Test suite results

result: failed
totalTime: 189
numTestTotal: 33
numTestPasses: 32
numTestFailures: 1
numCommandPasses: 268
numCommandFailures: 6
numCommandErrors: 1
Selenium Version: 2.34
Selenium Revision: .0
Nuxeo EP 5 Test Suite
open restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium checkBrowserVersion
storeExpression javascript{selenium.getEval("navigator.userAgent");} userAgent
echo ${userAgent} Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:22.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/22.0
setTimeout 30000
open restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium createStructure
open logout
type username Administrator
type password Administrator
clickAndWait Submit
verifyTextPresent Administrator
clickAndWait link=Workspaces
clickAndWait link=Create a new workspace
type //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/input[@type="text"] testWorkspace1
type //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/textarea desc testWorkspace1
clickAndWait //input[@value='Create']
click link=New
waitForTextPresent Available document types
clickAndWait link=Folder
type //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/input[@type="text"] testFolder1
type //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/textarea desc testFolder1
clickAndWait //input[@value='Create']
clickAndWait Link=testWorkspace1
click link=New
waitForTextPresent Available document types
clickAndWait link=Folder
type //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/input[@type="text"] testFilesFolder
type //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/textarea desc testFilesFolder
clickAndWait //input[@value='Create']
clickAndWait link=Workspaces
clickAndWait link=Create a new workspace
type //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/input[@type="text"] testWorkspace2
type //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/textarea desc testWorkspace2
clickAndWait //input[@value='Create']
clickAndWait Link=Sections
clickAndWait link=Create a new section
type //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/input[@type="text"] testSection1
type //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/textarea desc testSection1
clickAndWait //input[@value='Create']
click link=New
waitForTextPresent Available document types
clickAndWait link=Section
type //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/input[@type="text"] testSection2
type //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/textarea desc testSection2
clickAndWait document_create:create_doc_CANCEL_DOCUMENT_CREATION
click link=New
waitForTextPresent Available document types
clickAndWait link=Section
type //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/input[@type="text"] testSection2
type //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/textarea desc testSection2
clickAndWait //input[@value='Create']
clickAndWait link=Log out
setTimeout 30000
open restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium createUsers
open logout
type username Administrator
type password Administrator
clickAndWait Submit
verifyTextPresent Administrator
clickAndWait Link=Admin Center
clickAndWait Link=Users & Groups
click link=Create a new user
waitForA4jRequest 10000
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_username'] jdoe
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstname'] John
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_lastname'] Doe
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_company'] Nuxeo
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstPassword'] jdoe1
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_secondPassword'] foo
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_email'] sg+jdoe@nuxeo.com
select2Type css=div[id$='nxw_groups_select2'] members
waitForSelect2 10000
clickAt css=.select2-result-selectable
click //input[@value='Save']
waitForA4jRequest 10000
verifyTextPresent Passwords do not match
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstPassword'] jdoe1
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_secondPassword'] jdoe1
click //input[@value='Save']
waitForA4jRequest 10000
click link=Change password
waitForA4jRequest 10000
type //input[@id='viewUserView:editUserPassword:nxl_user_3:nxw_firstPassword_1'] jdoe1
type //input[@id='viewUserView:editUserPassword:nxl_user_3:nxw_secondPassword_1'] foo
click //input[@value='Save']
waitForA4jRequest 10000
verifyTextPresent Passwords do not match
type //input[@id='viewUserView:editUserPassword:nxl_user_3:nxw_firstPassword_1'] jdoe1
type //input[@id='viewUserView:editUserPassword:nxl_user_3:nxw_secondPassword_1'] jdoe1
click //input[@value='Save']
waitForA4jRequest 10000
verifyTextPresent sg+jdoe@nuxeo.com
click link=Back to the list
waitForA4jRequest 10000
click link=Create a new user
waitForA4jRequest 10000
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_username'] jdoe
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_email'] sg+jdoe@nuxeo.com
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstPassword'] jdoe1
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_secondPassword'] jdoe1
click //input[@value='Save']
waitForA4jRequest 10000
waitForTextPresent User already exists
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_username'] jsmith
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstname'] John
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_lastname'] Smith
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_company'] Nuxeo
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_email'] sg+jsmith@nuxeo.com
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstPassword'] jsmith1
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_secondPassword'] jsmith1
select2Type css=div[id$='nxw_groups_select2'] members
waitForSelect2 10000
clickAt css=.select2-result-selectable
click //input[@value='Save']
waitForA4jRequest 10000
click link=Change password
waitForA4jRequest 10000
type //input[@id='viewUserView:editUserPassword:nxl_user_3:nxw_firstPassword_1'] jsmith1
type //input[@id='viewUserView:editUserPassword:nxl_user_3:nxw_secondPassword_1'] jsmith1
click //input[@value='Save']
waitForA4jRequest 10000
verifyTextPresent sg+jsmith@nuxeo.com
click link=Back to the list
waitForA4jRequest 10000
click link=Create a new user
waitForA4jRequest 10000
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_username'] bree
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstname'] Bree
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_lastname'] Van de Kaamp
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_company'] Nuxeo
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_email'] sg+bree@nuxeo.com
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstPassword'] bree1
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_secondPassword'] bree1
select2Type css=div[id$='nxw_groups_select2'] members
waitForSelect2 10000
clickAt css=.select2-result-selectable
click //input[@value='Save']
waitForA4jRequest 10000
click link=Change password
waitForA4jRequest 10000
type //input[@id='viewUserView:editUserPassword:nxl_user_3:nxw_firstPassword_1'] bree1
type //input[@id='viewUserView:editUserPassword:nxl_user_3:nxw_secondPassword_1'] bree1
click //input[@value='Save']
waitForA4jRequest 10000
verifyTextPresent sg+bree@nuxeo.com
click link=Back to the list
waitForA4jRequest 10000
click link=Create a new user
waitForA4jRequest 10000
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_username'] lbramard
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstname'] Lucien
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_lastname'] Bramard
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_company'] Nuxeo
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstPassword'] lbramard1
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_secondPassword'] lbramard1
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_email'] sg+lbramard@nuxeo.com
select2Type css=div[id$='nxw_groups_select2'] members
waitForSelect2 10000
clickAt css=.select2-result-selectable
click //input[@value='Save']
waitForA4jRequest 10000
click link=Change password
waitForA4jRequest 10000
