- [NXP-31531] - Document modification event fired even if document is not updated
- [NXP-31616] - Make workflow escalation check scalable
- [NXP-31621] - Make Kafka replication factor param optional
- [NXP-31636] - Fix CSV export with MongoDB transient store
- [NXP-31642] - Fix keycloack typo
- [NXP-31668] - Mixing Kafka and Chronicle default logConfig results in duplicate records
- [NXP-31673] - Fix StreamWorkManager running threads metric
New Feature
- [NXP-31643] - Add a Page Provider management endpoint
- [NXP-31662] - Remove LTS server preview from build pipeline
- [NXP-31680] - Merge Tomcat upgrade pull requests automatically
- [NXP-31681] - Move the artefact data-test-les-arbres-redis-1.1.gz to packages
- [NXP-31683] - Upgrade Tomcat to 9.0.72
- [NXP-29512] - Make PostgreSQL and MongoDB unit tests statuses required
- [NXP-31665] - Fix retainable simple blob list not properly dispatched to the record blob provider
- [NXP-31674] - Print a log message when Nuxeo is shutting down
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