Test suite results

result: failed
totalTime: 92
numTestTotal: 10
numTestPasses: 7
numTestFailures: 3
numCommandPasses: 137
numCommandFailures: 7
numCommandErrors: 2
Selenium Version: 2.39
Selenium Revision: .0
Nuxeo Platform Error Test Suite
setTimeout 120000
open /nuxeo/logout
open /nuxeo/
waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad content 60000
verifyElementPresent link=Go to error page
clickAndWait link=Go to error page
clickAndWait link=Error invalid html
verifyTextPresent An error occurred
verifyTextPresent An unexpected error occurred
verifyElementPresent link=Back to home page
verifyElementPresent link=Log out
verifyTextPresent Show error stacktrace
verifyTextPresent Show error context dump
clickAndWait link=Back to home page
waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad content 60000
clickAndWait link=Go to error page
clickAndWait link=Error ui:include not found
verifyTextPresent ERROR: some facelet is not found: /path/to/non/existing/template false
verifyElementNotPresent link=Back to home page true
open /nuxeo/
waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad content 60000
clickAndWait link=Go to error page
clickAndWait link=Error ui:decorate not found
verifyTextPresent ERROR: some facelet is not found: /path/to/non/existing/template false
verifyElementNotPresent link=Back to home page true
open /nuxeo/
waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad content 60000
clickAndWait link=Go to error page
clickAndWait link=Error ui:composition not found
verifyTextPresent ERROR: some facelet is not found: /path/to/non/existing/template false
verifyElementNotPresent link=Back to home page true
open /nuxeo/
waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad content 60000
clickAndWait link=Go to error page
clickAndWait link=JSF checked error
verifyTextPresent An error occurred
verifyTextPresent An unexpected error occurred
verifyElementPresent link=Back to home page
verifyElementPresent link=Log out
verifyTextPresent Show error stacktrace
verifyTextPresent Show error context dump
clickAndWait link=Back to home page
waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad content 60000
clickAndWait link=Go to error page
clickAndWait link=JSF unchecked error
verifyTextPresent An error occurred
verifyTextPresent An unexpected error occurred
verifyElementPresent link=Back to home page
verifyElementPresent link=Log out
verifyTextPresent Show error stacktrace
verifyTextPresent Show error context dump
clickAndWait link=Back to home page
waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad content 60000
clickAndWait link=Go to error page
clickAndWait link=Seam getter checked error
verifyTextPresent An error occurred
verifyTextPresent An unexpected error occurred
verifyElementPresent link=Back to home page
verifyElementPresent link=Log out
verifyTextPresent Show error stacktrace
verifyTextPresent Show error context dump
clickAndWait link=Back to home page
waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad content 60000
clickAndWait link=Go to error page
clickAndWait link=Seam getter unchecked error
verifyTextPresent An error occurred
verifyTextPresent An unexpected error occurred
verifyElementPresent link=Back to home page
verifyElementPresent link=Log out
verifyTextPresent Show error stacktrace
verifyTextPresent Show error context dump
clickAndWait link=Back to home page
waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad content 60000
clickAndWait link=Go to error page
clickAndWait link=Seam getter security error
verifyTextPresent You don't have the necessary permission to do the requested action
verifyTextPresent You don't have sufficient rights to perform this operation
verifyElementPresent link=Back to home page
verifyElementPresent link=Log out
verifyTextPresent Show error stacktrace
verifyTextPresent Show error context dump
clickAndWait link=Back to home page
waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad content 60000
clickAndWait link=Go to error page
clickAndWait link=Seam factory checked error
verifyElementPresent link=Back to home page
verifyElementPresent link=Log out
verifyTextPresent Show error stacktrace
verifyTextPresent Show error context dump
clickAndWait link=Back to home page
waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad content 60000
clickAndWait link=Go to error page
clickAndWait link=Seam factory unchecked error
verifyElementPresent link=Back to home page
verifyElementPresent link=Log out
verifyTextPresent Show error stacktrace
verifyTextPresent Show error context dump
clickAndWait link=Back to home page
waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad content 60000
clickAndWait link=Go to error page
clickAndWait link=Seam factory security error
verifyTextPresent You don't have the necessary permission to do the requested action
verifyTextPresent You don't have sufficient rights to perform this operation
verifyElementPresent link=Back to home page
verifyElementPresent link=Log out
verifyTextPresent Show error stacktrace
verifyTextPresent Show error context dump
clickAndWait link=Back to home page
waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad content 60000
clickAndWait link=Go to error page
clickAndWait link=Seam action checked error
verifyElementPresent link=Back to home page
verifyElementPresent link=Log out
verifyTextPresent Show error stacktrace
verifyTextPresent Show error context dump
clickAndWait link=Back to home page
waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad content 60000
clickAndWait link=Go to error page
clickAndWait link=Seam action unchecked error