type //input[@id='viewUserView:editUserPassword:nxl_user_3:nxw_firstPassword_1'] lbramard1
type //input[@id='viewUserView:editUserPassword:nxl_user_3:nxw_secondPassword_1'] lbramard1
click //input[@value='Save']
waitForA4jRequest 10000
verifyTextPresent sg+lbramard@nuxeo.com
click link=Back to the list
waitForA4jRequest 10000
click link=Create a new user
waitForA4jRequest 10000
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_username'] linnet
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstname'] Linnet
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_lastname'] Scavo
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_company'] Nuxeo
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstPassword'] linnet1
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_secondPassword'] linnet1
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_email'] sg+linnet@nuxeo.com
select2Type css=div[id$='nxw_groups_select2'] members
waitForSelect2 10000
clickAt css=.select2-result-selectable
click //input[@value='Save']
waitForA4jRequest 10000
click link=Change password
waitForA4jRequest 10000
type //input[@id='viewUserView:editUserPassword:nxl_user_3:nxw_firstPassword_1'] linnet1
type //input[@id='viewUserView:editUserPassword:nxl_user_3:nxw_secondPassword_1'] linnet1
click //input[@value='Save']
waitForA4jRequest 10000
verifyTextPresent sg+linnet@nuxeo.com
clickAndWait link=Log out
setTimeout 30000
open restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium createGroup
open logout
type username Administrator
type password Administrator
clickAndWait Submit
verifyTextPresent Administrator
clickAndWait Link=Admin Center
clickAndWait Link=Users & Groups
click link=Groups
waitForA4jRequest 10000
click link=Create a new group
waitForA4jRequest 10000
type //input[@id='createGroupView:createGroup:nxl_group:nxw_group_name'] Johns
select2Type css=div[id$='nxw_group_members_select2'] bre
waitForSelect2 10000
clickAt css=.select2-result-selectable
select2Type css=div[id$='nxw_group_members_select2'] jdo
waitForSelect2 10000
clickAt css=.select2-result-selectable
select2Type css=div[id$='nxw_group_members_select2'] jsmith
waitForSelect2 10000
clickAt css=.select2-result-selectable
verifyText //*[@id='s2id_createGroupView:createGroup:nxl_group:nxw_group_members_select2']/ul[@class='select2-choices']/li[@class='select2-search-choice'][1]/div Bree Van de Kaamp
verifyText //*[@id='s2id_createGroupView:createGroup:nxl_group:nxw_group_members_select2']/ul[@class='select2-choices']/li[@class='select2-search-choice'][2]/div John Doe
verifyText //*[@id='s2id_createGroupView:createGroup:nxl_group:nxw_group_members_select2']/ul[@class='select2-choices']/li[@class='select2-search-choice'][3]/div John Smith
click //input[@value='Save']
waitForA4jRequest 10000
verifyTextPresent Johns
click link=Back to the list
waitForA4jRequest 10000
type //input[@id='groupsListingView:searchForm:searchText'] Johns
click //input[@id='groupsListingView:searchForm:searchButton']
waitForA4jRequest 10000
click link=Johns
waitForA4jRequest 10000
verifyTextPresent Group's members
verifyElementPresent link=View
verifyElementPresent link=Edit
click link=Back to the list
waitForA4jRequest 10000
click link=Create a new group
waitForA4jRequest 10000
type //input[@id='createGroupView:createGroup:nxl_group:nxw_group_name'] Johns
click //input[@value='Save']
waitForA4jRequest 10000
verifyTextPresent Group already exists
type //input[@id='createGroupView:createGroup:nxl_group:nxw_group_name'] Suppr
type //input[@id='createGroupView:createGroup:nxl_group:nxw_group_label'] Suppress
select2Type css=div[id$='nxw_group_members_select2'] jdo
waitForSelect2 10000
clickAt css=.select2-result-selectable
select2Type css=div[id$='nxw_group_members_select2'] jsmith
waitForSelect2 10000
clickAt css=.select2-result-selectable
select2Type css=div[id$='nxw_group_members_select2'] lucien
waitForSelect2 10000
clickAt css=.select2-result-selectable
verifyText //*[@id='s2id_createGroupView:createGroup:nxl_group:nxw_group_members_select2']/ul[@class='select2-choices']/li[@class='select2-search-choice'][1]/div John Doe
verifyText //*[@id='s2id_createGroupView:createGroup:nxl_group:nxw_group_members_select2']/ul[@class='select2-choices']/li[@class='select2-search-choice'][2]/div John Smith
verifyText //*[@id='s2id_createGroupView:createGroup:nxl_group:nxw_group_members_select2']/ul[@class='select2-choices']/li[@class='select2-search-choice'][3]/div Lucien Bramard
click //input[@value='Save']
waitForA4jRequest 10000
verifyTextPresent Suppr
verifyTextPresent Suppress
click link=Back to the list
waitForA4jRequest 10000
type //input[@id='groupsListingView:searchForm:searchText'] Suppr
click //input[@id='groupsListingView:searchForm:searchButton']
waitForA4jRequest 10000
verifyTextPresent Suppress
click link=Suppr
waitForA4jRequest 10000
verifyTextPresent Group's members
verifyElementPresent link=View
verifyElementPresent link=Edit
verifyTextPresent Suppr
clickAndWait link=Log out
setTimeout 30000
open restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium manageRightsUsersByAdmin
open logout
type username Administrator
type password Administrator
clickAndWait Submit
verifyTextPresent Administrator
clickAndWait link=Workspaces
clickAndWait link=testWorkspace1
clickAndWait link=Manage
clickAndWait link=Access rights
select2Type css=div[id$='nxw_selection_select2'] jsmith
waitForSelect2 10000
clickAt css=.select2-result-selectable
select //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/select label=Manage everything
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add permission']
clickAndWait //input[@value='Save local rights']
verifyElementNotPresent //input[@value='Save local rights']
clickAndWait link=Log out
setTimeout 30000
setSpeed 300
open restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium manageRightsUsersByManager
open logout
type username jsmith
type password jsmith1
clickAndWait Submit
verifyTextPresent jsmith
clickAndWait link=Workspaces
clickAndWait link=testWorkspace1
verifyElementPresent link=Edit
clickAndWait link=Manage
clickAndWait link=Access rights
select2Type css=div[id$='nxw_selection_select2'] jdoe
waitForSelect2 10000
clickAt css=.select2-result-selectable
select //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/select label=Write
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add permission']
verifyElementPresent //input[@value='Save local rights']
click //li[@class='select2-search-choice'][1]/a
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('add_rights_form:nxl_user_group_suggestion:nxw_selection_list:0:nxw_selection_listItem') == null 10000
select2Type css=div[id$='nxw_selection_select2'] bree
waitForSelect2 10000
clickAt css=.select2-result-selectable
select //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/select label=Read
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add permission']
click //li[@class='select2-search-choice'][1]/a
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('add_rights_form:nxl_user_group_suggestion:nxw_selection_list:0:nxw_selection_listItem') == null 10000
select2Type css=div[id$='nxw_selection_select2'] lbramard
waitForSelect2 10000
clickAt css=.select2-result-selectable
select //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/select label=Read
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add permission']
click //li[@class='select2-search-choice'][1]/a
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('add_rights_form:nxl_user_group_suggestion:nxw_selection_list:0:nxw_selection_listItem') == null 10000
select2Type css=div[id$='nxw_selection_select2'] linnet
waitForSelect2 10000
clickAt css=.select2-result-selectable
select //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/select label=Write
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add permission']
clickAndWait //input[@value='Save local rights']
verifyElementNotPresent //input[@value='Save local rights']
clickAndWait link=Log out
setSpeed 0
setTimeout 30000
open restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium verifyReadOnWorkspaces
open logout
type username bree
type password bree1
clickAndWait Submit
verifyTextPresent bree
clickAndWait link=Workspaces
