Test suite results

result: failed
totalTime: 807
numTestTotal: 55
numTestPasses: 53
numTestFailures: 2
numCommandPasses: 1113
numCommandFailures: 4
numCommandErrors: 2
Selenium Version: undefined
Selenium Revision: undefined
Nuxeo EP 5 Test Suite
Test task lists
Test task for deleted document
Multiple publication
Multiple version publication
Tear down test
Test vocabularies management
Test dashboard with multiple domains
setTimeout 120000
open logout
open nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents
type username jdoe
type password jdoe1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jdoe
clickAndWait link=Workflow
click //input[@id='startWorkflow:workflowDefinitionId:0']
click //input[@id='startWorkflow:lifeCycleDestinationStateTransition:3']
clickAndWait //input[@value='Start']
verifyTextPresent Parallel workflow
verifyElementNotPresent //input[@value='Start the workflow']
clickAndWait link=Summary
verifyTextPresent Project
clickAndWait link=Workflow
typeKeys //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] jsmith
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' 10000
verifyText //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] John Smith
click //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2]
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null 10000
type //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest']
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' 10000
select //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] label=Check
type //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] Parallel comment for jsmith
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add']
verifyTextPresent Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow
verifyTextPresent Parallel comment for jsmith
verifyElementNotPresent link=Approve
verifyElementPresent //input[@value='Start the workflow']
type //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest']
typeKeys //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] bre
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' 10000
verifyText //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] Bree Van de Kaamp
click //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2]
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null 10000
type //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest']
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' 10000
select //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] label=Diffusion
type //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] Parallel comment for bree
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add']
verifyTextPresent Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow
verifyTextPresent Parallel comment for bree
verifyElementNotPresent link=Approve
verifyElementNotPresent link=Reject
verifyTextPresent Select reviewers
clickAndWait //input[@value='Start the workflow']
verifyElementPresent link=Approve
verifyElementPresent link=Reject
verifyTextNotPresent Select reviewers
clickAndWait link=Summary
verifyTextNotPresent Review
verifyTextPresent Project
clickAndWait link=testFolder1
verifyTextNotPresent Review
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username jsmith
type password jsmith1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jsmith
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
verifyTextPresent Parallel comment for jsmith
clickAndWait link=testNote1
verifyElementPresent link=Edit
clickAndWait link=Summary
verifyElementPresent //div[@id='lock_unlock_button']
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username bree
type password bree1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as bree
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
verifyTextPresent Parallel comment for bree
clickAndWait link=testNote1
verifyElementNotPresent link=Edit
clickAndWait link=Summary
verifyElementPresent //div[@id='lock_unlock_button']
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username jdoe
type password jdoe1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jdoe
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
verifyTextPresent Parallel workflow
clickAndWait link=testNote1
verifyElementPresent link=Edit
clickAndWait link=Summary
verifyElementPresent //div[@id='lock_unlock_button']
clickAndWait link=Workflow
clickAndWait //input[@value='Abandon workflow']
verifyTextPresent Value is required
type //textarea[@id='abandonProcess:userWorkflowComment'] Abandon of parallel review
clickAndWait //input[@value='Abandon workflow']
clickAndWait link=Workflow
verifyTextPresent Start a workflow
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
verifyTextNotPresent Parallel workflow
verifyTextPresent Your dashboard is empty.
clickAndWait link=Log out
Test task lists
setTimeout 120000
open logout
open nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents
type username jdoe
type password jdoe1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jdoe
clickAndWait link=Workflow
click //input[@id='startWorkflow:workflowDefinitionId:0']
click //input[@id='startWorkflow:lifeCycleDestinationStateTransition:3']
clickAndWait //input[@value='Start']
verifyTextPresent Parallel workflow
verifyElementNotPresent //input[@value='Start the workflow']
clickAndWait link=Summary
verifyTextPresent Project
clickAndWait link=Workflow
clickAndWait //input[@value='Delete']
verifyTextPresent Please select a list
clickAndWait //input[@value='Load']
verifyTextPresent Please select a list
type //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest']
typeKeys //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] jsmith
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' 10000
verifyText //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] John Smith
click //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2]
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null 10000
type //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest']
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' 10000
select //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] label=Check
type //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] Parallel comment for jsmith
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add']
type //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest']
typeKeys //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] bree
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' 10000
verifyText //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] Bree Van de Kaamp
click //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2]
type //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest']
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' 10000
typeKeys //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] linnet
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' 10000
verifyText //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] Linnet Scavo
click //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2]
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null 10000
type //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest']
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' 10000
select //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] label=Check
type //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] Parallel comment for bree and linnet
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add']
type //input[@id='reviewTasksTable:listName'] list1
clickAndWait //input[@value='Save the list']
verifyTextPresent List saved
clickAndWait //input[@value='Save the list']
verifyTextPresent Please choose a name
type //textarea[@id="abandonProcess:userWorkflowComment" ] foo
clickAndWait //input[@value="Abandon workflow"]
open logout
open nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents
type username jdoe
type password jdoe1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jdoe
clickAndWait link=Workflow
click //input[@id='startWorkflow:workflowDefinitionId:0']
click //input[@id='startWorkflow:lifeCycleDestinationStateTransition:3']
clickAndWait //input[@value='Start']
verifyTextPresent Parallel workflow
verifyElementNotPresent //input[@value='Start the workflow']
select //select[@id='loadTaskList:selectedList'] label=list1
clickAndWait //input[@value='Load']
verifyTextPresent John Smith
verifyTextPresent Parallel comment for jsmith
verifyTextPresent Bree Van de Kaamp
verifyTextPresent Linnet Scavo
verifyTextPresent Parallel comment for bree and linnet
select //select[@id='loadTaskList:selectedList'] label=list1
clickAndWait //input[@value='Delete']
type //textarea[@id="abandonProcess:userWorkflowComment" ] foo
clickAndWait //input[@value="Abandon workflow"]
open logout
setTimeout 120000
open logout
open nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents
type username jdoe
type password jdoe1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jdoe
clickAndWait link=Workflow
click //input[@id='startWorkflow:workflowDefinitionId:0']
click //input[@id='startWorkflow:lifeCycleDestinationStateTransition:3']
clickAndWait //input[@value='Start']
verifyTextPresent Parallel workflow
verifyElementNotPresent //input[@value='Start the workflow']
clickAndWait link=Summary
verifyTextPresent Project
clickAndWait link=Workflow
type //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest']
typeKeys //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] jsmith
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' 10000
verifyText //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] John Smith
click //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2]
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null 10000
type //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest']
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' 10000
select //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] label=Check
type //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] Parallel comment for jsmith
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add']
verifyTextPresent Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow
verifyTextPresent Parallel comment for jsmith
verifyElementNotPresent link=Approve
verifyElementPresent //input[@value='Start the workflow']
clickAndWait //input[@value='Start the workflow']
verifyElementPresent link=Approve
verifyElementPresent link=Reject
verifyTextNotPresent Select reviewers
clickAndWait link=Summary
verifyTextNotPresent Review
verifyTextPresent Project
clickAndWait link=testFolder1
verifyTextNotPresent Review
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username jsmith
type password jsmith1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jsmith
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
verifyTextPresent Parallel comment for jsmith
clickAndWait link=testNote1
verifyElementPresent link=Edit
clickAndWait link=Summary
verifyElementPresent //div[@id='lock_unlock_button']
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username jdoe
type password jdoe1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jdoe
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
verifyTextPresent Parallel workflow
clickAndWait link=testNote1
verifyElementPresent link=Edit
clickAndWait link=Summary
verifyElementPresent //div[@id='lock_unlock_button']
clickAndWait link=testFolder1
click //input[@id="CHILDREN_DOCUMENT_LIST:nxl_document_listing_1:nxw_listing_selection_box_with_current_document_1"]
waitForEditable //input[@value="Delete"]
clickAndWait //input[@value="Delete"]
assertConfirmation Delete selected document(s)?
verifyTextNotPresent testNote1
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
assertTextPresent testNote1
click dashboardDocumentProcessTable:refreshButton
waitForA4jRequest 3000
assertTextNotPresent testNote1
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username jsmith
type password jsmith1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jsmith
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
assertTextPresent Your dashboard is empty. There are no tasks that require your intervention.
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username Administrator
type password Administrator
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as Administrator
clickAndWait link=Workspaces
clickAndWait link=testWorskspace1
clickAndWait link=testFolder1
clickAndWait link=Manage
clickAndWait link=Trash
click //input[@id="CHILDREN_DOCUMENT_LIST:nxl_document_listing:nxw_listing_selection_box_with_current_document"]
verifyChecked //input[@id="CHILDREN_DOCUMENT_LIST:nxl_document_listing:nxw_listing_selection_box_with_current_document"]
waitForEditable //span[@id="CURRENT_SELECTION_UNDELETE"]/input 12000
clickAndWait //input[@value="Restore"]
assertConfirmation Undelete selected document(s)?
verifyTextPresent 1 Document(s) restored
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username jsmith
type password jsmith1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jsmith
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
assertTextPresent testNote1
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username jdoe
type password jdoe1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jdoe
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
assertTextPresent testNote1
clickAndWait link=testNote1
type //textarea[@id="abandonProcess:userWorkflowComment" ] foo
clickAndWait //input[@value="Abandon workflow"]
clickAndWait link=Log out
setTimeout 120000
open logout
open nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents
type username jdoe
type password jdoe1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jdoe
clickAndWait link=Workflow
clickAndWait link=Workflow
click //input[@id='startWorkflow:workflowDefinitionId:0']
click //input[@id='startWorkflow:lifeCycleDestinationStateTransition:3']
clickAndWait //input[@value='Start']
verifyTextPresent Parallel workflow
verifyElementPresent link=Edit
verifyElementNotPresent //input[@value='Start the workflow']
clickAndWait link=Summary
verifyTextPresent Project
verifyElementPresent //div[@id='lock_unlock_button']
clickAndWait link=Workflow
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add']
verifyTextPresent Value is required
typeKeys //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] jsmith
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' 10000
verifyText //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] John Smith
click //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2]
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null 10000
type //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest']
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' 10000
select //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] label=Check
type //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] Parallel comment for jsmith
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add']
verifyTextPresent Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow
verifyTextPresent Parallel comment for jsmith
verifyElementNotPresent link=Approve
verifyElementPresent //input[@value='Start the workflow']
typeKeys //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] bre
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' 10000
verifyText //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] Bree Van de Kaamp
click //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2]
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null 10000
type //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest']
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' 10000
select //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] label=Diffusion
type //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] Parallel comment for bree
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add']
verifyTextPresent Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow
verifyTextPresent Parallel comment for bree
verifyElementNotPresent link=Approve
verifyElementNotPresent link=Reject
verifyTextPresent Select reviewers
verifyElementPresent //input[@value='Start the workflow']
clickAndWait link=Summary
verifyTextNotPresent Review
verifyTextPresent Project
clickAndWait link=testFolder1
verifyTextNotPresent Review
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username jsmith
type password jsmith1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jsmith
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
verifyTextNotPresent Parallel comment for jsmith
clickAndWait link=testNote1
clickAndWait link=Workflow
verifyElementNotPresent //input[@value='Start the workflow']
verifyTextNotPresent Select reviewers
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username bree
type password bree1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as bree
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
verifyTextNotPresent Parallel comment for bree
clickAndWait link=testNote1
clickAndWait link=Workflow
verifyElementNotPresent //input[@value='Start the workflow']
verifyTextNotPresent Select reviewers
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username jdoe
type password jdoe1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jdoe
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
verifyTextPresent Parallel workflow
clickAndWait link=testNote1
clickAndWait link=Workflow
clickAndWait //input[@value='Abandon workflow']
verifyTextPresent Value is required
type //textarea[@id='abandonProcess:userWorkflowComment'] Abandon of parallel review
clickAndWait //input[@value='Abandon workflow']
clickAndWait link=Workflow
verifyTextPresent Start a workflow
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
verifyTextNotPresent Parallel workflow
verifyTextPresent Your dashboard is empty.
