Release Notes - Nuxeo Platform - Version 2021.55 - HTML format


  • [NXP-32447] - Upgrade or remove htmlunit from nuxeo-features-test to avoid vulnerability
  • [NXP-32452] - Prevent transaction timeouts during computeAndReplaceDigest
  • [NXP-32531] - Stream management endpoint reports weird error when metrics are disabled
  • [NXP-32577] - Fix nuxeo-lts build failing on TestAuditStorage


  • [NXP-32501] - Forbid Jakarta dependencies in Nuxeo build
  • [NXP-32535] - Backport HttpClientTestRule improvements
  • [NXP-32580] - Edit logger name in log4j2-test.xml files
  • [NXP-32657] - Upgrade gatling to 3.4.2


  • [NXP-32378] - Improve Full GC traces
  • [NXP-32576] - Make sure unit tests are run in a predictable order

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