<p> Run a bench on a given branch. </p> <p> </p> <ul> <li>0- Push your changes to the github nuxeo repo(s) of your choice under a branch named "feature-NXP-9999-mychanges" (replace with actual branch name).</li> <li>1- Login in jenkins</li> <li>2- Press "Build Now"</li> <li>3- Fill the parameters in the jenkins launch form, in particular the branch name (MERGE_BEFORE_BUILD is recommended).</li> </ul> <p>To build differential report use this job <a href="https://qa.nuxeo.org/jenkins/job/Misc/job/ondemand-bench-diff/">ondemand-bench-diff</a></p> false Reset data Archive results to S3 BRANCH Branch to test, fall-backs on FALLBACK_BRANCH if not found master FALLBACK_BRANCH Branch to fall-back on when BRANCH does not exist master MERGE_BEFORE_BUILD Merge on master before build then, if merge is successful, run the tests. true CLEAN_BUILD Whether to clean the sources directory and maven repository false REBENCH Keep the existing instance, relaunch the bench suite false MAVEN_BUILD_TARGET For rebench use: -v install -DskipTests=true -Paddons,distrib MAVEN_BENCH_TARGET To rebench on the existing database use:<br /> org.nuxeo.build:nuxeo-distribution-tools:integration-test -Dtarget=run-funkload-benchs -Dfunkload-benchs=writer-disk,reader-cpu<br /> To rebench on a new database:<br /> org.nuxeo.build:nuxeo-distribution-tools:integration-test -Dtarget=run-funkload-benchs -Dfunkload-benchs=init,load,writer-disk,reader-cpu<br /> To load more than 50k documents add:<br /> -Dload-nodes=100000<br /> clean verify CLEAN_DATA Reset the database and instance data. false ARCHIVE_TAG If not empty archive the results into http://qa.nuxeo.org/funkload-bench/ondemand/ (broken, copies results to local archive for now) false 966e163d-b710-414e-9304-40e5cc228b85 false false true https://github.com/nuxeo/ false false false -1 100 -1 -1 false Priority2 BENCH false false false false java-8-oracle false export PATH=/opt/build/tools/maven3/bin/:$PATH rm -rf ./nuxeo-distribution/nuxeo-jsf-ui-funkload-tests/target/results/ ./nuxeo-distribution/nuxeo-jsf-ui-funkload-tests/target/log/ ./nuxeo-distribution/nuxeo-jsf-ui-funkload-tests/target/tomcat/log/ if [ "$REBENCH" = true ]; then echo "REBENCH" if [ "$CLEAN_DATA" = true ]; then export NX_PGSQL_DB_NAME=ondemand mvn initialize -Pcustomdb,pgsql -N rm -rf ./nuxeo-distribution/nuxeo-jsf-ui-funkload-tests/target/tomcat/nxserver/data/ fi else if [ "$CLEAN_BUILD" = true ] || [ ! -e .git ]; then rm -rf * .??* git clone git@github.com:nuxeo/nuxeo.git . fi python ./clone.py $BRANCH -f $FALLBACK_BRANCH if [ "$MERGE_BEFORE_BUILD" = true ]; then git checkout -b ondemand_current_tmp git checkout $FALLBACK_BRANCH git merge ondemand_current_tmp git branch -d ondemand_current_tmp fi rm -rf $WORKSPACE/.repository/org/nuxeo/ fi $MAVEN_BUILD_TARGET maven-3.2 -Xms512m -Xmx3048m -XX:MaxPermSize=2g true $MAVEN_BENCH_TARGET -Pqa,tomcat,pgsql,monitor,bench maven-3.2 -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m nuxeo-distribution/nuxeo-distribution-cap-funkload-tests/pom.xml env.NX_METRICS_GRAPHITE_HOST=localhost env.NX_METRICS_GRAPHITE_PORT=2030 true if [ "x$ARCHIVE_TAG" != "x" ]; then mkdir -p /opt/jenkins/archives/ondemand/ cp -r ./nuxeo-distribution/nuxeo-jsf-ui-funkload-tests/target/results /opt/jenkins/archives/ondemand/$BUILD_NUMBER-$ARCHIVE_TAG-$BRANCH aws s3 sync ./nuxeo-distribution/nuxeo-jsf-ui-funkload-tests/target/results s3://nuxeo-funkload-reports/ondemand/$BUILD_NUMBER-$ARCHIVE_TAG-$BRANCH --grants read=uri=http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/AllUsers full=emailaddress=system@nuxeo.com --region eu-west-1 fi nuxeo-distribution/nuxeo-jsf-ui-funkload-tests/target/tomcat/log/*,nuxeo-distribution/nuxeo-jsf-ui-funkload-tests/target/log/*,nuxeo-distribution/nuxeo-jsf-ui-funkload-tests/target/results/*/*/* false false false true true $ARCHIVE_TAG-$BRANCH false $DEFAULT_RECIPIENTS $PROJECT_DEFAULT_SUBJECT $PROJECT_DEFAULT_CONTENT false false project $PROJECT_DEFAULT_SUBJECT $PROJECT_DEFAULT_CONTENT false false project default $DEFAULT_SUBJECT $DEFAULT_CONTENT false false false false ALL false false false false false ONLY_CONFIGURATIONS 420 eu-west-1