clickAndWait link=Log out
setTimeout 120000
open logout
open nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents
type username jdoe
type password jdoe1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jdoe
clickAndWait link=Workflow
click //input[@id='startWorkflow:workflowDefinitionId:0']
click //input[@id='startWorkflow:lifeCycleDestinationStateTransition:0']
clickAndWait //input[@value='Start']
verifyTextPresent Parallel workflow
verifyElementPresent link=Edit
clickAndWait link=Workflow
typeKeys //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] jsmith
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' 10000
verifyText //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] John Smith
click //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2]
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null 10000
type //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest']
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' 10000
select //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] label=Check
type //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] Parallel comment for jsmith
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add']
verifyTextPresent Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow
verifyTextPresent Parallel comment for jsmith
verifyElementNotPresent link=Approve
verifyElementPresent //input[@value='Start the workflow']
typeKeys //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] bre
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' 10000
verifyText //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] Bree Van de Kaamp
click //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2]
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null 10000
type //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest']
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' 10000
select //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] label=Diffusion
type //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] Parallel comment for bree
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add']
verifyTextPresent Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow
verifyTextPresent Parallel comment for bree
verifyElementPresent //a[@id='reviewTasksTable:removeParticipant_0']
verifyElementPresent //a[@id='reviewTasksTable:removeParticipant_1']
verifyElementNotPresent link=Approve
verifyElementNotPresent link=Reject
clickAndWait //input[@value='Start the workflow']
verifyElementPresent link=Approve
verifyElementPresent link=Reject
verifyElementNotPresent //a[@id='reviewTasksTable:removeParticipant_0']
verifyElementNotPresent //a[@id='reviewTasksTable:removeParticipant_1']
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username jsmith
type password jsmith1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jsmith
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
clickAndWait link=testNote1
type //textarea[@id="reviewTasksTable:taskActionComment"] ok pour moi
clickAndWait link=Approve
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username bree
type password bree1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as bree
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
clickAndWait link=testNote1
type //textarea[@id="reviewTasksTable:taskActionComment"] ok pour moi aussi
clickAndWait link=Reject
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username jdoe
type password jdoe1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jdoe
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
clickAndWait link=testNote1
verifyTextPresent Project
verifyTextNotPresent Approved
clickAndWait link=Workflow
verifyTextPresent Start a workflow
clickAndWait link=Log out
setTimeout 120000
open logout
open nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents
type username jdoe
type password jdoe1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jdoe
clickAndWait link=Workflow
click //input[@id='startWorkflow:workflowDefinitionId:0']
click //input[@id='startWorkflow:lifeCycleDestinationStateTransition:0']
clickAndWait //input[@value='Start']
verifyTextPresent Parallel workflow
verifyElementPresent link=Edit
clickAndWait link=Workflow
typeKeys //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] jsmith
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' 10000
verifyText //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] John Smith
click //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2]
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null 10000
type //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest']
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' 10000
select //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] label=Check
type //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] Parallel comment for jsmith
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add']
verifyTextPresent Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow
verifyTextPresent Parallel comment for jsmith
verifyElementNotPresent link=Approve
verifyElementPresent //input[@value='Start the workflow']
typeKeys //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] bre
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' 10000
verifyText //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] Bree Van de Kaamp
click //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2]
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null 10000
type //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest']
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' 10000
select //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] label=Diffusion
type //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] Parallel comment for bree
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add']
verifyTextPresent Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow
verifyTextPresent Parallel comment for bree
verifyElementPresent //a[@id='reviewTasksTable:removeParticipant_0']
verifyElementPresent //a[@id='reviewTasksTable:removeParticipant_1']
verifyElementNotPresent link=Approve
verifyElementNotPresent link=Reject
clickAndWait //input[@value='Start the workflow']
verifyElementPresent link=Approve
verifyElementPresent link=Reject
verifyElementNotPresent //a[@id='reviewTasksTable:removeParticipant_0']
verifyElementNotPresent //a[@id='reviewTasksTable:removeParticipant_1']
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username jsmith
type password jsmith1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jsmith
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
clickAndWait link=testNote1
type //textarea[@id="reviewTasksTable:taskActionComment"] ok pour moi
clickAndWait link=Approve
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username bree
type password bree1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as bree
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
clickAndWait link=testNote1
type //textarea[@id="reviewTasksTable:taskActionComment"] ok pour moi aussi
clickAndWait link=Approve
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username jdoe
type password jdoe1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jdoe
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
clickAndWait link=testNote1
verifyTextNotPresent Project
verifyTextPresent Approved
clickAndWait link=Workflow
verifyTextPresent Start a workflow
clickAndWait link=Log out
setTimeout 120000
open logout
open nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents
type username jdoe
type password jdoe1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jdoe
verifyTextPresent Approved
clickAndWait link=Workflow
click //input[@id='startWorkflow:workflowDefinitionId:1']
click //input[@id='startWorkflow:lifeCycleDestinationStateTransition:1']
clickAndWait //input[@value='Start']
verifyTextPresent Approval workflow
verifyElementNotPresent //input[@value='Start the workflow']
typeKeys //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] jdoe
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' 10000
verifyText //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] John Doe
click //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2]
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null 10000
type //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest']
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' 10000
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add']
verifyTextPresent Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow
clickAndWait //input[@value='Start the workflow']
clickAndWait link=Approve
clickAndWait link=testFolder1
clickAndWait link=testNote1
verifyTextPresent Project
clickAndWait link=Log out
setTimeout 120000
open logout
open nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents
type username jdoe
type password jdoe1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jdoe
clickAndWait link=Workflow
click //input[@id='startWorkflow:workflowDefinitionId:1']
click //input[@id='startWorkflow:lifeCycleDestinationStateTransition:3']
clickAndWait //input[@value='Start']
verifyTextPresent Approval workflow
verifyElementNotPresent //input[@value='Start the workflow']
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
verifyTextPresent Approval workflow
clickAndWait link=testNote1
typeKeys //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] bre
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' 10000
verifyText //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] Bree Van de Kaamp
click //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2]
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null 10000
type //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest']
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' 10000
select //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] label=Diffusion
type //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] Approval comment for bree
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add']
verifyTextPresent Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow
verifyTextPresent Approval comment for bree
verifyElementNotPresent link=Approve
typeKeys //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] jsmith
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' 10000
verifyText //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] John Smith
click //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2]
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null 10000
type //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest']
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' 10000
select //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] label=Check
type //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] Approval comment for jsmith
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add']
verifyTextPresent Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow
verifyTextPresent Approval comment for jsmith
verifyElementNotPresent link=Approve
clickAndWait link=Log out
open nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents
type username jsmith
type password jsmith1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jsmith
verifyElementPresent //div[@id='lock_unlock_button']
clickAndWait link=Workflow
verifyElementNotPresent //input[@value='Start the workflow']
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
verifyTextPresent Your dashboard is empty. There are no tasks that require your intervention.
clickAndWait link=Log out
open nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents
type username bree
type password bree1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as bree
verifyElementNotPresent link=Edit
verifyElementPresent //div[@id='lock_unlock_button']
clickAndWait link=Workflow
verifyElementNotPresent //input[@value='Start the workflow']
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
verifyTextPresent Your dashboard is empty. There are no tasks that require your intervention.