verifyElementPresent link=Back to home page
verifyElementPresent link=Log out
verifyTextPresent Show error stacktrace
verifyTextPresent Show error context dump
clickAndWait link=Back to home page
waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad content 60000
clickAndWait link=Go to error page
clickAndWait link=Seam action security error
verifyTextPresent You don't have the necessary permission to do the requested action
verifyTextPresent You don't have sufficient rights to perform this operation
verifyElementPresent link=Back to home page
verifyElementPresent link=Log out
verifyTextPresent Show error stacktrace
verifyTextPresent Show error context dump
setTimeout 120000
open /nuxeo/logout
open /nuxeo/doc/not/found@view_documents
verifyTextPresent Sorry, the page you requested cannot be found
verifyElementPresent link=Back to *
verifyElementPresent link=Log out
verifyTextNotPresent show stacktrace
verifyTextNotPresent show context dump
setTimeout 120000
open /nuxeo/logout
open /nuxeo/nxpath/foo@view_documents
verifyTextPresent You must be authenticated to perform this operation
verifyTextPresent An error occurred
verifyElementNotPresent link=back
verifyElementNotPresent link=change username
verifyTextNotPresent show stacktrace
verifyTextNotPresent show context dump
verifyElementPresent link=Sign in
open /nuxeo/logout
open /nuxeo/nxpath/default/foo@view_documents
verifyElementNotPresent link=Back *
verifyElementNotPresent link=Log out
verifyTextNotPresent Show error stacktrace
verifyTextNotPresent Show error context dump
clickAndWait link=Sign in
type username Administrator
type password Administrator
clickAndWait Submit
verifyTextPresent Administrator
open /nuxeo/nxpath/default/foo@view_documents
verifyTextPresent An error occurred
verifyElementPresent link=Back *
verifyElementPresent link=Log out
verifyTextPresent Show error stacktrace
verifyTextPresent Show error context dump
setTimeout 120000
open /nuxeo/logout
open /nuxeo/nxpath/default-domain@foo
verifyTextPresent Sorry, the page you requested cannot be found
verifyElementPresent link=Back *
verifyElementPresent link=Log out
verifyTextNotPresent Show error stacktrace
verifyTextNotPresent Show error context dump
setTimeout 120000
open /nuxeo/logout
open /nuxeo/
waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad content 60000
verifyElementPresent link=Log in
clickAndWait link=Log in
type username Administrator
type password Administrator
clickAndWait Submit
verifyTextPresent Administrator
clickAndWait Link=Admin
clickAndWait Link=Users & Groups
click link=Create a new user
waitForA4jRequest 10000
click //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:immediate_creation']
waitForA4jRequest 10000
waitForElementPresent //*[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_username']
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_username'] restrictedUser
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstname'] Restricted
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_lastname'] User
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_company'] Nuxeo
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstPassword'] test
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_secondPassword'] test
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_email'] selenium+test@nuxeo.com
click //input[@value='Save']
waitForA4jRequest 10000
verifyTextPresent restrictedUser
open /nuxeo/
verifyElementPresent link=Workspaces
clickAndWait link=Workspaces
verifyElementPresent link=Manage
clickAndWait link=Manage
assertNotChecked //form[@id="block_inherit"]/input[@type="checkbox"]
clickAndWait //form[@id="block_inherit"]/input[@type="checkbox"]
verifyChecked //form[@id="block_inherit"]/input[@type="checkbox"]
open /nuxeo/logout
setTimeout 120000
open /nuxeo/logout
open /nuxeo/nxpath/default/default-domain@view_documents
verifyTextPresent Unauthorized user
verifyElementPresent username
verifyElementPresent password
type username Administrator
type password Administrator
clickAndWait Submit
verifyTextPresent Administrator
assertTitle Nuxeo Platform - Default domain
open /nuxeo/logout
open /nuxeo/nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces@view_documents
verifyTextPresent Unauthorized user
verifyElementPresent username
verifyElementPresent password
type username restrictedUser
type password test
clickAndWait Submit
verifyTextPresent You don't have the necessary permission to do the requested action
verifyTextPresent You don't have sufficient rights to perform this operation
verifyElementPresent link=Back *
verifyElementPresent link=Log out
verifyTextPresent Show error stacktrace
verifyTextPresent Show error context dump
open /nuxeo/logout
open /nuxeo/nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces@view_documents
verifyTextPresent Unauthorized user
open /nuxeo/
waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad content 60000
verifyTextNotPresent Unauthorized user
verifyElementNotPresent username
verifyElementNotPresent login
setTimeout 120000
open /nuxeo/logout
open /nuxeo/
waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad content 60000
verifyElementPresent link=Log in
clickAndWait link=Log in
type username Administrator
type password Administrator
clickAndWait Submit
verifyTextPresent Administrator
clickAndWait Link=Admin
clickAndWait Link=Users & Groups
type //input[@id='usersListingView:searchForm:searchText'] restricted
click //input[@id='usersListingView:searchForm:searchButton']
waitForA4jRequest 10000
click link=restrictedUser
waitForA4jRequest 10000
click link=Delete
assertConfirmation Delete user?
