************************************** [exec] * WARNING: dart:mirrors support in dart2js is experimental, [exec] * and not recommended. [exec] * This implementation of mirrors is incomplete, [exec] * and often greatly increases the size of the generated [exec] * JavaScript code. [exec] * [exec] * Your app imports dart:mirrors via: [exec] * index.bootstrap.dart => package:nuxeo_api_playground => package:nuxeo_client => dart:mirrors [exec] * index.bootstrap.dart => package:nuxeo_api_playground => dart:mirrors [exec] * [exec] * You can disable this message by using the --enable-experimental-mirrors [exec] * command-line flag. [exec] * [exec] * To learn what to do next, please visit: [exec] * http://dartlang.org/dart2js-reflection [exec] **************************************************************** [exec] The compiler is broken. [exec] [exec] When compiling the above element, the compiler crashed. It is not [exec] possible to tell if this is caused by a problem in your program or [exec] not. Regardless, the compiler should not crash. [exec] [exec] The Dart team would greatly appreciate if you would take a moment to [exec] report this problem at http://dartbug.com/new. [exec] [exec] Please include the following information: [exec] [exec] * the name and version of your operating system, [exec] [exec] * the Dart SDK build number (build number could not be determined), and [exec] [exec] * the entire message you see here (including the full stack trace [exec] below as well as the source location above). [exec] [exec] [Info from Dart2JS]: [exec] Compiling nuxeo_api_playground|web/index.web_components.bootstrap.dart... [exec] [Error from Dart2JS]: [exec] web/index.bootstrap.dart: [exec] The compiler crashed when compiling this element. [exec] Build error: [exec] Transform Dart2JS on nuxeo_api_playground|web/index.bootstrap.dart threw error: type 'PrefixElementX' is not a subtype of type 'MemberEntity' in type cast where [exec] PrefixElementX is from package:compiler_unsupported/src/elements/modelx.dart [exec] MemberEntity is from package:compiler_unsupported/src/elements/entities.dart [exec] [exec] dart:core Object._as [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/js_backend/mirrors_data.dart 365 MirrorsDataImpl.registerMirrorUsage [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/mirrors_used.dart 103 MirrorUsageAnalyzerTask.analyzeUsage [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/compiler.dart 525 Compiler.compileLoadedLibraries. [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/common/tasks.dart 176 CompilerTask.measureSubtask [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/compiler.dart 518 Compiler.compileLoadedLibraries [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/compiler.dart 473 Compiler.runInternal [exec] ===== asynchronous gap =========================== [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/compiler.dart 308 Compiler.run.. [exec] dart:async new Future.sync [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/compiler.dart 308 Compiler.run. [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/common/tasks.dart 176 CompilerTask.measureSubtask [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/compiler.dart 305 Compiler.run [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/apiimpl.dart 263 CompilerImpl.run.. [exec] The compiler is broken. [exec] [exec] When compiling the above element, the compiler crashed. It is not [exec] possible to tell if this is caused by a problem in your program or [exec] not. Regardless, the compiler should not crash. [exec] [exec] The Dart team would greatly appreciate if you would take a moment to [exec] report this problem at http://dartbug.com/new. [exec] [exec] Please include the following information: [exec] [exec] * the name and version of your operating system, [exec] [exec] * the Dart SDK build number (build number could not be determined), and [exec] [exec] * the entire message you see here (including the full stack trace [exec] below as well as the source location above). [exec] [exec] [Info from Dart2JS]: [exec] Compiling nuxeo_api_playground|web/index.html.polymer.bootstrap.dart... [exec] [Dart2JS on nuxeo_api_playground|web/index.web_components.bootstrap.dart]: [exec] [exec] **************************************************************** [exec] * WARNING: dart:mirrors support in dart2js is experimental, [exec] * and not recommended. [exec] * This implementation of mirrors is incomplete, [exec] * and often greatly increases the size of the generated [exec] * JavaScript code. [exec] * [exec] * Your app imports dart:mirrors via: [exec] * index.bootstrap.dart => package:nuxeo_api_playground => package:nuxeo_client => dart:mirrors [exec] * index.bootstrap.dart => package:nuxeo_api_playground => dart:mirrors [exec] * index.web_components.bootstrap.dart => package:nuxeo_api_playground => package:nuxeo_client => dart:mirrors [exec] * index.web_components.bootstrap.dart => package:nuxeo_api_playground => dart:mirrors [exec] * [exec] * You can disable this message by using the --enable-experimental-mirrors [exec] * command-line flag. [exec] * [exec] * To learn what to do next, please visit: [exec] * http://dartlang.org/dart2js-reflection [exec] **************************************************************** [exec] [Error from Dart2JS]: [exec] web/index.web_components.bootstrap.dart: [exec] The compiler crashed when compiling this element. [exec] Build error: [exec] Transform Dart2JS on nuxeo_api_playground|web/index.web_components.bootstrap.dart threw error: type 'PrefixElementX' is not a subtype of type 'MemberEntity' in type cast where [exec] PrefixElementX is from package:compiler_unsupported/src/elements/modelx.dart [exec] MemberEntity is from package:compiler_unsupported/src/elements/entities.dart [exec] [exec] dart:core Object._as [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/js_backend/mirrors_data.dart 