clickAndWait link=Log out
open nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents
type username jdoe
type password jdoe1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jdoe
clickAndWait link=Workflow
verifyElementNotPresent link=Approve
clickAndWait //input[@value='Start the workflow']
type //textarea[@id="reviewTasksTable:taskActionComment"] ok for me
clickAndWait link=Approve
verifyElementPresent link=Approve
verifyElementPresent link=Reject
clickAndWait link=Summary
verifyTextPresent Project
verifyElementPresent link=Edit
clickAndWait link=testFolder1
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username jsmith
type password jsmith1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jsmith
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
verifyTextPresent Approval comment for jsmith
clickAndWait link=testNote1
verifyElementPresent link=Edit
clickAndWait link=Summary
verifyElementPresent //div[@id='lock_unlock_button']
clickAndWait link=Workflow
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username bree
type password bree1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as bree
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
verifyTextNotPresent Approval comment for bree
clickAndWait link=testNote1
clickAndWait link=Summary
verifyElementNotPresent link=Edit
verifyElementPresent //div[@id='lock_unlock_button']
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username jdoe
type password jdoe1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jdoe
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
clickAndWait link=testNote1
clickAndWait link=Workflow
clickAndWait //input[@value='Abandon workflow']
verifyTextPresent Value is required
type //textarea[@id='abandonProcess:userWorkflowComment'] Abandoning approval workflow
clickAndWait //input[@value='Abandon workflow']
verifyElementPresent link=Edit
clickAndWait link=Workflow
verifyTextPresent Start a workflow
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
verifyTextPresent Your dashboard is empty
clickAndWait link=testNote1
clickAndWait link=Summary
verifyTextPresent Project
clickAndWait link=testFolder1
verifyTextNotPresent workflow
clickAndWait link=Log out
setTimeout 120000
open logout
open nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents
type username jsmith
type password jsmith1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jsmith
clickAndWait link=Workflow
click //input[@id='startWorkflow:workflowDefinitionId:1']
click //input[@id='startWorkflow:lifeCycleDestinationStateTransition:0']
clickAndWait //input[@value='Start']
verifyTextPresent Approval workflow
verifyElementPresent link=Edit
verifyElementNotPresent //input[@value='Start the workflow']
clickAndWait link=Summary
verifyTextPresent Project
verifyTextNotPresent Review
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username jdoe
type password jdoe1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jdoe
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
clickAndWait link=testNote1
verifyElementPresent link=Edit
clickAndWait link=Summary
verifyElementPresent //div[@id='lock_unlock_button']
clickAndWait link=Workflow
verifyElementNotPresent //input[@value='Start the workflow']
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username jsmith
type password jsmith1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jsmith
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
clickAndWait link=testNote1
typeKeys //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] bre
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' 10000
verifyText //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] Bree Van de Kaamp
click //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2]
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null 10000
type //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest']
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' 10000
select //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] label=Verification
type //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] Approval comment for bree #2
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add']
verifyTextPresent Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow
verifyTextPresent Approval comment for bree #2
verifyElementNotPresent link=Approve
verifyElementPresent //input[@value='Start the workflow']
verifyElementPresent //a[@id='reviewTasksTable:removeParticipant_0']
clickAndWait //input[@value='Start the workflow']
verifyElementPresent link=Approve
verifyElementPresent link=Reject
verifyTextPresent Select reviewers
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username bree
type password bree1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as bree
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
clickAndWait link=testNote1
verifyTextPresent Select reviewers
verifyTextNotPresent Abandon workflow
typeKeys //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] lbramard
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' 10000
verifyText //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] Lucien Bramard
click //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2]
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null 10000
type //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest']
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' 10000
select //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] label=Verification
type //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] First approval comment for lbramard
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add']
verifyTextPresent Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow
verifyTextPresent First approval comment for lbramard
verifyElementPresent link=Approve
verifyElementPresent //a[@id='reviewTasksTable:removeParticipant_0']
clickAndWait link=Approve
verifyElementNotPresent link=Reject
verifyElementNotPresent link=Approve
verifyTextNotPresent Select reviewers
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username lbramard
type password lbramard1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as lbramard
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
clickAndWait link=testNote1
verifyTextPresent Select reviewers
verifyTextNotPresent Abandon workflow
typeKeys //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] jdoe
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' 10000
verifyText //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] John Doe
click //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2]
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null 10000
type //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest']
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' 10000
select //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] label=Verification
type //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] Approval comment for jdoe #2
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add']
verifyTextPresent Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow
verifyTextPresent Approval comment for jdoe #2
verifyElementPresent //a[@id='reviewTasksTable:removeParticipant_0']
clickAndWait link=Approve
verifyElementNotPresent link=Reject
verifyElementNotPresent link=Approve
verifyTextNotPresent Select reviewers
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username jdoe
type password jdoe1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jdoe
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
clickAndWait link=testNote1
verifyTextPresent Select reviewers
verifyTextNotPresent Abandon workflow
typeKeys //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] jsmith
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' 10000
verifyText //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] John Smith
click //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2]
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null 10000
type //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest']
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' 10000
select //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] label=Verification
type //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] Approval comment for jsmith
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add']
verifyTextPresent Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow
verifyTextPresent Approval comment for jsmith
clickAndWait //a[@id='reviewTasksTable:removeParticipant_0']/img
verifyTextNotPresent Approval comment for jsmith
assertConfirmation Delete the task?
clickAndWait link=Log out
open nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents
type username jsmith
type password jsmith1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jsmith
clickAndWait link=Workflow
type //textarea[@id='abandonProcess:userWorkflowComment'] Abandon approval review #2
clickAndWait //input[@value='Abandon workflow']
verifyElementPresent link=Edit
clickAndWait link=Summary
verifyElementPresent //div[@id='lock_unlock_button']
clickAndWait link=Workflow
verifyTextPresent Start a workflow
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
verifyTextPresent Your dashboard is empty
clickAndWait link=testNote1
verifyTextPresent Project
clickAndWait link=testFolder1
verifyTextNotPresent Review
clickAndWait link=Log out
setTimeout 120000
open logout
open nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents
type username jsmith
type password jsmith1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jsmith
clickAndWait link=Workflow
click //input[@id='startWorkflow:workflowDefinitionId:1']
click //input[@id='startWorkflow:lifeCycleDestinationStateTransition:0']
clickAndWait //input[@value='Start']
verifyTextPresent Approval workflow
verifyElementPresent link=Edit
verifyElementNotPresent link=Approve
verifyElementNotPresent link=Reject
verifyElementNotPresent //input[@value='Start the workflow']
clickAndWait link=Summary
verifyTextNotPresent workflow
verifyTextPresent Project
clickAndWait link=Workflow
typeKeys //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] jsmith
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' 10000
verifyText //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] John Smith
click //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2]
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null 10000
type //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest']
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' 10000
select //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] label=Verification
type //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] Approval comment for jsmith
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add']
verifyTextPresent Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow
verifyTextPresent Approval comment for jsmith
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add']
verifyTextPresent Value is required
typeKeys //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] bre
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' 10000
verifyText //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] Bree Van de Kaamp
click //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2]
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null 10000
type //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest']
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typeKeys //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest']
typeKeys //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] lbramard
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' 10000
verifyText //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] Lucien Bramard
click //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2]
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type //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest']
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pause 3000
typeKeys //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] jdoe
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' 10000
verifyText //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] John Doe
click //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2]
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null 10000
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type //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] Comment for the three new reviewers
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add']
verifyTextPresent Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow
verifyTextPresent Comment for the three new reviewers
verifyElementPresent //a[@id='reviewTasksTable:removeParticipant_0']
clickAndWait //input[@value='Start the workflow']
verifyElementPresent link=Approve
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username jdoe
type password jdoe1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jdoe
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
verifyTextPresent Your dashboard is empty
clickAndWait link=testNote1
clickAndWait link=Workflow
verifyTextNotPresent Select reviewers
verifyTextNotPresent Participants management
verifyTextNotPresent Abandon workflow
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username bree
type password bree1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as bree
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
verifyTextPresent Your dashboard is empty
clickAndWait link=testNote1
clickAndWait link=Workflow
verifyTextNotPresent Select reviewers
verifyTextNotPresent Participants management
verifyTextNotPresent Abandon workflow
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username lbramard
type password lbramard1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as lbramard
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
verifyTextPresent Your dashboard is empty
clickAndWait link=testNote1
clickAndWait link=Workflow
verifyTextNotPresent Select reviewers
verifyTextNotPresent Participants management
verifyTextNotPresent Abandon workflow
clickAndWait link=Log out
type username jsmith
type password jsmith1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jsmith
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
clickAndWait link=testNote1
clickAndWait //a[@id='reviewTasksTable:removeParticipant_0']/img
assertConfirmation Delete the task?
verifyTextNotPresent bramard
type //textarea[@id='abandonProcess:userWorkflowComment'] Abandoning approbation review for the third time
clickAndWait //input[@value='Abandon workflow']
verifyElementPresent link=Edit
clickAndWait link=Summary
verifyElementPresent //div[@id='lock_unlock_button']
clickAndWait link=Workflow
verifyTextPresent Start a workflow
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
verifyTextPresent Your dashboard is empty
clickAndWait link=testNote1
verifyTextPresent Project
clickAndWait link=testFolder1
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clickAndWait link=Log out
open logout
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type password jsmith1
clickAndWait Submit
select //select[@class='langSelect'] label=English (United Kingdom)
clickAndWait //input[@class='langSubmit']
verifyTextPresent You are logged as jsmith
clickAndWait link=Workflow
click //input[@id='startWorkflow:workflowDefinitionId:1']
click //input[@id='startWorkflow:lifeCycleDestinationStateTransition:0']
clickAndWait //input[@value='Start']
verifyTextPresent Approval workflow
verifyElementPresent link=Edit
verifyElementNotPresent //input[@value='Start the workflow']
typeKeys //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] jsmith
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' 10000
verifyText //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] John Smith
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select //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] label=Check
type //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] Approval comment for jsmith
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add']
verifyTextPresent Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow
verifyTextPresent Approval comment for jsmith
typeKeys //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] jdoe
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' 10000
verifyText //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] John Doe
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select //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] label=Diffusion
type //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] Approval comment for jdoe
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add']
verifyTextPresent Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow
verifyTextPresent Approval comment for jdoe
verifyElementNotPresent link=Approve
typeKeys //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] bre
waitForCondition selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' 10000
verifyText //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] Bree Van de Kaamp
click //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2]
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select //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] label=Diffusion
type //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] Approval comment for bree
clickAndWait //input[@value='Add']
verifyTextPresent Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow
verifyTextPresent Approval comment for bree
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verifyElementNotPresent link=Reject
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verifyElementPresent link=Reject
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type username jdoe
type password jdoe1
clickAndWait Submit
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clickAndWait //input[@id="searchForm:searchButton"]
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type password jdoe1
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verifyElementPresent link=Add a comment
clickAndWait link=Log out
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verifyTextPresent the
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type password jdoe1
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clickAndWait link=Workflow
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verifyElementPresent link=Add a comment
clickAndWait link=Log out
open nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/note-to-be-modified@view_documents
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clickAndWait link=Relations
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verifyElementPresent link=Add a new relation
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verifyElementPresent link=Add a comment
clickAndWait link=Log out
open nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/note-to-be-modified@view_documents
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type password bree1
clickAndWait Submit
verifyTextPresent You are logged as bree
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verifyTextNotPresent This document is locked
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verifyTextNotPresent Start a workflow
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verifyElementNotPresent link=Add a new relation
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open nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents
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type password jdoe1
clickAndWait Submit
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clickAndWait //input[@value='Create']
clickAndWait link=Workspaces
clickAndWait link=Create a new workspace
type document_create:nxl_heading:nxw_title test workspace in new domain
clickAndWait document_create:button_create
mouseDown link=New document
clickAndWait link=File
type document_create:nxl_heading:nxw_title Administrator's file in new domain
clickAndWait document_create:button_create
open logout
open nxpath/default@view_domains
type username jdoe
type password jdoe1
clickAndWait Submit
verifyElementPresent link=Default domain
verifyElementPresent link=New domain
verifyElementPresent link=Dashboard
clickAndWait link=Dashboard
verifyTextPresent Select the domain
select selectDashboardDomain:selectDashboardDomainMenu label=New domain
clickAndWait selectDashboardDomain:dashboardDomainSubmitButton
verifyElementNotPresent link=jdoe
verifyElementNotPresent link=testWorskspace1
verifyElementNotPresent link=testWorkspace2
verifyElementPresent link=test workspace in new domain
verifyElementNotPresent link=testTopicWithoutModeration
verifyElementNotPresent link=testTopicWithModeration
verifyElementPresent link=Last modified documents
verifyElementPresent link=Administrator's file in new domain
select selectDashboardDomain:selectDashboardDomainMenu label=Default domain
clickAndWait selectDashboardDomain:dashboardDomainSubmitButton
verifyElementPresent link=jdoe
verifyElementPresent link=testWorskspace1
verifyElementPresent link=testWorkspace2
verifyElementNotPresent link=test workspace in new domain
verifyElementPresent link=Last modified documents
verifyElementPresent link=testTopicWithoutModeration
verifyElementPresent link=testTopicWithModeration
verifyElementNotPresent link=Administrator's file in new domain
open logout
open nxpath/default@view_domains
type username Administrator
type password Administrator
clickAndWait Submit
verifyElementPresent link=Default domain
verifyElementPresent link=New domain
assertText //form[@id="CHILDREN_DOCUMENT_LIST"]//table/tbody/tr[2]/td[3]//span New domain
click //form[@id="CHILDREN_DOCUMENT_LIST"]//table/tbody/tr[2]/td[1]//input
waitForEditable //input[@value="Delete"]
clickAndWait //input[@value="Delete"]
assertConfirmation Delete selected document(s)?