clickAndWait link=testWorkspace1
verifyElementNotPresent link=Access rights
verifyElementNotPresent link=Modification
verifyElementNotPresent link=New
verifyElementNotPresent //img[@title="Email"]
clickAndWait link=Log out
setTimeout 30000
open restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium verifyManageOnWorkspaces
open logout
type username jsmith
type password jsmith1
clickAndWait Submit
verifyTextPresent jsmith
clickAndWait link=Workspaces
clickAndWait link=testWorkspace1
verifyElementPresent link=Manage
verifyElementPresent link=Edit
verifyElementPresent link=New
verifyElementNotPresent //img[@title="Email"]
clickAndWait link=Edit
verifyElementPresent //input[@value="Save"]
clickAndWait link=Log out
setTimeout 30000
open restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium manageRightsInSectionsByAdmin
open logout
type username Administrator
type password Administrator
clickAndWait Submit
verifyTextPresent Administrator
clickAndWait link=Sections
clickAndWait link=Manage
clickAndWait link=Access rights
select2Type css=div[id$='nxw_selection_select2'] jdoe
waitForSelect2 10000
clickAt css=.select2-result-selectable
select //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/select label=Manage everything
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add permission']
clickAndWait //input[@value='Save local rights']
verifyElementNotPresent //input[@value='Save local rights']
clickAndWait link=Log out
setTimeout 30000
setSpeed 300
open restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium manageRightsInSectionsByManager
open logout
type username jdoe
type password jdoe1
clickAndWait Submit
verifyTextPresent jdoe
clickAndWait link=Sections
verifyElementPresent link=Create a new section
clickAndWait link=Manage
clickAndWait link=Access rights
select2Type css=div[id$='nxw_selection_select2'] bree
waitForSelect2 10000
clickAt css=.select2-result-selectable
select //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/select label=Read
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add permission']
verifyElementPresent //input[@value='Save local rights']
click //li[@class='select2-search-choice'][1]/a
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('add_rights_form:nxl_user_group_suggestion:nxw_selection_list:0:nxw_selection_listItem') == null 10000
select2Type css=div[id$='nxw_selection_select2'] jsmith
waitForSelect2 10000
clickAt css=.select2-result-selectable
select //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/select label=Write
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add permission']
select //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/select label=Can ask for publishing
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add permission']
verifyElementPresent //input[@value='Save local rights']
click //li[@class='select2-search-choice'][1]/a
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('add_rights_form:nxl_user_group_suggestion:nxw_selection_list:0:nxw_selection_listItem') == null 10000
select2Type css=div[id$='nxw_selection_select2'] lbramard
waitForSelect2 10000
clickAt css=.select2-result-selectable
select //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/select label=Read
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add permission']
verifyElementPresent //input[@value='Save local rights']
click //li[@class='select2-search-choice'][1]/a
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('add_rights_form:nxl_user_group_suggestion:nxw_selection_list:0:nxw_selection_listItem') == null 10000
select2Type css=div[id$='nxw_selection_select2'] linnet
waitForSelect2 10000
clickAt css=.select2-result-selectable
select //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/select label=Read
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add permission']
select //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/select label=Can ask for publishing
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add permission']
verifyElementPresent //input[@value='Save local rights']
clickAndWait //input[@value='Save local rights']
verifyElementNotPresent //input[@value='Save local rights']
clickAndWait link=Log out
setSpeed 0
setTimeout 30000
open restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium verifyReadOnSections
open logout
type username bree
type password bree1
clickAndWait Submit
verifyTextPresent bree
clickAndWait link=Sections
verifyElementNotPresent link=Access rights
verifyElementNotPresent link=Modification
verifyElementNotPresent //img[@title="Email"]
clickAndWait link=Log out
setTimeout 30000
open restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium verifyManageOnSections
open logout
type username jdoe
type password jdoe1
clickAndWait Submit
verifyTextPresent jdoe
clickAndWait link=Sections
clickAndWait link=testSection1
verifyElementPresent link=Manage
verifyElementPresent link=Edit
verifyElementNotPresent //img[@title="Email"]
verifyElementPresent link=Edit
clickAndWait link=Log out
setTimeout 30000
open restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium manageRightsGroups
open logout
type username Administrator
type password Administrator
clickAndWait Submit
verifyTextPresent Administrator
clickAndWait link=Workspaces
clickAndWait link=testWorkspace2
clickAndWait link=Manage
clickAndWait link=Access rights
select2Type css=div[id$='nxw_selection_select2'] Johns
waitForSelect2 10000
clickAt css=.select2-result-selectable
select //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/select label=Grant
select //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/select label=Manage everything
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add permission']
verifyElementPresent //input[@value='Save local rights']
clickAndWait //input[@value='Save local rights']
verifyElementNotPresent //input[@value='Save local rights']
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username bree
type password bree1
clickAndWait Submit
verifyTextPresent bree
clickAndWait link=Workspaces
clickAndWait link=testWorkspace2
clickAndWait link=Manage
clickAndWait link=Access rights
select2Type css=div[id$='nxw_selection_select2'] Suppr
waitForSelect2 10000
clickAt css=.select2-result-selectable
select //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/select label=Grant
select //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/select label=Write
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add permission']
clickAndWait //input[@value='Save local rights']
verifyElementNotPresent //input[@value='Save local rights']
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username lbramard
type password lbramard1
clickAndWait Submit
verifyTextPresent lbramard
clickAndWait link=Workspaces
clickAndWait link=testWorkspace2
verifyElementNotPresent link=Modification
verifyElementNotPresent link=Access rights
clickAndWait link=Log out
setTimeout 30000
open restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium modifyGroup
open logout
type username Administrator
type password Administrator
clickAndWait Submit
verifyTextPresent Administrator
clickAndWait Link=Admin Center
clickAndWait link=Users & Groups
click link=Groups
waitForA4jRequest 10000
type //input[@id='groupsListingView:searchForm:searchText'] Johns
click //input[@id='groupsListingView:searchForm:searchButton']
waitForA4jRequest 10000
click link=Johns
waitForA4jRequest 10000
click link=Edit
waitForA4jRequest 10000
verifyText //*[@id='s2id_viewGroupView:editGroup:nxl_group_2:nxw_group_members_2_select2']/ul[@class='select2-choices']/li[@class='select2-search-choice'][1]/div Bree Van de Kaamp
setSpeed 300
click //*[@id='s2id_viewGroupView:editGroup:nxl_group_2:nxw_group_members_2_select2']/ul[@class='select2-choices']/li[@class='select2-search-choice'][1]/a[@class='select2-search-choice-close']
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setSpeed 0
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click //input[@value='Save']
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open logout
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click link=Groups
waitForA4jRequest 10000
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assertConfirmation Delete group?