365 MirrorsDataImpl.registerMirrorUsage [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/mirrors_used.dart 103 MirrorUsageAnalyzerTask.analyzeUsage [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/compiler.dart 525 Compiler.compileLoadedLibraries. [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/common/tasks.dart 176 CompilerTask.measureSubtask [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/compiler.dart 518 Compiler.compileLoadedLibraries [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/compiler.dart 473 Compiler.runInternal [exec] ===== asynchronous gap =========================== [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/compiler.dart 308 Compiler.run.. [exec] dart:async new Future.sync [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/compiler.dart 308 Compiler.run. [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/common/tasks.dart 176 CompilerTask.measureSubtask [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/compiler.dart 305 Compiler.run [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/apiimpl.dart 263 CompilerImpl.run.. [exec] The compiler is broken. [exec] [exec] When compiling the above element, the compiler crashed. It is not [exec] possible to tell if this is caused by a problem in your program or [exec] not. Regardless, the compiler should not crash. [exec] [exec] The Dart team would greatly appreciate if you would take a moment to [exec] report this problem at http://dartbug.com/new. [exec] [exec] Please include the following information: [exec] [exec] * the name and version of your operating system, [exec] [exec] * the Dart SDK build number (build number could not be determined), and [exec] [exec] * the entire message you see here (including the full stack trace [exec] below as well as the source location above). [exec] [exec] [Dart2JS on nuxeo_api_playground|web/index.html.polymer.bootstrap.dart]: [exec] [exec] **************************************************************** [exec] * WARNING: dart:mirrors support in dart2js is experimental, [exec] * and not recommended. [exec] * This implementation of mirrors is incomplete, [exec] * and often greatly increases the size of the generated [exec] * JavaScript code. [exec] * [exec] * Your app imports dart:mirrors via: [exec] * index.bootstrap.dart => package:nuxeo_api_playground => package:nuxeo_client => dart:mirrors [exec] * index.bootstrap.dart => package:nuxeo_api_playground => dart:mirrors [exec] * index.web_components.bootstrap.dart => package:nuxeo_api_playground => package:nuxeo_client => dart:mirrors [exec] * index.web_components.bootstrap.dart => package:nuxeo_api_playground => dart:mirrors [exec] * index.html.polymer.bootstrap.dart => package:nuxeo_api_playground => package:nuxeo_client => dart:mirrors [exec] * index.html.polymer.bootstrap.dart => package:nuxeo_client => dart:mirrors [exec] * index.html.polymer.bootstrap.dart => package:nuxeo_api_playground => dart:mirrors [exec] * [exec] * You can disable this message by using the --enable-experimental-mirrors [exec] * command-line flag. [exec] * [exec] * To learn what to do next, please visit: [exec] * http://dartlang.org/dart2js-reflection [exec] **************************************************************** [exec] [Error from Dart2JS]: [exec] web/index.html.polymer.bootstrap.dart: [exec] The compiler crashed when compiling this element. [exec] Build error: [exec] Transform Dart2JS on nuxeo_api_playground|web/index.html.polymer.bootstrap.dart threw error: type 'PrefixElementX' is not a subtype of type 'MemberEntity' in type cast where [exec] PrefixElementX is from package:compiler_unsupported/src/elements/modelx.dart [exec] MemberEntity is from package:compiler_unsupported/src/elements/entities.dart [exec] [exec] dart:core Object._as [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/js_backend/mirrors_data.dart 365 MirrorsDataImpl.registerMirrorUsage [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/mirrors_used.dart 103 MirrorUsageAnalyzerTask.analyzeUsage [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/compiler.dart 525 Compiler.compileLoadedLibraries. [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/common/tasks.dart 176 CompilerTask.measureSubtask [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/compiler.dart 518 Compiler.compileLoadedLibraries [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/compiler.dart 473 Compiler.runInternal [exec] ===== asynchronous gap =========================== [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/compiler.dart 308 Compiler.run.. [exec] dart:async new Future.sync [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/compiler.dart 308 Compiler.run. [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/common/tasks.dart 176 CompilerTask.measureSubtask [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/compiler.dart 305 Compiler.run [exec] package:compiler_unsupported/src/apiimpl.dart 263 CompilerImpl.run.. [exec] Build failed. [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD FAILURE [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 10.064 s [INFO] Finished at: 2017-08-11T09:27:29+02:00 [INFO] Final Memory: 22M/318M [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-antrun-plugin:1.7:run (gulp-build) on project nuxeo-api-playground: An Ant BuildException has occured: The following error occurred while executing this line: [ERROR] /home/anahide/ws/nuxeo-new/addons/nuxeo-api-playground/src/main/dart/build.xml:9: exec returned: 65 [ERROR] around Ant part ...... @ 4:172 in /home/anahide/ws/nuxeo-new/addons/nuxeo-api-playground/target/antrun/build-main.xml [ERROR] -> [Help 1] [ERROR] [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch. [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging. [ERROR] [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles: [ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/MojoExecutionException