verifyElementPresent link=Default domain
verifyElementNotPresent link=New domain
open logout
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/parallelReviewAbandon.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 120000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='startWorkflow:workflowDefinitionId:0'] |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='startWorkflow:lifeCycleDestinationStateTransition:3'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Start'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Parallel workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Summary |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Project |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |typeKeys | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] | jsmith |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] | John Smith |
info: Executing: |click | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] | label=Check |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] | Parallel comment for jsmith |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Parallel comment for jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |typeKeys | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] | bre |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] | Bree Van de Kaamp |
info: Executing: |click | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] | label=Diffusion |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] | Parallel comment for bree |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Parallel comment for bree |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Reject |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Select reviewers |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Reject |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Select reviewers |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Summary |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Review |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Project |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Review |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Parallel comment for jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Summary |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //div[@id='lock_unlock_button'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Parallel comment for bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Summary |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //div[@id='lock_unlock_button'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Parallel workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Summary |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //div[@id='lock_unlock_button'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Abandon workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Value is required |  |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id='abandonProcess:userWorkflowComment'] | Abandon of parallel review |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Abandon workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Start a workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Parallel workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Your dashboard is empty. |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/taskLists.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 120000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='startWorkflow:workflowDefinitionId:0'] |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='startWorkflow:lifeCycleDestinationStateTransition:3'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Start'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Parallel workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Summary |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Project |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Delete'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Please select a list |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Load'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Please select a list |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |typeKeys | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] | jsmith |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] | John Smith |
info: Executing: |click | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] | label=Check |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] | Parallel comment for jsmith |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |typeKeys | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] | bree |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] | Bree Van de Kaamp |
info: Executing: |click | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |typeKeys | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] | linnet |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] | Linnet Scavo |
info: Executing: |click | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] | label=Check |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] | Parallel comment for bree and linnet |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='reviewTasksTable:listName'] | list1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Save the list'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | List saved |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Save the list'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Please choose a name |  |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id="abandonProcess:userWorkflowComment" ] | foo |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Abandon workflow"] |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='startWorkflow:workflowDefinitionId:0'] |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='startWorkflow:lifeCycleDestinationStateTransition:3'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Start'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Parallel workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@id='loadTaskList:selectedList'] | label=list1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Load'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | John Smith |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Parallel comment for jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Bree Van de Kaamp |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Linnet Scavo |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Parallel comment for bree and linnet |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@id='loadTaskList:selectedList'] | label=list1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Delete'] |  |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id="abandonProcess:userWorkflowComment" ] | foo |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Abandon workflow"] |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/taskOnDeletedDocument.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 120000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='startWorkflow:workflowDefinitionId:0'] |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='startWorkflow:lifeCycleDestinationStateTransition:3'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Start'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Parallel workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Summary |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Project |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |typeKeys | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] | jsmith |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] | John Smith |
info: Executing: |click | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] | label=Check |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] | Parallel comment for jsmith |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Parallel comment for jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Reject |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Select reviewers |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Summary |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Review |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Project |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Review |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Parallel comment for jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Summary |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //div[@id='lock_unlock_button'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Parallel workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Summary |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //div[@id='lock_unlock_button'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id="CHILDREN_DOCUMENT_LIST:nxl_document_listing_1:nxw_listing_selection_box_with_current_document_1"] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForEditable | //input[@value="Delete"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Delete"] |  |
info: Executing: |assertConfirmation | Delete selected document(s)? |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |assertTextPresent | testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | dashboardDocumentProcessTable:refreshButton |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 3000 |  |
info: Executing: |refreshAndWait |  |  |
info: Executing: |assertTextNotPresent | testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |assertTextPresent | Your dashboard is empty. There are no tasks that require your intervention. |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | Administrator |
info: Executing: |type | password | Administrator |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as Administrator |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorskspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Manage |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Trash |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id="CHILDREN_DOCUMENT_LIST:nxl_document_listing:nxw_listing_selection_box_with_current_document"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyChecked | //input[@id="CHILDREN_DOCUMENT_LIST:nxl_document_listing:nxw_listing_selection_box_with_current_document"] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForEditable | //span[@id="CURRENT_SELECTION_UNDELETE"]/input | 12000 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Restore"] |  |
info: Executing: |assertConfirmation | Undelete selected document(s)? |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | 1 Document(s) restored |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |assertTextPresent | testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |assertTextPresent | testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id="abandonProcess:userWorkflowComment" ] | foo |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Abandon workflow"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/parallelReviewNoAddReviewers.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 120000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='startWorkflow:workflowDefinitionId:0'] |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='startWorkflow:lifeCycleDestinationStateTransition:3'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Start'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Parallel workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Summary |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Project |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //div[@id='lock_unlock_button'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Value is required |  |
info: Executing: |typeKeys | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] | jsmith |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] | John Smith |
info: Executing: |click | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] | label=Check |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] | Parallel comment for jsmith |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Parallel comment for jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |typeKeys | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] | bre |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] | Bree Van de Kaamp |
info: Executing: |click | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] | label=Diffusion |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] | Parallel comment for bree |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Parallel comment for bree |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Reject |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Select reviewers |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Summary |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Review |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Project |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Review |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Parallel comment for jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Select reviewers |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Parallel comment for bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Select reviewers |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Parallel workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Abandon workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Value is required |  |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id='abandonProcess:userWorkflowComment'] | Abandon of parallel review |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Abandon workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Start a workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Parallel workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Your dashboard is empty. |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/parallelReviewNotOK.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 120000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='startWorkflow:workflowDefinitionId:0'] |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='startWorkflow:lifeCycleDestinationStateTransition:0'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Start'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Parallel workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |typeKeys | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] | jsmith |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] | John Smith |
info: Executing: |click | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] | label=Check |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] | Parallel comment for jsmith |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Parallel comment for jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |typeKeys | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] | bre |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] | Bree Van de Kaamp |
info: Executing: |click | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] | label=Diffusion |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] | Parallel comment for bree |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Parallel comment for bree |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //a[@id='reviewTasksTable:removeParticipant_0'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //a[@id='reviewTasksTable:removeParticipant_1'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Reject |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Reject |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //a[@id='reviewTasksTable:removeParticipant_0'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //a[@id='reviewTasksTable:removeParticipant_1'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id="reviewTasksTable:taskActionComment"] | ok pour moi |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id="reviewTasksTable:taskActionComment"] | ok pour moi aussi |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Reject |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Project |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Approved |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Start a workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/parallelReviewOK.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 120000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='startWorkflow:workflowDefinitionId:0'] |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='startWorkflow:lifeCycleDestinationStateTransition:0'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Start'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Parallel workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |typeKeys | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] | jsmith |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] | John Smith |
info: Executing: |click | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] | label=Check |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] | Parallel comment for jsmith |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Parallel comment for jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |typeKeys | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] | bre |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] | Bree Van de Kaamp |
info: Executing: |click | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] | label=Diffusion |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] | Parallel comment for bree |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Parallel comment for bree |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //a[@id='reviewTasksTable:removeParticipant_0'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //a[@id='reviewTasksTable:removeParticipant_1'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Reject |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Reject |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //a[@id='reviewTasksTable:removeParticipant_0'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //a[@id='reviewTasksTable:removeParticipant_1'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id="reviewTasksTable:taskActionComment"] | ok pour moi |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id="reviewTasksTable:taskActionComment"] | ok pour moi aussi |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Project |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Approved |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Start a workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/approbationReviewAfterParallel.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 120000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Approved |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='startWorkflow:workflowDefinitionId:1'] |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='startWorkflow:lifeCycleDestinationStateTransition:1'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Start'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Approval workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |typeKeys | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] | jdoe |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] | John Doe |
info: Executing: |click | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Project |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/approbationReviewAbandon.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 120000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='startWorkflow:workflowDefinitionId:1'] |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='startWorkflow:lifeCycleDestinationStateTransition:3'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Start'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Approval workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Approval workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |typeKeys | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] | bre |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] | Bree Van de Kaamp |
info: Executing: |click | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] | label=Diffusion |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] | Approval comment for bree |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Approval comment for bree |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |typeKeys | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] | jsmith |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] | John Smith |
info: Executing: |click | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] | label=Check |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] | Approval comment for jsmith |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Approval comment for jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //div[@id='lock_unlock_button'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Your dashboard is empty. There are no tasks that require your intervention. |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //div[@id='lock_unlock_button'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Your dashboard is empty. There are no tasks that require your intervention. |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id="reviewTasksTable:taskActionComment"] | ok for me |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Reject |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Summary |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Project |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Approval comment for jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Summary |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //div[@id='lock_unlock_button'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Approval comment for bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Summary |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //div[@id='lock_unlock_button'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Abandon workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Value is required |  |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id='abandonProcess:userWorkflowComment'] | Abandoning approval workflow |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Abandon workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Start a workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Your dashboard is empty |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Summary |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Project |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/approbationReviewAddReviewers.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 120000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='startWorkflow:workflowDefinitionId:1'] |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='startWorkflow:lifeCycleDestinationStateTransition:0'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Start'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Approval workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Summary |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Project |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Review |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Summary |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //div[@id='lock_unlock_button'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |typeKeys | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] | bre |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] | Bree Van de Kaamp |
info: Executing: |click | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] | label=Verification |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] | Approval comment for bree #2 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Approval comment for bree #2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //a[@id='reviewTasksTable:removeParticipant_0'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Reject |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Select reviewers |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Select reviewers |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Abandon workflow |  |
info: Executing: |typeKeys | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] | lbramard |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] | Lucien Bramard |
info: Executing: |click | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] | label=Verification |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] | First approval comment for lbramard |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | First approval comment for lbramard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //a[@id='reviewTasksTable:removeParticipant_0'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Reject |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Select reviewers |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | lbramard |
info: Executing: |type | password | lbramard1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as lbramard |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Select reviewers |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Abandon workflow |  |
info: Executing: |typeKeys | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] | jdoe |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] | John Doe |