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waitForA4jRequest 10000
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assertConfirmation Delete group?
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open logout
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open logout
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open logout
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verifyTextPresent Creation
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open logout
open nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testWorkspace1/testFolder1/testNote1@view_documents
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setTimeout 30000
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open logout
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setTimeout 30000
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open logout
open nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testWorkspace1/testFolder1/testNote1@view_documents
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open logout
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open logout
open nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testWorkspace1/testFolder1/testNote1@view_documents
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type username jsmith
type password jsmith1
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clickAndWait link=Log out
setTimeout 30000
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open logout
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clickAndWait Link=Users & Groups
click link=Create a new user
waitForA4jRequest 10000
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type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_lastname'] Myers
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type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_email'] sg+susan@nuxeo.com
type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstPassword'] susan1
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click //input[@value='Save']
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type //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_lastname'] Solis
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verifyElementPresent //select[@id='searchForm:nxl_search_listing_ajax:nxl_search_listing_ajax_targetSelect']//option[@value='coverage']
clickAndWait searchForm:resetSelectedColumnsButton
verifyElementPresent //select[@id='searchForm:nxl_search_listing_ajax:nxl_search_listing_ajax_targetSelect']//option[@value='lifecycle']
verifyElementNotPresent //select[@id='searchForm:nxl_search_listing_ajax:nxl_search_listing_ajax_targetSelect']//option[@value='coverage']
clickAndWait link=Log out
open nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testWorkspace1/testFolder1@view_documents
type username Administrator
type password Administrator
clickAndWait Submit
verifyTextPresent Administrator
clickAndWait link=Manage
clickAndWait link=Trash
click document_trash_content:nxl_document_listing_ajax:listing_ajax_selection_box_with_current_document_header
waitForA4jRequest 10000
clickAndWait document_trash_content_buttons:nxw_CURRENT_SELECTION_DELETE_form:nxw_CURRENT_SELECTION_DELETE
assertConfirmation Permanently delete selected document(s)?
verifyTextPresent Document(s) deleted
clickAndWait link=Log out
setTimeout 30000
open restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium testExportView
storeExpression javascript{selenium.browserbot.baseUrl.replace('/selenium-server/tests/', '')} nuxeoBaseURL
echo ${nuxeoBaseURL} http://localhost:8080/nuxeo/
open logout
open nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testWorkspace1/testFolder1@view_documents
type username jdoe
type password jdoe1
clickAndWait Submit
verifyTextPresent jdoe
verifyElementPresent //img[@alt='Export options']
clickAndWait //img[@alt='Export options']
verifyTextPresent Current object
verifyElementPresent link=PDF Export
verifyElementPresent //a[@href='${nuxeoBaseURL}nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testWorkspace1/testFolder1@pdf']
verifyElementPresent link=XML Export
verifyElementPresent link=ZIP Tree XML Export
verifyElementPresent link=ZIP Binary Export
verifyTextPresent Content listing(s)
verifyElementPresent link=Excel Export
verifyElementPresent //a[@href='${nuxeoBaseURL}nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testWorkspace1/testFolder1@xl?contentViewName=document_content&currentPage=0&pageSize=0']
open nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testWorkspace1/testFolder1/testNote1@view_documents
verifyElementPresent //img[@alt='Export options']
clickAndWait //img[@alt='Export options']
verifyTextPresent Current object
verifyElementPresent link=PDF Export
verifyElementPresent //a[@href='${nuxeoBaseURL}nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testWorkspace1/testFolder1/testNote1@pdf']
verifyElementPresent link=XML Export
verifyElementPresent link=ZIP XML Export
verifyElementPresent link=ZIP Binary Export
verifyTextNotPresent Content Views Export
open logout
setTimeout 30000
open restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium testRSSView
open logout
type username Administrator
type password Administrator
clickAndWait Submit
open nxpath/default/default-domain@rss?contentViewName=document_content
verifyTextPresent RSS feed for document 'Default domain' and content view 'Document content'
verifyElementPresent link=Workspaces
verifyElementPresent link=Templates
verifyElementPresent link=Sections
open nxpath/default/default-domain@atom?contentViewName=document_content
verifyTextPresent ATOM feed for document 'Default domain' and content view 'Document content'
verifyElementPresent link=Workspaces
verifyElementPresent link=Templates
verifyElementPresent link=Sections
open logout
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/checkBrowserVersion.html
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium checkBrowserVersion |  |
info: Executing: |storeExpression | javascript{selenium.getEval("navigator.userAgent");} | userAgent |
info: script is: navigator.userAgent
info: Executing: |echo | ${userAgent} |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/createStructure.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium createStructure |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open |  |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | Administrator |
info: Executing: |type | password | Administrator |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Administrator |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Create a new workspace |  |
info: Executing: |type | //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/input[@type="text"] | testWorkspace1 |
info: Executing: |type | //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/textarea | desc testWorkspace1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Create'] |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=New |  |
info: Executing: |waitForTextPresent | Available document types |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Folder |  |
info: Executing: |type | //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/input[@type="text"] | testFolder1 |
info: Executing: |type | //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/textarea | desc testFolder1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Create'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Link=testWorkspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=New |  |
info: Executing: |waitForTextPresent | Available document types |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Folder |  |
info: Executing: |type | //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/input[@type="text"] | testFilesFolder |
info: Executing: |type | //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/textarea | desc testFilesFolder |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Create'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Create a new workspace |  |
info: Executing: |type | //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/input[@type="text"] | testWorkspace2 |
info: Executing: |type | //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/textarea | desc testWorkspace2 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Create'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Create a new section |  |
info: Executing: |type | //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/input[@type="text"] | testSection1 |
info: Executing: |type | //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/textarea | desc testSection1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Create'] |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=New |  |
info: Executing: |waitForTextPresent | Available document types |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Section |  |
info: Executing: |type | //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/input[@type="text"] | testSection2 |
info: Executing: |type | //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/textarea | desc testSection2 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | document_create:create_doc_CANCEL_DOCUMENT_CREATION |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=New |  |
info: Executing: |waitForTextPresent | Available document types |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Section |  |
info: Executing: |type | //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/input[@type="text"] | testSection2 |
info: Executing: |type | //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/textarea | desc testSection2 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Create'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/createUsers.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium createUsers |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | Administrator |
info: Executing: |type | password | Administrator |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Administrator |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Link=Admin Center |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Link=Users & Groups |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Create a new user |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_username'] | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstname'] | John |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_lastname'] | Doe |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_company'] | Nuxeo |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstPassword'] | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_secondPassword'] | foo |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_email'] | sg+jdoe@nuxeo.com |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_groups_select2'] | members |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@value='Save'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Passwords do not match |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstPassword'] | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_secondPassword'] | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@value='Save'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Change password |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='viewUserView:editUserPassword:nxl_user_3:nxw_firstPassword_1'] | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='viewUserView:editUserPassword:nxl_user_3:nxw_secondPassword_1'] | foo |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@value='Save'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Passwords do not match |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='viewUserView:editUserPassword:nxl_user_3:nxw_firstPassword_1'] | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='viewUserView:editUserPassword:nxl_user_3:nxw_secondPassword_1'] | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@value='Save'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | sg+jdoe@nuxeo.com |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Back to the list |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Create a new user |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_username'] | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_email'] | sg+jdoe@nuxeo.com |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstPassword'] | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_secondPassword'] | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@value='Save'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |waitForTextPresent | User already exists |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_username'] | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstname'] | John |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_lastname'] | Smith |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_company'] | Nuxeo |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_email'] | sg+jsmith@nuxeo.com |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstPassword'] | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_secondPassword'] | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_groups_select2'] | members |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@value='Save'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Change password |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='viewUserView:editUserPassword:nxl_user_3:nxw_firstPassword_1'] | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='viewUserView:editUserPassword:nxl_user_3:nxw_secondPassword_1'] | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@value='Save'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | sg+jsmith@nuxeo.com |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Back to the list |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Create a new user |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_username'] | bree |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstname'] | Bree |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_lastname'] | Van de Kaamp |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_company'] | Nuxeo |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_email'] | sg+bree@nuxeo.com |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstPassword'] | bree1 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_secondPassword'] | bree1 |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_groups_select2'] | members |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@value='Save'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Change password |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='viewUserView:editUserPassword:nxl_user_3:nxw_firstPassword_1'] | bree1 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='viewUserView:editUserPassword:nxl_user_3:nxw_secondPassword_1'] | bree1 |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@value='Save'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | sg+bree@nuxeo.com |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Back to the list |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Create a new user |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_username'] | lbramard |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstname'] | Lucien |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_lastname'] | Bramard |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_company'] | Nuxeo |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstPassword'] | lbramard1 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_secondPassword'] | lbramard1 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_email'] | sg+lbramard@nuxeo.com |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_groups_select2'] | members |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@value='Save'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Change password |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='viewUserView:editUserPassword:nxl_user_3:nxw_firstPassword_1'] | lbramard1 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='viewUserView:editUserPassword:nxl_user_3:nxw_secondPassword_1'] | lbramard1 |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@value='Save'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | sg+lbramard@nuxeo.com |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Back to the list |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Create a new user |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_username'] | linnet |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstname'] | Linnet |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_lastname'] | Scavo |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_company'] | Nuxeo |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstPassword'] | linnet1 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_secondPassword'] | linnet1 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_email'] | sg+linnet@nuxeo.com |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_groups_select2'] | members |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@value='Save'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Change password |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='viewUserView:editUserPassword:nxl_user_3:nxw_firstPassword_1'] | linnet1 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='viewUserView:editUserPassword:nxl_user_3:nxw_secondPassword_1'] | linnet1 |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@value='Save'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | sg+linnet@nuxeo.com |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/createGroup.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium createGroup |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | Administrator |
info: Executing: |type | password | Administrator |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Administrator |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Link=Admin Center |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Link=Users & Groups |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Groups |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Create a new group |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createGroupView:createGroup:nxl_group:nxw_group_name'] | Johns |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_group_members_select2'] | bre |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_group_members_select2'] | jdo |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_group_members_select2'] | jsmith |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='s2id_createGroupView:createGroup:nxl_group:nxw_group_members_select2']/ul[@class='select2-choices']/li[@class='select2-search-choice'][1]/div | Bree Van de Kaamp |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='s2id_createGroupView:createGroup:nxl_group:nxw_group_members_select2']/ul[@class='select2-choices']/li[@class='select2-search-choice'][2]/div | John Doe |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='s2id_createGroupView:createGroup:nxl_group:nxw_group_members_select2']/ul[@class='select2-choices']/li[@class='select2-search-choice'][3]/div | John Smith |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@value='Save'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Johns |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Back to the list |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='groupsListingView:searchForm:searchText'] | Johns |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='groupsListingView:searchForm:searchButton'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Johns |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Group's members |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=View |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Back to the list |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Create a new group |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createGroupView:createGroup:nxl_group:nxw_group_name'] | Johns |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@value='Save'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Group already exists |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createGroupView:createGroup:nxl_group:nxw_group_name'] | Suppr |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createGroupView:createGroup:nxl_group:nxw_group_label'] | Suppress |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_group_members_select2'] | jdo |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_group_members_select2'] | jsmith |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_group_members_select2'] | lucien |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='s2id_createGroupView:createGroup:nxl_group:nxw_group_members_select2']/ul[@class='select2-choices']/li[@class='select2-search-choice'][1]/div | John Doe |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='s2id_createGroupView:createGroup:nxl_group:nxw_group_members_select2']/ul[@class='select2-choices']/li[@class='select2-search-choice'][2]/div | John Smith |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='s2id_createGroupView:createGroup:nxl_group:nxw_group_members_select2']/ul[@class='select2-choices']/li[@class='select2-search-choice'][3]/div | Lucien Bramard |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@value='Save'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Suppr |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Suppress |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Back to the list |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='groupsListingView:searchForm:searchText'] | Suppr |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='groupsListingView:searchForm:searchButton'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Suppress |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Suppr |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Group's members |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=View |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Suppr |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/manageRightsUsersByAdmin.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium manageRightsUsersByAdmin |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | Administrator |
info: Executing: |type | password | Administrator |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Administrator |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorkspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Manage |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Access rights |  |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_selection_select2'] | jsmith |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |select | //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/select | label=Manage everything |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add permission'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Save local rights'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value='Save local rights'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/manageRightsUsersByManager.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |setSpeed | 300 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium manageRightsUsersByManager |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorkspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Manage |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Access rights |  |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_selection_select2'] | jdoe |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |select | //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/select | label=Write |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add permission'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value='Save local rights'] |  |
info: Executing: |click | //li[@class='select2-search-choice'][1]/a |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('add_rights_form:nxl_user_group_suggestion:nxw_selection_list:0:nxw_selection_listItem') == null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_selection_select2'] | bree |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |select | //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/select | label=Read |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add permission'] |  |
info: Executing: |click | //li[@class='select2-search-choice'][1]/a |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('add_rights_form:nxl_user_group_suggestion:nxw_selection_list:0:nxw_selection_listItem') == null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_selection_select2'] | lbramard |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |select | //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/select | label=Read |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add permission'] |  |
info: Executing: |click | //li[@class='select2-search-choice'][1]/a |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('add_rights_form:nxl_user_group_suggestion:nxw_selection_list:0:nxw_selection_listItem') == null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_selection_select2'] | linnet |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |select | //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/select | label=Write |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add permission'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Save local rights'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value='Save local rights'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |setSpeed | 0 |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/verifyReadOnWorkspaces.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium verifyReadOnWorkspaces |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorkspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Access rights |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Modification |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=New |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //img[@title="Email"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/verifyManageOnWorkspaces.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium verifyManageOnWorkspaces |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorkspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Manage |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=New |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //img[@title="Email"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Save"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/manageRightsInSectionsByAdmin.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium manageRightsInSectionsByAdmin |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | Administrator |
