Validation Error(s):
- The lifecycle 'MyLifecycle' referenced in the Main section on this document is missing
- The parent type 'Fileuh' of this document is missing
- On creation layout, widget 'Title': document does not hold the bound schema 'dublincore'
- On creation layout, widget 'Description': document does not hold the bound schema 'dublincore'
- On creation layout, widget 'Nature': document does not hold the bound schema 'dublincore'
- On creation layout, widget 'Created': document does not hold the bound schema 'dublincore'
- On creation layout, widget 'content': document does not hold the bound schema 'file'
- On creation layout, widget 'Generic': widget type is not filled
- On view layout, widget 'Title': document does not hold the bound schema 'dublincore'
- On view layout, widget 'Description': document does not hold the bound schema 'dublincore'
- On view layout, widget 'Nature': document does not hold the bound schema 'dublincore'
Validation Warning(s):
- None of the creation and edit layouts uses a file widget for field 'content' of schema 'file': users will not be able to upload a file for this field.
- None of the creation and edit layouts uses a file widget for field 'content' of schema 'file': users will not be able to upload a file for this field.
- None of the creation and edit layouts uses a file widget for field 'content' of schema 'file': users will not be able to upload a file for this field.
- None of the creation and edit layouts uses a file widget for field 'content' of schema 'file': users will not be able to upload a file for this field.
- None of the creation and edit layouts uses a file widget for field 'blob' of schema 'yo2': users will not be able to upload a file for this field.