info: Executing: |click | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] | label=Verification |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] | Approval comment for jdoe #2 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Approval comment for jdoe #2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //a[@id='reviewTasksTable:removeParticipant_0'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Reject |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Select reviewers |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Select reviewers |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Abandon workflow |  |
info: Executing: |typeKeys | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] | jsmith |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] | John Smith |
info: Executing: |click | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] | label=Verification |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] | Approval comment for jsmith |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Approval comment for jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //a[@id='reviewTasksTable:removeParticipant_0']/img |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Approval comment for jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |assertConfirmation | Delete the task? |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id='abandonProcess:userWorkflowComment'] | Abandon approval review #2 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Abandon workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Summary |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //div[@id='lock_unlock_button'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Start a workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Your dashboard is empty |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Project |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Review |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/approbationReviewNoAddReviewers.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 120000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='startWorkflow:workflowDefinitionId:1'] |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='startWorkflow:lifeCycleDestinationStateTransition:0'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Start'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Approval workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Reject |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Summary |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Project |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |typeKeys | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] | jsmith |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] | John Smith |
info: Executing: |click | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] | label=Verification |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] | Approval comment for jsmith |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Approval comment for jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Value is required |  |
info: Executing: |typeKeys | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] | bre |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] | Bree Van de Kaamp |
info: Executing: |click | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |typeKeys | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |typeKeys | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] | lbramard |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] | Lucien Bramard |
info: Executing: |click | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |pause | 3000 |  |
info: Executing: |typeKeys | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] | jdoe |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] | John Doe |
info: Executing: |click | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] | Comment for the three new reviewers |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Comment for the three new reviewers |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //a[@id='reviewTasksTable:removeParticipant_0'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Your dashboard is empty |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Select reviewers |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Participants management |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Abandon workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Your dashboard is empty |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Select reviewers |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Participants management |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Abandon workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | lbramard |
info: Executing: |type | password | lbramard1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as lbramard |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Your dashboard is empty |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Select reviewers |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Participants management |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Abandon workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //a[@id='reviewTasksTable:removeParticipant_0']/img |  |
info: Executing: |assertConfirmation | Delete the task? |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | bramard |  |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id='abandonProcess:userWorkflowComment'] | Abandoning approbation review for the third time |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Abandon workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Summary |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //div[@id='lock_unlock_button'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Start a workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Your dashboard is empty |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Project |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/approbationReviewOK.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='startWorkflow:workflowDefinitionId:1'] |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id='startWorkflow:lifeCycleDestinationStateTransition:0'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Start'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Approval workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |typeKeys | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] | jsmith |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] | John Smith |
info: Executing: |click | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] | label=Check |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] | Approval comment for jsmith |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Approval comment for jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |typeKeys | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] | jdoe |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] | John Doe |
info: Executing: |click | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] | label=Diffusion |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] | Approval comment for jdoe |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Approval comment for jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |typeKeys | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] | bre |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] | Bree Van de Kaamp |
info: Executing: |click | //*[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_list:0:nxw_actors_listItem') != null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_actors_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_directive'] | label=Diffusion |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id='addReviewers:nxl_add_workflow_task:nxw_comment'] | Approval comment for bree |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Selected participant(s) successfully added to the workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Approval comment for bree |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Reject |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Start the workflow'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Reject |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //a[@id='reviewTasksTable:removeParticipant_0'] |  |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id="reviewTasksTable:taskActionComment"] | Ok for me |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Reject |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Reject |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id="reviewTasksTable:taskActionComment"] | not ok from bree |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Reject |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Reject |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Select reviewers |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Reject |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Reject |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Project |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Approved |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | No workflows are currently active for this document. You don't have the rights to start a workflow. |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=History |  |
info: Executing: |assertTextPresent | not ok from bree |  |
info: Executing: |assertTextPresent | Workflow task rejected |  |
info: Executing: |assertTextPresent | Workflow task completed |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/createWSToDelete.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorskspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |mouseDown | link=New document |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspace |  |
info: Executing: |type | //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/input[@type="text"] | a WS to be deleted 1 |
info: Executing: |type | //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/textarea | desc WS to be deleted |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Create'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | a WS to be deleted 1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This folder contains no document. |  |
info: Executing: |mouseDown | link=New document |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Note |  |
info: Executing: |type | //table[@class="dataInput"]/tbody/tr//td[2]/input | Note to be deleted |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Create'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Project |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | 1.0 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorskspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |mouseDown | link=New document |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspace |  |
info: Executing: |type | //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/input[@type="text"] | a WS to be deleted 2 |
info: Executing: |type | //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/textarea | desc WS to be deleted 2 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Create'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | a WS to be deleted 2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This folder contains no document. |  |
info: Executing: |mouseDown | link=New document |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Note |  |
info: Executing: |type | //table[@class="dataInput"]/tbody/tr//td[2]/input | Note2 to be deleted |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Create'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Project |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | 1.0 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/deleteWorkspace.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorskspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=a WS to be deleted 1 |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id="CHILDREN_DOCUMENT_LIST:nxl_document_listing:nxw_listing_selection_box_with_current_document"] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForEditable | //span[@id="CURRENT_SELECTION_TRASH"]/input | 12000 |
info: Executing: |verifyEditable | //span[@id="CURRENT_SELECTION_TRASH"]/input |  |
info: Executing: |verifyEditable | //span[@id="CURRENT_SELECTION_ADDTOLIST"]/input |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorskspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id="CHILDREN_DOCUMENT_LIST:nxl_document_listing:nxw_listing_selection_box_with_current_document"] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForEditable | //span[@id="CURRENT_SELECTION_TRASH"]/input | 12000 |
info: Executing: |verifyChecked | //input[@id="CHILDREN_DOCUMENT_LIST:nxl_document_listing:nxw_listing_selection_box_with_current_document"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Content |  |
info: Executing: |chooseCancelOnNextConfirmation |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@value="Delete"] |  |
info: Executing: |assertConfirmation | Delete selected document(s)? |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Delete"] |  |
info: Executing: |assertConfirmation | Delete selected document(s)? |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | a WS to be deleted 1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | Administrator |
info: Executing: |type | password | Administrator |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as Administrator |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id="CHILDREN_DOCUMENT_LIST:nxl_document_listing:nxw_listing_selection_box_with_current_document"] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForEditable | //span[@id="CURRENT_SELECTION_TRASH"]/input | 12000 |
info: Executing: |verifyEditable | //span[@id="CURRENT_SELECTION_TRASH"]/input |  |
info: Executing: |verifyEditable | //span[@id="CURRENT_SELECTION_ADDTOLIST"]/input |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorskspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@id="CHILDREN_DOCUMENT_LIST:nxl_document_listing:nxw_listing_selection_box_with_current_document"] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForEditable | //span[@id="CURRENT_SELECTION_TRASH"]/input | 12000 |
info: Executing: |chooseCancelOnNextConfirmation |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@value="Delete"] |  |
info: Executing: |assertConfirmation | Delete selected document(s)? |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=a WS to be deleted 2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Delete"] |  |
info: Executing: |assertConfirmation | Delete selected document(s)? |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | a WS to be deleted 2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/verifyDeletedDocumentContent.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | Administrator |
info: Executing: |type | password | Administrator |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as Administrator |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorskspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |assertText | //form[@id="CHILDREN_DOCUMENT_LIST"]//table/tbody/tr[1]/td[3]//a | testFolder1 |
info: Executing: |click | //form[@id="CHILDREN_DOCUMENT_LIST"]//table/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]//input |  |
info: Executing: |verifyChecked | //form[@id="CHILDREN_DOCUMENT_LIST"]//table/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]//input |  |
info: Executing: |waitForEditable | //span[@id="CURRENT_SELECTION_TRASH"]/input | 12000 |
info: Executing: |verifyEditable | //span[@id="CURRENT_SELECTION_TRASH"]/input |  |
info: Executing: |verifyEditable | //span[@id="CURRENT_SELECTION_ADDTOLIST"]/input |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Delete"] |  |
info: Executing: |assertConfirmation | Delete selected document(s)? |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Manage |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Trash |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Note to be modified |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | New Document |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Import a file |  |
info: Executing: |assertText | //form[@id="CHILDREN_DOCUMENT_LIST"]//table/tbody/tr[1]/td[3]//a | Note to be modified |
info: Executing: |click | //form[@id="CHILDREN_DOCUMENT_LIST"]//table/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]//input |  |
info: Executing: |verifyChecked | //form[@id="CHILDREN_DOCUMENT_LIST"]//table/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]//input |  |
info: Executing: |waitForEditable | //span[@id="CURRENT_SELECTION_DELETE"]/input | 12000 |
info: Executing: |waitForEditable | //span[@id="CURRENT_SELECTION_UNDELETE"]/input | 12000 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Restore"] |  |
info: Executing: |assertConfirmation | Undelete selected document(s)? |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | 1 Document(s) restored |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorskspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Note to be modified |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/searchUsers.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Users & groups |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@id="searchForm:clearButton"] |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id="searchForm:searchText"] | j |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@id="searchForm:searchButton"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | John |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Doe |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Smith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@id="searchForm:clearButton"] |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id="searchForm:searchText"] | thing |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@id="searchForm:searchButton"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | No user matching the entered criteria |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/searchGroup.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | lbramard |
info: Executing: |type | password | lbramard1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as lbramard |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Users & groups |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Groups |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@id="searchForm:clearButton"] |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id="searchForm:searchText"] | j |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@id="searchForm:searchButton"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Johns |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@id="searchForm:clearButton"] |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id="searchForm:searchText"] | thing |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@id="searchForm:searchButton"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | No group matching the entered criteria |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/lockDocument.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/note-to-be-modified@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Lock |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | locked |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | the |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Unlock |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //div[@id="lock_unlock_button"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Start a workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Relations |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Add a new relation |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/note-to-be-modified@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | locked |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | the |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //div[@id="lock_unlock_button"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Unlock |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Start a workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Relations |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Add a new relation |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/note-to-be-modified@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | linnet |
info: Executing: |type | password | linnet1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as linnet |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //div[@id="lock_unlock_button"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Start a workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Relations |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Add a new relation |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/note-to-be-modified@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //div[@id="lock_unlock_button"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Start a workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Relations |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Add a new relation |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/addCommentOnLockedDocument.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/note-to-be-modified@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | locked |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea | First comment on a locked document |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | First comment on a locked document |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Delete |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/note-to-be-modified@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | First comment on a locked document |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Reply |  |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea | First answer on a locked document |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | First answer on a locked document |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Delete |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea | Second comment on a locked document |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Add'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Second comment on a locked document |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/unlockDocumentByLocker.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/note-to-be-modified@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Unlock |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Unlock |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Lock |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Summary |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //div[@id="lock_unlock_button"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Start a workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Relations |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Add a new relation |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/note-to-be-modified@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //div[@id="lock_unlock_button"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Lock |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | This document is locked |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Start a workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Relations |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Add a new relation |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/note-to-be-modified@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | linnet |
info: Executing: |type | password | linnet1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as linnet |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //div[@id="lock_unlock_button"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | This document is locked |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Start a workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Relations |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Add a new relation |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/note-to-be-modified@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //div[@id="lock_unlock_button"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | This document is locked |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Start a workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Relations |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Add a new relation |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/unlockDocumentByWSManager.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Lock |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is locked |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Unlock |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Start a workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Relations |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Add a new relation |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Unlock |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Unlock |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | This document is locked |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Lock |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Summary |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Lock |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Start a workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Relations |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Add a new relation |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Lock |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | This document is locked |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Start a workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Relations |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Add a new relation |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | linnet |