info: Executing: |type | password | Administrator |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Administrator |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Manage |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Access rights |  |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_selection_select2'] | jdoe |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |select | //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/select | label=Manage everything |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add permission'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Save local rights'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value='Save local rights'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/manageRightsInSectionsByManager.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |setSpeed | 300 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium manageRightsInSectionsByManager |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Create a new section |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Manage |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Access rights |  |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_selection_select2'] | bree |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |select | //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/select | label=Read |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add permission'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value='Save local rights'] |  |
info: Executing: |click | //li[@class='select2-search-choice'][1]/a |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('add_rights_form:nxl_user_group_suggestion:nxw_selection_list:0:nxw_selection_listItem') == null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_selection_select2'] | jsmith |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |select | //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/select | label=Write |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add permission'] |  |
info: Executing: |select | //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/select | label=Can ask for publishing |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add permission'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value='Save local rights'] |  |
info: Executing: |click | //li[@class='select2-search-choice'][1]/a |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('add_rights_form:nxl_user_group_suggestion:nxw_selection_list:0:nxw_selection_listItem') == null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_selection_select2'] | lbramard |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |select | //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/select | label=Read |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add permission'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value='Save local rights'] |  |
info: Executing: |click | //li[@class='select2-search-choice'][1]/a |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('add_rights_form:nxl_user_group_suggestion:nxw_selection_list:0:nxw_selection_listItem') == null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_selection_select2'] | linnet |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |select | //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/select | label=Read |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add permission'] |  |
info: Executing: |select | //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/select | label=Can ask for publishing |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add permission'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value='Save local rights'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Save local rights'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value='Save local rights'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |setSpeed | 0 |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/verifyReadOnSections.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium verifyReadOnSections |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Access rights |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Modification |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //img[@title="Email"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/verifyManageOnSections.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium verifyManageOnSections |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Manage |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //img[@title="Email"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/manageRightsGroups.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium manageRightsGroups |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | Administrator |
info: Executing: |type | password | Administrator |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Administrator |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorkspace2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Manage |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Access rights |  |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_selection_select2'] | Johns |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |select | //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/select | label=Grant |
info: Executing: |select | //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/select | label=Manage everything |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add permission'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value='Save local rights'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Save local rights'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value='Save local rights'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorkspace2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Manage |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Access rights |  |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_selection_select2'] | Suppr |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |select | //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[2]/select | label=Grant |
info: Executing: |select | //*[@id='add_rights_form']/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/select | label=Write |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add permission'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Save local rights'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value='Save local rights'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | lbramard |
info: Executing: |type | password | lbramard1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | lbramard |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorkspace2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Modification |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Access rights |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/modifyGroup.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium modifyGroup |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | Administrator |
info: Executing: |type | password | Administrator |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Administrator |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Link=Admin Center |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Users & Groups |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Groups |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='groupsListingView:searchForm:searchText'] | Johns |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='groupsListingView:searchForm:searchButton'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Johns |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='s2id_viewGroupView:editGroup:nxl_group_2:nxw_group_members_2_select2']/ul[@class='select2-choices']/li[@class='select2-search-choice'][1]/div | Bree Van de Kaamp |
info: Executing: |setSpeed | 300 |  |
info: Executing: |click | //*[@id='s2id_viewGroupView:editGroup:nxl_group_2:nxw_group_members_2_select2']/ul[@class='select2-choices']/li[@class='select2-search-choice'][1]/a[@class='select2-search-choice-close'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForJSQueries | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |setSpeed | 0 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='s2id_viewGroupView:editGroup:nxl_group_2:nxw_group_members_2_select2']/ul[@class='select2-choices']/li[@class='select2-search-choice'][1]/div | John Doe |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='s2id_viewGroupView:editGroup:nxl_group_2:nxw_group_members_2_select2']/ul[@class='select2-choices']/li[@class='select2-search-choice'][2]/div | John Smith |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@value='Save'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorkspace2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Access rights |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/deleteGroup.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium deleteGroup |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | Administrator |
info: Executing: |type | password | Administrator |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Administrator |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Link=Admin Center |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Users & Groups |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Groups |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='groupsListingView:searchForm:searchText'] | Suppr |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='groupsListingView:searchForm:searchButton'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Suppr |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |chooseCancelOnNextConfirmation |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Delete |  |
info: Executing: |assertConfirmation | Delete group? |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Back to the list |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Suppr |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Delete |  |
info: Executing: |assertConfirmation | Delete group? |  |
info: Executing: |waitForTextPresent | No group matching the entered criteria | 10000 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | lbramard |
info: Executing: |type | password | lbramard1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | lbramard |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorkspace2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Modification |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/modifyWorkspace.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium modifyWorkspace |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorkspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |type | //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/textarea | desc testWorkspace1 modified |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Save"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | desc testWorkspace1 modified |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/createNote.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium createNote |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testWorkspace1/testFolder1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=New |  |
info: Executing: |waitForTextPresent | Available document types |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Note |  |
info: Executing: |type | //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/input[@type="text"] | testNote1 |
info: Executing: |type | //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/textarea | desc testNote1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Create'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | desc testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | 0.0 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/cancelNote.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium cancelNote |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testWorkspace1/testFolder1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=New |  |
info: Executing: |waitForTextPresent | Available document types |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Note |  |
info: Executing: |type | //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/input[@type="text"] | testNote1 |
info: Executing: |type | //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/textarea | desc testNote1 |
info: Executing: |runScript | window.onbeforeunload = function(e){}; |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyValue | id=document_edit:nxl_heading:nxw_title | testFolder1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/consultHistory.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium consultHistory |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testWorkspace1/testFolder1/testNote1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | linnet |