waitForTextPresent No user matching the entered criteria 10000
open /nuxeo/
verifyElementPresent link=Workspaces false
clickAndWait link=Workspaces Element link=Workspaces not found
verifyElementPresent link=Manage
clickAndWait link=Manage
assertChecked //form[@id="block_inherit"]/input[@type="checkbox"]
clickAndWait //form[@id="block_inherit"]/input[@type="checkbox"]
verifyNotChecked //form[@id="block_inherit"]/input[@type="checkbox"]
open /nuxeo/logout
setTimeout 120000
open /nuxeo/logout
open /nuxeo/site/error
verifyElementPresent link=Web Exception
clickAndWait link=Web Exception
verifyTextPresent org.nuxeo.ecm.webengine.WebException: Web exception
open /nuxeo/site/error
verifyElementPresent link=Checked Error
clickAndWait link=Checked Error
verifyTextPresent org.nuxeo.ecm.webengine.model.exceptions.WebDocumentException
open /nuxeo/site/error
verifyElementPresent link=Unchecked Error
clickAndWait link=Unchecked Error
verifyTextPresent org.nuxeo.ecm.webengine.WebException
open /nuxeo/site/error
verifyElementPresent link=Security Error
clickAndWait link=Security Error
verifyTextPresent org.nuxeo.ecm.webengine.model.exceptions.WebSecurityException
setTimeout 120000
open /nuxeo/logout
open /nuxeo/
waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad content 60000
verifyElementPresent link=Go to error page
clickAndWait link=Go to error page
clickAndWait link=Seam action Rollback via RecoverableClientException Element link=Seam action Rollback via RecoverableClientException not found
verifyTextPresent Application validation failed, rollingback
verifyTextNotPresent Transaction failed
clickAndWait link=Seam action simple Rollback
verifyTextPresent Transaction failed
setTimeout 120000
open /nuxeo/logout
open /nuxeo/
waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad content 60000
verifyElementPresent link=Go to error page
clickAndWait link=Go to error page
clickAndWait link=Test Seam concurrency issues
click link=Seam long blocking call
clickAndWait link=Refresh this page
verifyTextPresent This page may not be up to date
clickAndWait link=Seam long blocking call
verifyTextPresent could not be processed
verifyTextPresent This page may not be up to date
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/testErrorPage.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 120000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/ |  |
info: Executing: |waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad | content | 60000 |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Go to error page |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Go to error page |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Error invalid html |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | An error occurred |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | An unexpected error occurred |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Back to home page |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Show error stacktrace |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Show error context dump |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Back to home page |  |
info: Executing: |waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad | content | 60000 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Go to error page |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Error ui:include not found |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | ERROR: some facelet is not found: /path/to/non/existing/template |  |
warn: currentTest.recordFailure: false
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Back to home page |  |
warn: currentTest.recordFailure: true
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/ |  |
info: Executing: |waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad | content | 60000 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Go to error page |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Error ui:decorate not found |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | ERROR: some facelet is not found: /path/to/non/existing/template |  |
warn: currentTest.recordFailure: false
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Back to home page |  |
warn: currentTest.recordFailure: true
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/ |  |
info: Executing: |waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad | content | 60000 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Go to error page |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Error ui:composition not found |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | ERROR: some facelet is not found: /path/to/non/existing/template |  |
warn: currentTest.recordFailure: false
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Back to home page |  |
warn: currentTest.recordFailure: true
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/ |  |
info: Executing: |waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad | content | 60000 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Go to error page |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=JSF checked error |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | An error occurred |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | An unexpected error occurred |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Back to home page |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Show error stacktrace |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Show error context dump |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Back to home page |  |
info: Executing: |waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad | content | 60000 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Go to error page |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=JSF unchecked error |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | An error occurred |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | An unexpected error occurred |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Back to home page |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Show error stacktrace |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Show error context dump |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Back to home page |  |
info: Executing: |waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad | content | 60000 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Go to error page |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Seam getter checked error |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | An error occurred |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | An unexpected error occurred |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Back to home page |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Show error stacktrace |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Show error context dump |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Back to home page |  |
info: Executing: |waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad | content | 60000 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Go to error page |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Seam getter unchecked error |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | An error occurred |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | An unexpected error occurred |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Back to home page |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Show error stacktrace |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Show error context dump |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Back to home page |  |
info: Executing: |waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad | content | 60000 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Go to error page |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Seam getter security error |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You don't have the necessary permission to do the requested action |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You don't have sufficient rights to perform this operation |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Back to home page |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Show error stacktrace |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Show error context dump |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Back to home page |  |
info: Executing: |waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad | content | 60000 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Go to error page |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Seam factory checked error |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Back to home page |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Show error stacktrace |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Show error context dump |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Back to home page |  |
info: Executing: |waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad | content | 60000 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Go to error page |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Seam factory unchecked error |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Back to home page |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Show error stacktrace |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Show error context dump |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Back to home page |  |
info: Executing: |waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad | content | 60000 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Go to error page |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Seam factory security error |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You don't have the necessary permission to do the requested action |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You don't have sufficient rights to perform this operation |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Back to home page |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Show error stacktrace |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Show error context dump |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Back to home page |  |
info: Executing: |waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad | content | 60000 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Go to error page |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Seam action checked error |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Back to home page |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Show error stacktrace |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Show error context dump |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Back to home page |  |
info: Executing: |waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad | content | 60000 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Go to error page |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Seam action unchecked error |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Back to home page |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Show error stacktrace |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Show error context dump |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Back to home page |  |
info: Executing: |waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad | content | 60000 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Go to error page |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Seam action security error |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You don't have the necessary permission to do the requested action |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You don't have sufficient rights to perform this operation |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Back to home page |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Show error stacktrace |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Show error context dump |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/testNavigatePageNotFound.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 120000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/doc/not/found@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Sorry, the page you requested cannot be found |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Back to * |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | show stacktrace |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | show context dump |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/testNavigateDocumentNotFound.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 120000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/nxpath/foo@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You must be authenticated to perform this operation |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | An error occurred |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=back |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=change username |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | show stacktrace |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | show context dump |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Sign in |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/nxpath/default/foo@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Back * |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Show error stacktrace |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Show error context dump |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Sign in |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | Administrator |
info: Executing: |type | password | Administrator |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Administrator |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/nxpath/default/foo@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | An error occurred |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Back * |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Show error stacktrace |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Show error context dump |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/testNavigateViewNotFound.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 120000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/nxpath/default-domain@foo |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Sorry, the page you requested cannot be found |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Back * |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Show error stacktrace |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Show error context dump |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/setupSecurityRestrictions.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 120000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/ |  |
info: Executing: |waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad | content | 60000 |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Log in |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log in |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | Administrator |
info: Executing: |type | password | Administrator |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Administrator |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Link=Admin |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Link=Users & Groups |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Create a new user |  |
info: JSF2 ajax request begin
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: JSF2 ajax request complete
info: JSF2 ajax request success
info: JSF2 ajax request end detected
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: JSF Ajax listener already set on page
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:immediate_creation'] |  |
info: JSF2 ajax request begin
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: JSF2 ajax request complete
info: JSF2 ajax request success
info: JSF2 ajax request end detected
info: Executing: |waitForElementPresent | //*[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_username'] |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_username'] | restrictedUser |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstname'] | Restricted |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_lastname'] | User |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_company'] | Nuxeo |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstPassword'] | test |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_secondPassword'] | test |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_email'] | selenium+test@nuxeo.com |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: JSF Ajax listener already set on page
info: Executing: |click | //input[@value='Save'] |  |
info: JSF2 ajax request begin
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: JSF2 ajax request complete
info: JSF2 ajax request success
