- [NXP-29416] - Add an explicite dependency on nuxeo-core-cache in nuxeo-platform-usermanager-core
- [NXP-30425] - stream.sh workCat fails when Work cannot be loaded without runtime
- [NXP-30566] - Fix creation of a 'OAuth 2 Service Provider' with just blank character(s)
- [NXP-30629] - Fix NPE when overriding a binary metadata rule
- [NXP-31289] - Bulk Status for multi computations action has empty processing stats
- [NXP-31325] - Datadog Reporter is missing the "sum" timer metric
- [NXP-31349] - Fix benchmark tests when branch contains slash
- [NXP-31357] - orphanVersionRemoverListener and blobManagerDeleteMarkedBlobsListener should be scheduled in common queue
New Feature
- [NXP-31316] - Update Gatling simulation to use stream importer instead of legacy importer
- [NXP-31318] - csvExport makeBlob computation should be more resilient by default
- [NXP-30997] - Integrate the benchmark tests in the nuxeo build
- [NXP-31291] - Aggregate and deploy benchmark results website
- [NXP-31307] - Update Gatling simulation to benchmark full reindex
- [NXP-31313] - Upgrade Tomcat to 9.0.68
- [NXP-31328] - Run the benchmark tests on nuxeo promotion
- [NXP-30988] - Update slf4j to 1.7.32
- [NXP-31301] - Undeploy Nuxeo before services in benchmark
- [NXP-31302] - Allow to configure the bucket prefix of the s3DirectUploadBlobProviderDestination BlobProvider
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