info: Executing: |type | password | linnet1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | linnet |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=History |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Archived versions |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document has no archived version |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Event log |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Performed action |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/verifyReadOnDocuments.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium verifyReadOnDocuments |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorkspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value="Lock"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value="Publish"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Modification |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Summary |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Update versions |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Select a value |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Relations |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Add a new relation |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=History |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Creation |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/verifyWriteOnDocuments.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium verifyWriteOnDocuments |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testWorkspace1/testFolder1/testNote1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //img[@title='Lock'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Title |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Description |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Note |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Update versions |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Summary |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Update versions |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Select a value |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Relations |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Add a new relation |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=History |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/verifyManageOnDocuments.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium verifyManageOnDocuments |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testWorkspace1/testFolder1/testNote1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //img[@title='Lock'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Title |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Description |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Note |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Update versions |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Summary |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Update versions |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Relations |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Add a new relation |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=History |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Creation |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/changeMetadataFolder.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium changeMetadataFolder |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorkspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |type | //table[@class="dataInput"]//tr[2]//input | copyright Nuxeo 2007 |
info: Executing: |type | //table[@class="dataInput"]//tr[8]//input | English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Save"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testWorkspace1/testFolder1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | bree |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/modifyNote.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium modifyNote |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testWorkspace1/testFolder1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=New |  |
info: Executing: |waitForTextPresent | Available document types |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Note |  |
info: Executing: |type | //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/input[@type="text"] | Note to be modified |
info: Executing: |type | //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/textarea | description note to be modified |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Create'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Note to be modified |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | description note to be modified |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Note to be modified |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |type | //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/textarea | desc note modified |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_coverage_select2'] | Algeria |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@value="ACTION_INCREMENT_MINOR"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Save"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | desc note modified |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | 0.1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/addComment.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium addComment |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testWorkspace1/testFolder1/testNote1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Comments |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Add"] |  |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea | Comment number 1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Delete |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Comment number 1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/replyComment.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium replyComment |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testWorkspace1/testFolder1/testNote1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Delete |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Reply |  |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea | Answer number 1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Answer number 1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Delete |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Add"] |  |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea | Comment number 2, to be erased |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Comment number 2, to be erased |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/deleteComment.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium deleteComment |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testWorkspace1/testFolder1/testNote1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | lbramard |
info: Executing: |type | password | lbramard1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | lbramard |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Delete |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Add"] |  |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea | Comment number 3 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Comment number 3 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Delete |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Comment number 3 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testWorkspace1/testFolder1/testNote1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Delete |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/createSubGroupAdmin.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium createSubGroupAdmin |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | Administrator |
info: Executing: |type | password | Administrator |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Administrator |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Link=Admin Center |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Link=Users & Groups |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Create a new user |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_username'] | susan |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstname'] | Susan |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_lastname'] | Myers |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_company'] | Nuxeo |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_email'] | sg+susan@nuxeo.com |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstPassword'] | susan1 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_secondPassword'] | susan1 |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@value='Save'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | susan |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Back to the list |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Groups |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Create a new group |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createGroupView:createGroup:nxl_group:nxw_group_name'] | sub-admins |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_group_members_select2'] | susan |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@value='Save'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | sub-admins |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Back to the list |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='groupsListingView:searchForm:searchText'] | sub-admins |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='groupsListingView:searchForm:searchButton'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=sub-admins |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | sub-admins |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Group's members |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=View |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Back to the list |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='groupsListingView:searchForm:searchText'] | admi |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='groupsListingView:searchForm:searchButton'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=administrators |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_group_subgroups_2_select2'] | sub-admins |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@value='Save'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Group's members |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=View |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | sub-admins |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | susan |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Users |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='usersListingView:searchForm:searchText'] | susan |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='usersListingView:searchForm:searchButton'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=susan |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | sub-admins |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | administrators |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | susan |
info: Executing: |type | password | susan1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | susan |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //div[@class='breadcrumbs']/form/a |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Domains on default server |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Create a new domain |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Default domain |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Link=Admin Center |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Users & Groups |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Create a new user |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Create a new user |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | New user |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Groups |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Create a new group |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Create a new group |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | New group |  |
info: Executing: |waitForElementPresent | id=createGroupView:createGroup:button_save_and_create |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Document Management |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Access rights |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Create a new workspace |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=History |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Theme |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorkspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Note to be modified |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //img[@title='Lock'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Files |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Relations |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Add a new relation |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=History |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Event log |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Archived versions |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Archived versions |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value='Restore'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value='View archived version'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Create a new section |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=New |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Access rights |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Theme |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=History |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/createSubGroupMembers.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium createSubGroupMembers |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | Administrator |
