  • Identify how the situation came to light (based on the factual information provided by the instigating manager); what actions have already been taken prior to the investigation commencing; what communications have taken place.
  • Provide brief details of the ‘subject’ of the investigation, their employment history, current role and how long held etc.

Appendix 1:
The following table gives the names of the people who provided statements for this investigation.
Name Post Reason Date Appendix
John Hello World Good Morning 2015-06-01 N/A
Paul Bye Bye World Good Night 2016-12-31 Greetings
Appendix 2: Record of Work
Date Item Appendix
Good Work
2016-12-14 Apple Fruits
2016-12-31 Chair Furnitures
Bad Work
2015-06-01 Pizza Food
1950-11 Elvis Concerts