info: Executing: |type | password | linnet1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as linnet |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Lock |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | This document is locked |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Start a workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Relations |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Add a relation |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/testnote1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Unlock |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | This document is locked |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workflow |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Start a workflow |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Relations |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Add a new relation |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/blockRights.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 120000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Manage |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Access rights |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //form[@id="block_inherit"]/input[@type="checkbox"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyChecked | //form[@id="block_inherit"]/input[@type="checkbox"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | No local right |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | administrators |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | linnet |
info: Executing: |type | password | linnet1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as linnet |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorskspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | lbramard |
info: Executing: |type | password | lbramard1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as lbramard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/unblockRights.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 120000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Manage |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Access rights |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | No local rights |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //form[@id="block_inherit"]/input[@type="checkbox"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyNotChecked | //form[@id="block_inherit"]/input[@type="checkbox"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | No local rights |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | members |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | administrators |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Administrator |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Bree |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Bramard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Linnet |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Doe |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Smith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorskspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorskspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | linnet |
info: Executing: |type | password | linnet1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as linnet |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorskspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | lbramard |
info: Executing: |type | password | lbramard1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as lbramard |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorskspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/removeLocalRights.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Manage |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Access rights |  |
info: Executing: |click | //table[@id="rights_content:dataTable_local_rights"]//th[1]/input |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('rights_content:security_button_remove').getAttribute('disabled') == null | 15000 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Access rights |  |
info: Executing: |verifyChecked | //table[@id="rights_content:dataTable_local_rights"]//th[1]/input |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Remove permission(s)"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | No local right |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/deleteUser.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 120000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | Administrator |
info: Executing: |type | password | Administrator |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as Administrator |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Users & groups |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Create a new user |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUser:nxl_user:nxw_username'] | carlos |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUser:nxl_user:nxw_email'] | sg+carlos@nuxeo.com |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUser:nxl_user:nxw_firstPassword'] | carlos1 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='createUser:nxl_user:nxw_secondPassword'] | carlos1 |
info: Executing: |typeKeys | //input[@name='createUser:nxl_user:nxw_groups_suggest'] | members |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('createUser:nxl_user:nxw_groups_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='createUser:nxl_user:nxw_groups_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] | members |
info: Executing: |click | //*[@id='createUser:nxl_user:nxw_groups_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('createUser:nxl_user:nxw_groups_list:0:nxw_groups_listItem') != null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Save'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | carlos |
info: Executing: |type | password | carlos1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as carlos |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Users & groups |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='searchForm:searchText'] | carlos |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@id='searchForm:searchButton'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=carlos |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | members |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | Administrator |
info: Executing: |type | password | Administrator |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class='langSelect'] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as Administrator |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Users & groups |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@id='searchForm:searchText'] | carlos |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@id='searchForm:searchButton'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=carlos |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Delete |  |
info: Executing: |assertConfirmation | Delete user? |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/createForum.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 120000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |mouseDown | link=New document |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Forum |  |
info: Executing: |type | //table[@class="dataInput"]/tbody/tr//td[2]/input | testForum1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Create"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | testForum1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/verifyRightsForum.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=New topic |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Save"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Save"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=My subscriptions |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Subscribe"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Workflow changed |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Access Rights |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=History |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Event log |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Creation |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | linnet |
info: Executing: |type | password | linnet1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as linnet |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=New topic |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Save"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Save"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=My subscriptions |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Subscribe"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Modification |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Workflow changed |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Access Rights |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=History |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Event log |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Creation |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=New topic |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Save"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Save"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=My subscriptions |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Subscribe"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Modification |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Workflow changed |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Manage |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Subscriptions |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Register"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Access rights |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | No local right |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=History |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Event log |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Creation |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=New topic |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=My subscriptions |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Subscribe"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Modification |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Workflow changed |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Subscriptions |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Access rights |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=History |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Event log |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Creation |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | lbramard |
info: Executing: |type | password | lbramard1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as lbramard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=New topic |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=My subscriptions |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Subscribe"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Modification |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Workflow changed |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Subscriptions |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Access rights |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=History |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Event log |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Creation |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/createTopicWithoutModeration.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 120000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=New topic |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@class="dataInputText"] | testTopicWithoutModeration |
info: Executing: |check | //input[@value="false"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Create"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | testTopicWithoutModeration |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=testTopicWithoutModeration |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Moderation |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | No |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/verifyRightsOnTopicWithoutModeration.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1/testtopicwithoutmoderati@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value="Lock"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Modification |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=My subscriptions |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Subscribe"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Modification |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Workflow changed |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Access rights |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=History |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Topic |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Add"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1/testtopicwithoutmoderati@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | linnet |
info: Executing: |type | password | linnet1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as linnet |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value="Lock"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Topic |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Add"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Modification |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Modification |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=My subscriptions |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Subscribe"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Modification |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Workflow changed |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Access rights |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=History |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1/testtopicwithoutmoderati@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value="Lock"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Topic |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Add"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Modification |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=My subscriptions |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Subscribe"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Modification |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Workflow changed |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Manage |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Subscriptions |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Register"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Access rights |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | No local right |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=History |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1/testtopicwithoutmoderati@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value="Lock"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Topic |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value="Add"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Modification |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=My subscriptions |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Subscribe"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Modification |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Workflow changed |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Manage |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1/testtopicwithoutmoderati@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | lbramard |
info: Executing: |type | password | lbramard1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as lbramard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value="Lock"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Topic |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value="Add"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Modification |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=My subscriptions |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Subscribe"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Modification |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Workflow changed |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Manage |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Subscriptions |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Access rights |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=History |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/addCommentsOnTopicWithoutModeration.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1/testtopicwithoutmoderati@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | linnet |
info: Executing: |type | password | linnet1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as linnet |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Add"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |type | //table[@class="dataInput"]/tbody/tr//td[2]/input | testTopicWithoutModeration |
info: Executing: |type | //table[@class="dataInput"]//textarea | comment n°1 in testTopicWithoutModeration |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Add"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | comment n°1 in testTopicWithoutModeration |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Delete |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Reply |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | linnet |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | 1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testTopicWithoutModeration |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Topic |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | comment n°1 in testTopicWithoutModeration |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Delete |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Reply |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Add"] |  |
info: Executing: |type | //table[@class="dataInput"]/tbody/tr//td[2]/input | John Doe adds a comment |
info: Executing: |type | //table[@class="dataInput"]//textarea | comment n°2 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Cancel"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | John Doe adds a comment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | comment n°2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Add"] |  |
info: Executing: |type | //table[@class="dataInput"]/tbody/tr//td[2]/input | John Doe adds a comment |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Add"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Value is required |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | John Doe adds a comment |  |
info: Executing: |type | //table[@class="dataInput"]//textarea | comment n°2 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Add"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | John Doe adds a comment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | comment n°2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Delete |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Reply |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | 2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testTopicWithoutModeration |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Topic |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | comment n°1 in testTopicWithoutModeration |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | comment n°2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | John Doe adds a comment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Delete |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Reply |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Add"] |  |
info: Executing: |type | //table[@class="dataInput"]//textarea | comment n°3 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Add"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Value is required |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Add"] |  |
info: Executing: |type | //table[@class="dataInput"]/tbody/tr//td[2]/input | jsmith adds a comment |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Add"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | jsmith adds a comment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | comment n°3 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Delete |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Reply |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/answerToCommentOnTopicWithoutModeration.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1/testtopicwithoutmoderati@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Reply |  |
info: Executing: |type | //table[@class="dataInput"]//textarea | reply n°1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Add"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | reply n°1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | testTopicWithoutModeration |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testTopicWithoutModeration |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Topic |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | reply n°1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testTopicWithoutModeration |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/deleteCommentByAuthorOnTopicWithoutModeration.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1/testtopicwithoutmoderati@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | linnet |
info: Executing: |type | password | linnet1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as linnet |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | comment n°1 in testTopicWithoutModeration |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Delete |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | comment n°1 in testTopicWithoutModeration |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | reply n°1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1/testtopicwithoutmoderati@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | comment n°1 in testTopicWithoutModeration |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | reply n°1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/deleteCommentByAdministratorOnTopicWithoutModeration.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1/testtopicwithoutmoderati@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | Administrator |
info: Executing: |type | password | Administrator |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Delete |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | John Doe adds a comment |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1/testtopicwithoutmoderati@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | John Doe adds a comment |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/createTopicWithModeration.html
info: Executing: |setTimeout | 120000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=New topic |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@class="dataInputText"] | testTopicWithModeration |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@type="radio"] |  |
info: Executing: |typeKeys | //input[@name='createThread:nxl_user_group_prefixed_suggestion:nxw_selection_suggest'] | bre |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('createThread:nxl_user_group_prefixed_suggestion:nxw_selection_suggestionBox').style.display != 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |verifyText | //*[@id='createThread:nxl_user_group_prefixed_suggestion:nxw_selection_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] | Bree Van de Kaamp |
info: Executing: |click | //*[@id='createThread:nxl_user_group_prefixed_suggestion:nxw_selection_suggestionBox:suggest']/x:tbody/x:tr[1]/x:td[2] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('createThread:nxl_user_group_prefixed_suggestion:nxw_selection_list:0:nxw_selection_listItem') != null | 10000 |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@name='createThread:nxl_user_group_prefixed_suggestion:nxw_selection_suggest'] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForCondition | selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().document.getElementById('createThread:nxl_user_group_prefixed_suggestion:nxw_selection_suggestionBox').style.display == 'none' | 10000 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Create"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | testTopicWithModeration |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testForum1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=testTopicWithModeration |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Yes |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/verifyRightsOnTopicWithModeration.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1/testtopicwithmoderation@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value="Lock"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Modification |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=My subscriptions |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Subscribe"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Modification |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Workflow changed |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Access rights |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=History |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Topic |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Add"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1/testtopicwithmoderation@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | linnet |