info: Executing: |type | password | Administrator |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Administrator |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Link=Admin Center |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Link=Users & Groups |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Create a new user |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_username'] | gabrielle |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstname'] | Gabrielle |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_lastname'] | Solis |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_company'] | Nuxeo |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_email'] | sg+gabrielle@nuxeo.com |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstPassword'] | gabrielle1 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUserView:createUser:nxl_user:nxw_secondPassword'] | gabrielle1 |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@value='Save'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | gabrielle |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Back to the list |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Groups |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Create a new group |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createGroupView:createGroup:nxl_group:nxw_group_name'] | sub-members |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_group_members_select2'] | gab |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@value='Save'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | sub-members |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Back to the list |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='groupsListingView:searchForm:searchText'] | sub-members |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='groupsListingView:searchForm:searchButton'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=sub-members |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | sub-members |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Group's members |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=View |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Back to the list |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='groupsListingView:searchForm:searchText'] | memb |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='groupsListingView:searchForm:searchButton'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=members |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_group_subgroups_2_select2'] | sub-m |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@value='Save'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Group's members |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=View |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | sub-members |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | gabrielle |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Users |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='usersListingView:searchForm:searchText'] | gab |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='usersListingView:searchForm:searchButton'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=gabrielle |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | sub-members |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | members |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | gabrielle |
info: Executing: |type | password | gabrielle1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | gabrielle |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=testWorkspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=testWorkspace2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorkspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Access rights |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=New |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=History |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Note to be modified |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | Lock |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Files |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Relations |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Add a new relation |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=History |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Event log |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Archived versions |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Archived versions |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value='View archived version'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value='Restore'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyNotEditable | //input[@value='Restore'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Create a new Section |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Access rights |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=New |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=History |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/testRequestEncoding.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium testRequestEncoding |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | Administrator |
info: Executing: |type | password | Administrator |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Administrator |  |
info: Executing: |type | css=form#userServicesSearchForm input[type='text'] | héhé |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Search"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | No documents match your search criteria |  |
info: Executing: |verifyValue | css=form#userServicesSearchForm input[type='text'] | héhé |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/testAdvancedSearch.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium testAdvancedSearch |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testWorkspace1/testFolder1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=New |  |
info: Executing: |waitForTextPresent | Available document types |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Note |  |
info: Executing: |type | document_create:nxl_heading:nxw_title | advancedSearchTest |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | document_create:create_doc_CREATE_DOCUMENT |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_subjects_select2'] | Cinema |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_coverage_select2'] | Greece |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_nature_select2'] | Article |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Save"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Note modified |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Advanced search |  |
info: Executing: |type | searchForm:nxl_advanced_search:nxw_search_all_words | advancedSearchTest |
info: Executing: |select2Type | css=div[id$='nxw_search_nature_select2'] | Article |
info: Executing: |waitForSelect2 | 10000 |  |
info: doWaitForSelect found
info: Executing: |clickAt | css=.select2-result-selectable |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | searchForm:searchButton |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=advancedSearchTest |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | advanced_search:nxl_search_listing_ajax:listing_title_link_header_sort |  |
warn: currentTest.recordFailure: false
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | advanced_search:nxl_search_listing_ajax:listing_modification_date_header_sort |  |
warn: currentTest.recordFailure: false
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | advanced_search:nxl_search_listing_ajax:listing_lifecycle_header_sort |  |
warn: currentTest.recordFailure: false
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | advanced_search:nxl_search_listing_ajax:listing_coverage_header_sort |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Advanced search |  |
info: Executing: |verifyValue | searchForm:nxl_advanced_search:nxw_search_all_words | advancedSearchTest |
info: Executing: |addSelection | searchForm:nxl_search_listing_ajax:nxl_search_listing_ajax_targetSelect | label=State |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | searchForm:nxl_search_listing_ajax:nxl_search_listing_ajax_removeFormSelection |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |addSelection | searchForm:nxl_search_listing_ajax:nxl_search_listing_ajax_sourceSelect | label=Coverage |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | searchForm:nxl_search_listing_ajax:nxl_search_listing_ajax_addToSelection |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | searchForm:nxl_search_listing_ajax_1:nxl_search_listing_ajax_1_add |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |select | searchForm:nxl_search_listing_ajax_1:nxl_search_listing_ajax_1_input:0:nxl_search_listing_ajax_1_sort_info_colum | label=Modified |
info: Executing: |click | searchForm:nxl_search_listing_ajax_1:nxl_search_listing_ajax_1_input:0:nxl_search_listing_ajax_1_sort_info_ascending:1 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | searchForm:nxl_search_listing_ajax_1:nxl_search_listing_ajax_1_add |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |select | searchForm:nxl_search_listing_ajax_1:nxl_search_listing_ajax_1_input:1:nxl_search_listing_ajax_1_sort_info_colum | label=Title with link |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | searchForm:searchButton |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=advancedSearchTest |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | advanced_search:nxl_search_listing_ajax:listing_title_link_header_sort |  |
warn: currentTest.recordFailure: false
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | advanced_search:nxl_search_listing_ajax:listing_modification_date_header_sort |  |
warn: currentTest.recordFailure: false
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | advanced_search:nxl_search_listing_ajax:listing_lifecycle_header_sort |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | advanced_search:nxl_search_listing_ajax:listing_coverage_header_sort |  |
warn: currentTest.recordFailure: false
info: Executing: |verifyText | advanced_search:nxl_search_listing_ajax:listing_modification_date_header_sort_asc | 1 |
error: Element advanced_search:nxl_search_listing_ajax:listing_modification_date_header_sort_asc not found
warn: currentTest.recordFailure: Element advanced_search:nxl_search_listing_ajax:listing_modification_date_header_sort_asc not found
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/testExportView.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium testExportView |  |
info: Executing: |storeExpression | javascript{selenium.browserbot.baseUrl.replace('/selenium-server/tests/', '')} | nuxeoBaseURL |
info: Executing: |echo | ${nuxeoBaseURL} |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testWorkspace1/testFolder1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //img[@alt='Export options'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //img[@alt='Export options'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Current object |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=PDF Export |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //a[@href='${nuxeoBaseURL}nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testWorkspace1/testFolder1@pdf'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=XML Export |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=ZIP Tree XML Export |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=ZIP Binary Export |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Content listing(s) |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Excel Export |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //a[@href='${nuxeoBaseURL}nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testWorkspace1/testFolder1@xl?contentViewName=document_content&currentPage=0&pageSize=0'] |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testWorkspace1/testFolder1/testNote1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //img[@alt='Export options'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //img[@alt='Export options'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Current object |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=PDF Export |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //a[@href='${nuxeoBaseURL}nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testWorkspace1/testFolder1/testNote1@pdf'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=XML Export |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=ZIP XML Export |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=ZIP Binary Export |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Content Views Export |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/testRSSExport.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 30000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | restAPI/systemLog?token=dolog&level=WARN&message=----- Selenium testRSSView |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | Administrator |
info: Executing: |type | password | Administrator |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain@rss?contentViewName=document_content |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | RSS feed for document 'Default domain' and content view 'Document content' |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Templates |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain@atom?contentViewName=document_content |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | ATOM feed for document 'Default domain' and content view 'Document content' |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Templates |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |