Build #7

Branch to test, fall-backs on master if not found
The branch to fallback on when $BRANCH is not found. This is also the branch on which $BRANCH is merged (before or after build and tests depending on $MERGE_BEFORE_BUILD value).
If true, merge on $PARENT_BRANCH before build then, if merge is successful, run the tests. If false, merge will be done after tests.
Push $PARENT_BRANCH if all build and tests succeed.
Whether to clean or not the workspace (true by default)
For instance: -pl nuxeo-common, -rf somemodule or -N Default is "-fae" (fail at end): fail after the whole build (though skipping modules which dependencies build have failed) instead of fail at first error.
For instance: -pl nuxeo-distribution-dm -amd or -rf somemodule Default is "-fae" (fail at end): fail after the whole build (though skipping modules which dependencies build have failed) instead of fail at first error.
Maven profiles to activate
If not empty, overrides the job configuration.
Default value (ondemand) use AWS on-demand slave. Other recommended labels are: SLAVE, SLAVE4GB, OSXSLAVE, WINSLAVE