info: Executing: |type | password | linnet1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as linnet |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value="Lock"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Topic |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Add"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Modification |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=My subscriptions |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Subscribe"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Modification |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Workflow changed |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Access rights |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=History |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1/testtopicwithmoderation@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value="Lock"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Topic |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Add"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Modification |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=My subscriptions |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Subscribe"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Modification |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Workflow changed |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Manage |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Subscriptions |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Register"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Access rights |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | No local right |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=History |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1/testtopicwithmoderation@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value="Lock"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Topic |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Modification |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=My subscriptions |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Subscribe"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Modification |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Workflow changed |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Subscriptions |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Access rights |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=History |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1/testtopicwithmoderation@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | lbramard |
info: Executing: |type | password | lbramard1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as lbramard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | //input[@value="Lock"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Topic |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Modifcation |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=My subscriptions |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | //input[@value="Subscribe"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Modification |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Workflow changed |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Subscriptions |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Access rights |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=History |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/addCommentToBeApproved.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1/testtopicwithmoderation@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Add"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Add a comment |  |
info: Executing: |type | //table[@class="dataInput"]/tbody/tr//td[2]/input | testTopicWithModerationComment |
info: Executing: |type | //table[@class="dataInput"]//textarea | comment n°1 in testTopicWithModeration |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //div[@class="buttonsGadget"]/input |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | testTopicWithModerationComment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | comment n°1 in testTopicWithModeration |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Waiting for approval |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Published |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1/testtopicwithmoderation@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | testTopicWithModerationComment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | comment n°1 in testTopicWithModeration |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Waiting for approval |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Published |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1/testtopicwithmoderation@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | lbramard |
info: Executing: |type | password | lbramard1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as lbramard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | testTopicWithModerationComment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | comment n°1 in testTopicWithModeration |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Waiting for approval |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Published |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/approveCommentOnTopicWithModeration.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open |  |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Moderate the document |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | testTopicWithModeration |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testTopicWithModeration |  |
info: Executing: |waitForTextPresent | testTopicWithModerationComment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | comment n°1 in testTopicWithModeration |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Waiting for approval |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Published |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Reject |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Delete |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Waiting for approval |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Published |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Reject |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Delete |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1/testtopicwithmoderation@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | testTopicWithModerationComment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | comment n°1 in testTopicWithModeration |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Waiting for approval |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Published |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Reply |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Delete |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1/testtopicwithmoderation@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | linnet |
info: Executing: |type | password | linnet1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as linnet |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | testTopicWithModerationComment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | comment n°1 in testTopicWithModeration |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Waiting for approval |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Published |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Reply |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Delete |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1/testtopicwithmoderation@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | lbramard |
info: Executing: |type | password | lbramard1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as lbramard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | testTopicWithModerationComment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | comment n°1 in testTopicWithModeration |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Waiting for approval |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Published |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Reply |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Delete |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/addCommentToBeRejected.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1/testtopicwithmoderation@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | testTopicWithModerationComment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | comment n°1 in testTopicWithModeration |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Waiting for approval |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Published |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Reply |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Add"] |  |
info: Executing: |type | //table[@class="dataInput"]/tbody/tr//td[2]/input | members add comments |
info: Executing: |type | //table[@class="dataInput"]//textarea | second comment |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //div[@class="buttonsGadget"]/input |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | members add comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | second comment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Waiting for approval |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Published |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Delete |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1/testtopicwithmoderation@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | linnet |
info: Executing: |type | password | linnet1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as linnet |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | testTopicWithModerationComment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | comment n°1 in testTopicWithModeration |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | members add comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | second comment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Waiting for approval |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Published |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1/testtopicwithmoderation@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | lbramard |
info: Executing: |type | password | lbramard1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as lbramard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | testTopicWithModerationComment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | comment n°1 in testTopicWithModeration |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | members add comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | second comment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Waiting for approval |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Published |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Reply |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Delete |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/rejectCommentOnTopicWithModeration.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Moderate the document |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | testTopicWithModeration |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testTopicWithModeration |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | testTopicWithModerationComment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | comment n°1 in testTopicWithModeration |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Waiting for approval |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Published |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | members add comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | second comment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Reject |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Delete |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Reject |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Waiting for approval |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Rejected |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Approve |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Reject |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Delete |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1/testtopicwithmoderation@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | testTopicWithModerationComment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | comment n°1 in testTopicWithModeration |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | members add comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | second comment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Waiting for approval |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Rejected |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Published |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Reply |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Delete |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1/testtopicwithmoderation@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | linnet |
info: Executing: |type | password | linnet1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as linnet |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | testTopicWithModerationComment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | comment n°1 in testTopicWithModeration |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | members add comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | second comment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Waiting for approval |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Rejected |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Published |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Reply |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Delete |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1/testtopicwithmoderation@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | lbramard |
info: Executing: |type | password | lbramard1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as lbramard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | testTopicWithModerationComment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | comment n°1 in testTopicWithModeration |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | members add comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | second comment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Waiting for approval |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Rejected |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Waiting for approval |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Published |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Reply |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Delete |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testforum1/testtopicwithmoderation@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | testTopicWithModerationComment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | comment n°1 in testTopicWithModeration |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | members add comments |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | second comment |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Waiting for approval |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Rejected |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Waiting for approval |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Published |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Reply |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Delete |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/simpleSearch.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@class="directoryFilter"] | testNote1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Search"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Search results for keywords: |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Summary |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Files |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Relations |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=My subscriptions |  |
info: Executing: |type | //input[@class="directoryFilter"] | truc |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Search"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Search results for keywords: |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | No documents match your search criteria |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/publication/publishDocumentBySectionManager.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open |  |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class="langSelect"] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorskspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |mouseDown | link=New document |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=File |  |
info: Executing: |type | //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/input[@type="text"] | test file to be publish 1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Create"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishTreeNode:handle:img:collapsed |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |assertTextPresent | Publish here |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Publish here |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Unpublish |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=test file to be publish 1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=test file to be publish 1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is published |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class="langSelect"] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=test file to be publish 1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/publication/PublishDocumentBySectionReaderForSectionManagerApproval.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open |  |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | linnet |
info: Executing: |type | password | linnet1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class="langSelect"] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as linnet |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorskspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=test file to be publish 1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishTreeNode:handle:img:collapsed |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishTreeNode:handle:img:collapsed |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |assertTextPresent | Publish here |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishCommandLink |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Unpublish |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=test file to be publish 1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=test file to be publish 1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=test file to be publish 1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is waiting for a publication approval |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class="langSelect"] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This folder contains no document |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/publication/publishingApprovalBySectionManager.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class="langSelect"] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Publish document |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Your dashboard is empty. |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=test file to be publish 1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is waiting for a publication approval |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Approve"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is published |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Your dashboard is empty. |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class="langSelect"] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=test file to be publish 1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | linnet |
info: Executing: |type | password | linnet1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class="langSelect"] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as linnet |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=test file to be publish 1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is published |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/publication/PublishDocumentBySectionReaderForSectionWriterApproval.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | /nuxeo |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | linnet |
info: Executing: |type | password | linnet1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class="langSelect"] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorskspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |mouseDown | link=New document |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=File |  |
info: Executing: |type | //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/input[@type="text"] | test file to be publish 2 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Create"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishTreeNode:handle:img:collapsed |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishTreeNode:handle:img:collapsed |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |assertTextPresent | Publish here |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishCommandLink |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Unpublish |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Unpublish |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is waiting for a publication approval |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class="langSelect"] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Note to be modified |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/publication/publishingApprovalBySectionWriter.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class="langSelect"] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Your dashboard is empty. |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is waiting for a publication approval |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Approve"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is published |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Your dashboard is empty. |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class="langSelect"] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | linnet |
info: Executing: |type | password | linnet1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class="langSelect"] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as linnet |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is published |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/publication/PublishDocumentBySectionReaderForSectionWriterReject.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open |  |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | linnet |
info: Executing: |type | password | linnet1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class="langSelect"] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as linnet |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorskspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Unpublish |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishTreeNode:handle:img:collapsed |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |assertTextPresent | Publish here |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Publish here |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Unpublish |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is waiting for a publication approval |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is published |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class="langSelect"] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Note to be modified |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/publication/publishingRejectBySectionWriter.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class="langSelect"] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Publish document |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Your dashboard is empty. |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is waiting for a publication approval |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Reject"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Please enter a comment |  |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id="document_view:nxl_default_summary_layout:rejectPublishingComment"] | refuse |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Reject"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=test file to be publish 1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Your dashboard is empty. |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class="langSelect"] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | linnet |