info: JSF2 ajax request end detected
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | restrictedUser |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/ |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Manage |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Manage |  |
info: Executing: |assertNotChecked | //form[@id="block_inherit"]/input[@type="checkbox"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //form[@id="block_inherit"]/input[@type="checkbox"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyChecked | //form[@id="block_inherit"]/input[@type="checkbox"] |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/logout |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/testNavigateSecurityError.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 120000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/nxpath/default/default-domain@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Unauthorized user |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | username |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | password |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | Administrator |
info: Executing: |type | password | Administrator |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Administrator |  |
info: Executing: |assertTitle | Nuxeo Platform - Default domain |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Unauthorized user |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | username |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | password |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | restrictedUser |
info: Executing: |type | password | test |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You don't have the necessary permission to do the requested action |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You don't have sufficient rights to perform this operation |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Back * |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Show error stacktrace |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Show error context dump |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Unauthorized user |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/ |  |
info: Executing: |waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad | content | 60000 |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Unauthorized user |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | username |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | login |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/removeSecurityRestrictions.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 120000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/ |  |
info: Executing: |waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad | content | 60000 |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Log in |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log in |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | Administrator |
info: Executing: |type | password | Administrator |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Administrator |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Link=Admin |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Link=Users & Groups |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='usersListingView:searchForm:searchText'] | restricted |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='usersListingView:searchForm:searchButton'] |  |
info: JSF2 ajax request begin
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: JSF2 ajax request complete
info: JSF2 ajax request success
info: JSF2 ajax request end detected
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: JSF Ajax listener already set on page
info: Executing: |click | link=restrictedUser |  |
info: JSF2 ajax request begin
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: JSF2 ajax request complete
info: JSF2 ajax request success
info: JSF2 ajax request end detected
info: Executing: |click | link=Delete |  |
info: JSF2 ajax request begin
info: Executing: |assertConfirmation | Delete user? |  |
info: Executing: |waitForTextPresent | No user matching the entered criteria | 10000 |
info: JSF2 ajax request complete
info: JSF2 ajax request success
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/ |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Workspaces |  |
warn: currentTest.recordFailure: false
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: TakeScreenShot in /opt/hudson/workspace/addons_FT_nuxeo-platform-error-web-master/ftest/selenium/target/screenshot1412216067202.png
error: Element link=Workspaces not found
warn: currentTest.recordFailure: Element link=Workspaces not found
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/testWebengineError.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 120000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/site/error |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Web Exception |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Web Exception |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | WEBENGINE HANDLED ERROR: |  |
info: isTextPresent: page is heavy
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | org.nuxeo.ecm.webengine.WebException: Web exception |  |
info: isTextPresent: page is heavy
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/site/error |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Checked Error |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Checked Error |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | WEBENGINE HANDLED ERROR: |  |
info: isTextPresent: page is heavy
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | org.nuxeo.ecm.webengine.model.exceptions.WebDocumentException |  |
info: isTextPresent: page is heavy
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/site/error |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Unchecked Error |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Unchecked Error |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | WEBENGINE HANDLED ERROR: |  |
info: isTextPresent: page is heavy
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | org.nuxeo.ecm.webengine.WebException |  |
info: isTextPresent: page is heavy
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/site/error |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Security Error |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Security Error |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | WEBENGINE HANDLED ERROR: |  |
info: isTextPresent: page is heavy
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | org.nuxeo.ecm.webengine.model.exceptions.WebSecurityException |  |
info: isTextPresent: page is heavy
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/testRollbackMessages.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 120000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/ |  |
info: Executing: |waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad | content | 60000 |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Go to error page |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Go to error page |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Seam action Rollback via RecoverableClientException |  |
info: TakeScreenShot in /opt/hudson/workspace/addons_FT_nuxeo-platform-error-web-master/ftest/selenium/target/screenshot1412216072210.png
error: Element link=Seam action Rollback via RecoverableClientException not found
warn: currentTest.recordFailure: Element link=Seam action Rollback via RecoverableClientException not found
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/testSeamConcurrency.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 120000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo/ |  |
info: Executing: |waitForOpensocialGadgetsToLoad | content | 60000 |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Go to error page |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Go to error page |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Test Seam concurrency issues |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Seam long blocking call |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Refresh this page |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This page may not be up to date |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Seam long blocking call |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | could not be processed |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This page may not be up to date |  |