info: Executing: |type | password | linnet1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class="langSelect"] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as linnet |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorskspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Unpublish |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/publication/PublishDocumentBySectionReaderForSectionManagerReject.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open |  |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | linnet |
info: Executing: |type | password | linnet1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class="langSelect"] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as linnet |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorskspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Unpublish |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishTreeNode:handle:img:collapsed |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |assertTextPresent | Publish here |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Publish here |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Unpublish |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is waiting for a publication approval |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is published |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class="langSelect"] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Note to be modified |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=test file to be publish 1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/publication/publishingRejectBySectionManager.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class="langSelect"] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Publish document |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | Your dashboard is empty. |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is waiting for a publication approval |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Reject"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Please enter a comment |  |
info: Executing: |type | //textarea[@id="document_view:nxl_default_summary_layout:rejectPublishingComment"] | refuse |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Reject"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=New document |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Your dashboard is empty. |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class="langSelect"] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as bree |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | linnet |
info: Executing: |type | password | linnet1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class="langSelect"] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as linnet |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorskspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Unpublish |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/publication/unpublishBySectionManager.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class="langSelect"] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyNotEditable | //input[@value="Unpublish"] |  |
info: Executing: |click | //tr[@class="dataRowEven"]//input[@type="checkbox"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyChecked | //tr[@class="dataRowEven"]//input[@type="checkbox"] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForEditable | //input[@value="Unpublish"] | 15000 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Unpublish"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=test file to be publish 1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorskspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=test file to be publish 1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Default domain>Sections>testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | lbramard |
info: Executing: |type | password | lbramard1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class="langSelect"] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as lbramard |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=test file to be publish 1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorskspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=test file to be publish 1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Default domain>Sections>testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class="langSelect"] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorskspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=test file to be publish 1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Default domain>Sections>testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/publication/unpublishBySectionWriter.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jsmith |
info: Executing: |type | password | jsmith1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class="langSelect"] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jsmith |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyNotEditable | //input[@value="Unpublish"] |  |
info: Executing: |click | //input[@title="Select all / deselect all"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyChecked | //input[@title="Select all / deselect all"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyChecked | //tr[@class="dataRowOdd"]//input[@type="checkbox"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyChecked | //tr[@class="dataRowEven"]//input[@type="checkbox"] |  |
info: Executing: |waitForEditable | //input[@value="Unpublish"] | 15000 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Unpublish"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=test to be publish 1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=test to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This folder contains no document |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorskspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=test file to be publish 1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Default domain>Sections>testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Default domain>Sections>testSection1>testSection2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Default domain>Sections>testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Default domain>Sections>testSection1>testSection2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | lbramard |
info: Executing: |type | password | lbramard1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class="langSelect"] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as lbramard |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=test file to be publish 1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorskspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=test file to be publish 1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Default domain>Sections>testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Default domain>Sections>testSection1>testSection2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Default domain>Sections>testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Default domain>Sections>testSection1>testSection2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class="langSelect"] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Sections |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testSection2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=testNote1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Note to be modified |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorskspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=test file to be publish 1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Default domain>Sections>testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Default domain>Sections>testSection1>testSection2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=test file to be publish 2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Default domain>Sections>testSection1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Default domain>Sections>testSection1>testSection2 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Log out |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/publication/multiplePublication.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/note-to-be-modified@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishTreeNode:handle:img:collapsed |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 1000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishTreeNode:handle:img:collapsed |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishCommandLink |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests | publishTreeForm:publishTree |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishCommandLink |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests | publishTreeForm:publishTree |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishCommandLink |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/sections/testsection1/testsection2/note-to-be-modified@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is waiting for a publication approval |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | lbramard |
info: Executing: |type | password | lbramard1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/sections/testsection1/testsection2@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This folder contains no document. |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/note-to-be-modified@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishTreeNode:handle:img:collapsed |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishTreeNode:handle:img:collapsed |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishCommandLink |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishCommandLink |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishCommandLink |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/sections/testsection1/testsection2/note-to-be-modified@view_documents?tabId=&conversationId=0NXMAIN |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is waiting for a publication approval |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Publish document |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | linnet |
info: Executing: |type | password | linnet1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/sections/testsection1/testsection2@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This folder contains no document. |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/note-to-be-modified@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishTreeNode:handle:img:collapsed |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishTreeNode:handle:img:collapsed |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishCommandLink |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/sections/testsection1/testsection2/note-to-be-modified@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is published |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | linnet |
info: Executing: |type | password | linnet1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/sections/testsection1/testsection2/note-to-be-modified@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is published |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | lbramard |
info: Executing: |type | password | lbramard1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/sections/testsection1/testsection2/note-to-be-modified@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is published |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/sections/testsection1/testsection2/note-to-be-modified@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is published |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Your dashboard is empty. There are no tasks that require your intervention. |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/note-to-be-modified@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Unpublish |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/sections/testsection1/testsection2@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |assertTextPresent | This folder contains no document. |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/note-to-be-modified@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishTreeNode:handle:img:collapsed |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishTreeNode:handle:img:collapsed |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishCommandLink |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishCommandLink |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishCommandLink |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/sections/testsection1/testsection2/note-to-be-modified@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is waiting for a publication approval |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | lbramard |
info: Executing: |type | password | lbramard1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/sections/testsection1/testsection2@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This folder contains no document. |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/note-to-be-modified@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishTreeNode:handle:img:collapsed |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishTreeNode:handle:img:collapsed |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishCommandLink |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishCommandLink |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishCommandLink |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 1000 |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/sections/testsection1/testsection2/note-to-be-modified@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is waiting for a publication approval |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Publish document |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | linnet |
info: Executing: |type | password | linnet1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/sections/testsection1/testsection2@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This folder contains no document. |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/sections/testsection1/testsection2/note-to-be-modified@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |type | document_view:nxl_note_summary_layout:rejectPublishingComment | very good |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Approve"] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is published |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Your dashboard is empty. There are no tasks that require your intervention. |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | linnet |
info: Executing: |type | password | linnet1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/sections/testsection1/testsection2/note-to-be-modified@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is published |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | lbramard |
info: Executing: |type | password | lbramard1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/sections/testsection1/testsection2/note-to-be-modified@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is published |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/sections/testsection1/testsection2/note-to-be-modified@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is published |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Your dashboard is empty. There are no tasks that require your intervention. |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/note-to-be-modified@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | link=Unpublish |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/publication/multipleVersionPublication.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |mouseDown | link=New document |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Note |  |
info: Executing: |type | document_create:nxl_heading:nxw_title | note to be versionned and published |
info: Executing: |type | document_create:nxl_heading:nxw_description | the description |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | document_create:button_create |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishTreeNode:handle:img:collapsed |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishTreeNode:handle:img:collapsed |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishCommandLink |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Edit |  |
info: Executing: |click | document_edit:versioningOptionInstanceId:2 |  |
info: Executing: |type | document_edit:nxl_heading:nxw_title | note to be versionned and published v2 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Save"] |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/sections/testsection1/testsection2/note-to-be-versionned-an@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | 1.0 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextNotPresent | 2.0 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is published |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | bree |
info: Executing: |type | password | bree1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/sections/testsection1/testsection2/note-to-be-versionned-an@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is published |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/workspaces/testworskspace1/testfolder1/note-to-be-versionned-an@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Publish |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishTreeNode:handle:img:collapsed |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishTreeNode:handle:img:collapsed |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
info: Executing: |watchA4jRequests |  |  |
info: Executing: |click | publishTreeForm:publishTree:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0:publishRecursiveAdaptor:0::publishCommandLink |  |
info: Executing: |waitForA4jRequest | 10000 |  |
warn: currentTest.recordFailure: Timed out after 10000ms
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | 1.0 |  |
warn: currentTest.recordFailure: false
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | 2.0 |  |
warn: currentTest.recordFailure: false
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/sections/testsection1/testsection2@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | 1.0 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | 2.0 |  |
warn: currentTest.recordFailure: false
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=note to be versionned and published |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | This document is published |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default/default-domain/sections/testsection1/testsection2@view_documents |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=note to be versionned and published v2 |  |
error: Element link=note to be versionned and published v2 not found
warn: currentTest.recordFailure: Element link=note to be versionned and published v2 not found
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/publication/publishingTearDown.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | Administrator |
info: Executing: |type | password | Administrator |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |select | //select[@class="langSelect"] | label=English (United Kingdom) |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@class='langSubmit'] |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | You are logged as Administrator |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testWorskspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=testFolder1 |  |
info: Executing: |click | //form[@id="CHILDREN_DOCUMENT_LIST"]//table//tr/th/input |  |
info: Executing: |waitForEditable | //input[@value="Delete"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Delete"] |  |
info: Executing: |assertConfirmation | Delete selected document(s)? |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/testVocabulariesManagement.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open |  |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | Administrator |
info: Executing: |type | password | Administrator |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Vocabularies |  |
info: Executing: |assertTitle | Nuxeo DM - Vocabularies |  |
error: Actual value 'Nuxeo WebEngine - Vocabularies' did not match 'Nuxeo DM - Vocabularies'
warn: currentTest.recordFailure: Actual value 'Nuxeo WebEngine - Vocabularies' did not match 'Nuxeo DM - Vocabularies'
info: Starting test /selenium-server/tests/testMultipleDomainsDashboard.html
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default@view_domains |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Default domain |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=New domain |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |storeLocation | dashboardLocation |  |
info: Executing: |echo | javascript{storedVars.dashboardLocation} |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=My workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=testWorskspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=testWorkspace2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Last modified documents |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=testTopicWithoutModeration |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=testTopicWithModeration |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default@view_domains |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | Administrator |
info: Executing: |type | password | Administrator |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Create a new domain |  |
info: Executing: |type | //td[@class="fieldColumn"]/input[@type="text"] | New domain |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value='Create'] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Workspaces |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Create a new workspace |  |
info: Executing: |type | document_create:nxl_heading:nxw_title | test workspace in new domain |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | document_create:button_create |  |
info: Executing: |mouseDown | link=New document |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=File |  |
info: Executing: |type | document_create:nxl_heading:nxw_title | Administrator's file in new domain |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | document_create:button_create |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default@view_domains |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | jdoe |
info: Executing: |type | password | jdoe1 |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Default domain |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=New domain |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | link=Dashboard |  |
info: Executing: |verifyTextPresent | Select the domain |  |
info: Executing: |select | selectDashboardDomain:selectDashboardDomainMenu | label=New domain |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | selectDashboardDomain:dashboardDomainSubmitButton |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=testWorskspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=testWorkspace2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=test workspace in new domain |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=testTopicWithoutModeration |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=testTopicWithModeration |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Last modified documents |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Administrator's file in new domain |  |
info: Executing: |select | selectDashboardDomain:selectDashboardDomainMenu | label=Default domain |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | selectDashboardDomain:dashboardDomainSubmitButton |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=jdoe |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=testWorskspace1 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=testWorkspace2 |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=test workspace in new domain |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Last modified documents |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=testTopicWithoutModeration |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=testTopicWithModeration |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=Administrator's file in new domain |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |
info: Executing: |open | nxpath/default@view_domains |  |
info: Executing: |type | username | Administrator |
info: Executing: |type | password | Administrator |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | Submit |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Default domain |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=New domain |  |
info: Executing: |assertText | //form[@id="CHILDREN_DOCUMENT_LIST"]//table/tbody/tr[2]/td[3]//span | New domain |
info: Executing: |click | //form[@id="CHILDREN_DOCUMENT_LIST"]//table/tbody/tr[2]/td[1]//input |  |
info: Executing: |waitForEditable | //input[@value="Delete"] |  |
info: Executing: |clickAndWait | //input[@value="Delete"] |  |
info: Executing: |assertConfirmation | Delete selected document(s)? |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementPresent | link=Default domain |  |
info: Executing: |verifyElementNotPresent | link=New domain |  |
info: Executing: |open | logout |  |